Open Source Enterprise
The Open Source Enterprise (OSE) is a United States Government organization dedicated to open-source intelligence that was established by Assistant Deputy Director of National Intelligence for Open Source (ADDNI/OS), Eliot A. Jardines.
According to the Director of National Intelligence's publication entitled, "National Open Source Enterprise" which was released in April, 2006:
The mission of ADDNI/OS is "To enable all intelligence disciplines to provide timely, relevant and value-added insight to consumers via the National Open Source Enterprise.
The vision of ADDNI/OS is "Open sources are routinely exploited in all intelligence disciplines, facilitated by innovative experts - but with every officer open source capable. Supporting technology is interoperable, and the availability of information resources is maximized by strong public-private relationships, information sharing best practices, and an agile requirements process."
The values of ADDNI/OS are:
- Agility - the ability to respond quickly and effectively to any challenge or opportunity.
- Gestalt - the enterprise we build is greater than the sum of its parts.
- Excellence - in all our actions and activities - providing unparalleled support.
The ADDNI/OS established five goals for the National Open Source Enterprise:
- Source of First Resort. is the source of first resort for all disciplines and the precursor for clandestine and technical collection.
- Guild. Our people are empowered by a guild of experts who champion the use of open sources, by universal training in open source exploitation, and by embedding open sources in the work of all disciplines.
- Global Input. Global input ensures the broadest range of information with relevant sourcing background is accessible to all consumers.
- Single Architecture. A single open source architecture provides optimum access to information - acquired once and shared with all.
- Open Source Works. A robust Skunk Works-like capability anticipates and capitalizes on emerging opportunities driving innovation in tradecraft, analysis and technology.[1]
As of December 2016, Open Source Enterprise operates a facility at Caversham Park alongside the UK's equivalent open-source intelligence service, BBC Monitoring. In an information-sharing collaboration at Caversham, BBC Monitoring handles media from 25% of the world while Open Source handles the remaining 75%. There are plans to move Monitoring's headquarters elsewhere, possibly impacting this cooperation.[2] The House of Commons Foreign Affairs and Defence Committees have strongly condemned the gradual scaling down of BBC Monitoring's capabilities in two separate reports.[3]