Oglethorpe Hotel

The Oglethorpe Hotel in Brunswick, Georgia was designed by architect J.A. Wood and constructed in 1888. Wood also designed the Mahoney-McGarvey House at 1709 Reynolds Street in Brunswick, Georgia, a carpenter gothic architecture style home constructed in 1891 that remains in existence.[1] The hotel was named for General James Edward Oglethorpe.[2]

Oglethorpe Hotel in 1892
Mahoney-McGarvey House, also designed by J. A. Wood in Brunswick, Georgia

The hotel operated from 1888 until 1958. It was constructed of brick and had three main levels. The building was capped by conical towers at the corners and in the center.[3]


  1. Mahoney-McGarvey House Vanishing South Georgia
  2. image Jekyll Island History
  3. Oglethorpe Hotel by Amy Hedrick GlennGenn.com

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