Nordic Council Literature Prize

The Nordic Council Literature Prize is awarded for a work of literature written in one of the languages of the Nordic countries, that meets "high literary and artistic standards".[1] Established in 1962, the prize is awarded every year, and is worth 350,000 Danish kroner (2008).[1] Eligible works are typically novels, plays, collections of poetry, short stories or essays, or other works that were published for the first time during the last four years, or in the case of works written in Danish, Norwegian, or Swedish, within the last two years. The prize is one of the most prestigious awards that Nordic authors can win.

Nordic Council Literature Prize
Awarded for"a work of imaginative literature written in one of the Nordic languages"
DateAnnual, winner announced in the spring
CountryNordic countries
Presented byNordic Council
Reward(s)DKK 350,000
First awarded1962

The winner is chosen by an adjudication committee appointed by the Nordic Council. The committee consists of ten members, two each from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. The committee members are generally experts in their own country's literature, as well as their neighbouring countries.[1] In addition to the regular members, additional members may be added to the committee if works are nominated from Åland, the Faroe Islands, Greenland or the Sami language area. Apart from the monetary award, the intent of the prize is also to "increase interest in the literature of neighbouring countries as well in Nordic cultural fellowship".[1]

Committee members as of 2019

As of 2019 the jury consists of the following proper elected members[2]

  • Sunna Dís Másdóttir, chair (Iceland)
  • Ane Farsethås, vice chair (Norway)
  • Amanda Svensson (Sweden)
  • Elisabeth Friis (Denmark)
  • Henrika Ringbom (Finland)
  • Kristiina Lähde (Finland)
  • Kristján Jóhann Jónsson (Iceland)
  • Lise Vandborg (Denmark)
  • Rune Christiansen (Norway)
  • Sara Abdollahi (Sweden)

Additionally the jury includes deputy members, appointed members and ex officio members.

List of winners

The following is a complete list of recipients of the Nordic Council Literature Prize:[3]

YearEnglish titleOriginal titleAuthorCountryOriginal LanguageRef
1962The Days of His GraceHans nådes tidEyvind Johnson SwedenSwedish
1963Under the North Star 3: ReconciliationTäällä Pohjantähden alla 3Väinö Linna FinlandFinnish
1964The Ice PalaceIs-slottetTarjei Vesaas Norway Norwegian
1965From Hell to ParadiseFrån Helvetet till ParadisetOlof Lagercrantz SwedenSwedish
The Good HopeDet gode HåbWilliam Heinesen Faroe IslandsDanish
1966Diwan on the Prince of EmgionDīwān över Fursten av EmgiónGunnar Ekelöf SwedenSwedish
1967Nye novellerNye novellerJohan Borgen Norway Norwegian
1968Flight of the EagleIngenjör Andrées luftfärdPer Olof Sundman SwedenSwedish
1969The LegionnairesLegionärernaPer Olov Enquist SwedenSwedish
1970Anna, I, AnnaAnna, jeg, AnnaKlaus Rifbjerg DenmarkDanish
1971Coast of Slaves, Ships of Slaves and Islands of SlavesSlavernes kyst, Slavernes skibe and Slavernes øerThorkild Hansen DenmarkDanish
1972Sju ord på tunnelbananSju ord på tunnelbananKarl Vennberg SwedenSwedish
1973Kersantin poikaKersantin poikaVeijo Meri FinlandFinnish
1974Uden mål – og medUden mål – og medVilly Sørensen DenmarkDanish
1975Siinä näkijä missä tekijäSiinä näkijä missä tekijäHannu Salama FinlandFinnish
1976Að laufferjum and Að brunnumAð laufferjum and Að brunnumÓlafur Jóhann Sigurðsson IcelandIcelandic
1977I de mörka rummen, i de ljusaI de mörka rummen, i de ljusaBo Carpelan FinlandSwedish
1978Dalen PortlandDalen PortlandKjartan Fløgstad Norway Norwegian
1979PubertetPubertetIvar Lo-Johansson SwedenSwedish
1980Vredens barnVredens barnSara Lidman SwedenSwedish
1981Hauströkkrið yfir mérHauströkkrið yfir mérSnorri Hjartarson IcelandIcelandic
1982Samuels bokSamuels bokSven Delblanc SwedenSwedish
1983Om fjorten dageOm fjorten dagePeter Seeberg DenmarkDanish
1984The Christmas OratorioJuloratorietGöran Tunström SwedenSwedish
1985A Day in OstrobothniaPohjanmaaAntti Tuuri FinlandFinnish
1986LíkasumLíkasumRói Patursson Faroe IslandsFaroese
1987Hudløs himmelHudløs himmelHerbjørg Wassmo Norway Norwegian
1988Justice UndoneGrámosinn glóirThor Vilhjálmsson IcelandIcelandic
1989Roman 1987Roman 1987Dag Solstad Norway Norwegian
1990For the Living and the DeadFör levande och dödaTomas Tranströmer SwedenSwedish
1991The Sun, My FatherBeaivi, áhčážanNils-Aslak Valkeapää Sami language areaSami
1992Night WatchMeðan nóttin líðurFríða Á. Sigurðardóttir IcelandIcelandic
1993Byen og verdenByen og verdenPeer Hultberg DenmarkDanish
1994BlackwaterHändelser vid vattenKerstin Ekman SwedenSwedish
1995Angels of the UniverseEnglar alheimsinsEinar Már Guðmundsson IcelandIcelandic
1996Hva skal vi gjøre i dag og andre novellerHva skal vi gjøre i dag og andre novellerØystein Lønn Norway Norwegian
1997Bang. En roman om Herman BangBang. En roman om Herman BangDorrit Willumsen DenmarkDanish
1998After Having Spent a Night Among HorsesEfter att ha tillbringat en natt bland hästarTua Forsström FinlandSwedish
1999Queen's GateDronningeportenPia Tafdrup DenmarkDanish
2000DrømmebroerDrømmebroerHenrik Nordbrandt DenmarkDanish
2001The DiscovererOppdagerenJan Kjærstad Norway Norwegian
2002The Half BrotherHalvbrorenLars Saabye Christensen Norway Norwegian
2003RevbensstädernaRevbensstädernaEva Ström SwedenSwedish
2004JuoksuhaudantieJuoksuhaudantieKari Hotakainen FinlandFinnish
2005The Blue FoxSkugga-BaldurSjón IcelandIcelandic
2006The OceanOceanenGöran Sonnevi SwedenSwedish
2007DrömfakultetenDrömfakultetenSara Stridsberg SwedenSwedish
2008BaboonBavianNaja Marie Aidt DenmarkDanish
2009I Curse the River of TimeJeg forbanner tidens elvPer Petterson Norway Norwegian
2010PurgePuhdistusSofi Oksanen FinlandFinnish
2011Between the TreesMilli trjánnaGyrðir Elíasson IcelandIcelandic
2012Days in the History of SilenceDager i stillhetens historieMerethe Lindstrøm Norway Norwegian
2013The Prophets of Eternal FjordProfeterne fra EvighedsfjordenKim Leine DenmarkDanish[4]
2014Mirage 38Hägring 38Kjell Westö FinlandSwedish[5]
2015Andvake, Olavs draumar and KveldsvævdAndvake, Olavs draumar and KveldsvævdJon Fosse Norway Norwegian[6]
2016Songs and FormulaeSånger och formlerKatarina Frostenson SwedenSwedish[7]
2017Memories of LoveErindring om kærlighedenKirsten Thorup DenmarkDanish[8]
2018Hotel SilenceÖrAuður Ava Ólafsdóttir IcelandIcelandic[9]
2019After the sunEfter SolenJonas Eika DenmarkDanish[10]
gollark: Quite a lot of the time you can use Linux, or run Windows in a VM, or use Wine, or dual-boot, or something.
gollark: There would still be bones...
gollark: I hope they aren't still stuck in there.
gollark: It works for me, since I can just shut down everything and rewire it periodically. Also, fewer cables.
gollark: I just let the messes and randomly tangled cables build up.


  1. "About the Literature Prize". Nordic Council. Archived from the original on 2012-05-14. Retrieved 2011-11-13.
  2. "Bedømmelseskomitéen for Nordisk Råds Litteraturpris - Nordisk samarbeid".
  3. "The winners — Nordic Council Literature Prize". Nordic Council. Retrieved 5 January 2019.
  4. "Dansker får Nordisk Råds Litteraturpris". Retrieved 21 April 2018.
  5. "Nordisk Råds litteraturpris — Nordisk samarbejde". Retrieved 21 April 2018.
  6. NRK. "Fosse vant Nordisk råds litteraturpris". Retrieved 21 April 2018.
  7. "Winner of the Nordic Council Literature Prize 2016 — Nordic cooperation". 27 December 2016. Retrieved 21 April 2018.
  8. "Overvældet Kirsten Thorup takker for nordisk litteraturpris". DR. Ritzau. 1 November 2017. Retrieved 2 November 2017.
  9. "The Nordic Council Literature Prize 2018 goes to Auður Ava Ólafsdóttir". 2018. Retrieved 5 January 2019.
  10. "Jonas Eika has won the 2019 Nordic Council Literature Prize | Nordic cooperation".

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