Niskala Wastu Kancana

King Niskala Wastu Kancana or also known as Prabu Raja Wastu or popularly known as Wastu Kancana was one of a great king of Sunda Galuh Kingdom reigned throughout 15th century.[1]:390

He ruled for 104 years, between 1371–1475.[1]:392 His reign is remembered as a long era of peace and prosperity.

Early life

Wastu was the youngest son of Prabu Maharaja and the brother of Princess Pitaloka Citraresmi, which together, with most of Wastu's family, perished in Pasunda Bubat incident. In 1357, his family went to Majapahit in East Java to marry Wastu's eldest sister, Princess Pitaloka, with Maharaja Hayam Wuruk of Majapahit. As a toddler, Wastu however, were left to stay in Kawali palace, and did not accompany his family to travel to faraway Trowulan in Majapahit. Gajah Mada, the ambitious prime minister of Majapahit, saw the event as an opportunity to demand Sunda Kingdom submission to Majapahit overlordship. He demanded Princess Pitaloka to be given as a mere concubine, as a token of submission. Enraged, the Sundanese party felt humiliated and refused, thus subsequently violence broke out, and the entire Sundanese royal party were killed, including Wastu's parents, sister, and extended family.[1]:391

As a toddler, Wastu is considered too young to reign. Subsequently, the throne was delegated under the regency of his tutor and also a relative, Hyang Bunisora, until Wastu come of age. Hyang Bunisora ruled for 14 years, until as a regent, he abdicated in favour of Prince Wastu.


"... nya mana sang Rama e(na)k mangan, sang Resi enak ngaresisasana, ngawakan na Purbatisti, Purbajati. Sang Dis(r)i enak masini ngawakan na manusasana, ngaduman alas pari-alas. Ku beet hamo diukih, ku gede hamo diukih. Nya mana sang Tarahan enak lalayaran ngawakan manurajasasana ... ngawakan sanghiyang rajasasana, angadeg di sanghiyang Linggawesi, brata siya puja tanpa lum. Sang Wiku e(n)ak ngadewasasana ngawakan sanghiyang watangageung, enak ngadeg manu-raja-suniya ..,"
"... thus the village elders eat well, the Rishis peacefully performed their Rishi rule of Purbatisti Purbajati. The medicine men/women peacefully entered into an agreement concerning life, distributing forest and its surrounding, either for the small (weak) and the big (powerful), there is no complain whatsoever. Even the sailors felt safe sailing according to King's rule, hold firmly to King's law, stands on Sanghyang Linggawesi, fasting and praying endlessly. The Wiku (priests) peacefully uphold the gods' rules, adhering to Sanghyang Watangageung. It was also because of his faith, that the King abdicated ..,"

Carita Parahyangan[1]:392

In 1371, Prince Wastu ascended to throne, stylized as Prabu Raja Wastu Kancana. Raja Wastu resided in Kawali palace of Galuh. According to Kawali inscription, approximately dated from second half of the 14th century, mentioned that King Prabu Raja Wastu constructed the defensive structures; walls and moats surrounding Kawali city, and renovated Surawisesa palace.[2]

The copperplate inscription of Kebantenan I (Jayagiri) reads that Raja Rahyang Niskala Wastu Kancana sent an order through Hyang Ningrat Kancana to the Susuhunan of Pakuan Pajajaran to take care of dayohan in Jayagiri and Sunda Sembawa, banning the collection of collecting taxes from the residents because they were knowledgeable about the (Hindu) religion and worshiped the gods.

He reigned for about 104 years (1371–1475), and celebrated as an era of peace and prosperity. Compared to other previous Sunda kings, the Sundanese manuscript Carita Parahyangan allocated quite a lot of verses about Niskala Wastu Kancana, all of them full of praise and adoration.

Death and successor

The Batutulis inscription dated from later period, mentioned him as Rahiyang Niskala Wastu Kancana, the father of Rahyang Niskala, and the grand father of Sri Baduga Maharaja, King of Pakuan Pajajaran. According to Carita Parahyangan, the hundred years old king was abdicated and retreated to hermit life. Rahiyang Niskala Wastu Kancana was buried at Nusa Larang (forbidden island), which might be identified as Nusa Kambangan near the estuarine of Ci Tanduy that flow through Galuh Kingdom territory.[2]

Niskala Wastu Kancana's son, named as Tohaan di Galuh in Carita Parahyangan, succeeded him as the king. The new king however, reigned for only seven years and subsequently demoted. Carita Parahyangan tell that "... kena salah twa(h) bogo(h) ka estri larangan ti kaluaran ..," which translate as "because (his) wrongdoing, fell in love with a forbidden outsider woman."[1]:393 The term "outsider woman" is interesting and has led to various proposition; could it be the new king fell in love with a foreigner. Or according to tradition, probably it was because the new king fell in love with a Javanese woman. According to tradition, in his grief, enraged by the death of his family in Majapahit, King Niskala Wastu Kancana issued edict of "estri larangan ti kaluaran" which forbade Sundanese to marry Javanese. A law that later were violated by his own son.

gollark: My theory of what's up, copied from the forum thread:If many new eggs are being introduced to the system, then that will most affect the stuff which is rarest, by making it rarer by comparison, but commons will stay the same. As for why it happened now? Weekly updates, possibly.Example:Imagine there are 200 dragons, 5 of which are golds.The ratio of golds to total dragons is now 5:200 = 1:40. If the target ratio is 1:50 then prices will be higher to compensate.Now imagine there are an extra 200 dragons added, none of which are golds.The ratio would then be 5:400 = 1:80. Then, assuming the same target, prices will drop.This is of course simplified, and the ratios may not work like this, but this matches observed behavior pretty well.
gollark: That why was rhetorical.
gollark: As I said on the forums:```That makes sense. If many new eggs are being introduced to the system, then that will most affect the stuff which is rarest, by making it rarer by comparison, but commons will stay the same. As for why it happened now? Weekly updates, possibly.```
gollark: Why?
gollark: I think it's just halloween.


  1. Marwati Djoened Poesponegoro; Nugroho Notosusanto (2008). Sejarah Nasional Indonesia: Zaman Kuno (in Indonesian). Balai Pustaka. ISBN 979407408X. Retrieved 3 June 2018.
  2. Sejarah Daerah Jawa Barat (in Indonesian). Direktorat Jenderal Kebudayaan.
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