
Niari is a caste in Odisha state (Orissa), Eastern India. Niari is a caste in Orissa which is a part of Kshatriya community. The caste Niari has not yet been included in the Orissa Scheduled Caste list. Govt of India has denied their inclusion in SC/ST list as it belongs to General caste and they are not included in Kaibarta/keuta. Kaibarta/Keuta are lower caste and have been identified as SC under Govt of India. But Niari (Region du Niari)/Nyayari belong to upper caste whose occupational activity was running local business like sugar mills, mines and making flattened rice and they don't belong to keuta community."


According to the Hindu scriptures, Niari was known in the Puranas-Ganga Dynasty. This community is very rare across India and focus in the profession of fishing and chudakuta work. Few greedy people want to take advantage of facility from the Gov. in the name of caste. Forcefully degrading and merging them self in other caste.

In history a group of unemployed and poor people mostly of the Niari Caste, and few other caste, adopted a profession, usually preparing flattened rice by command of the king. It helped them to balance their economy. This food item helped in battle and in disaster. It also has been offering to god as prsad. People sometimes called them Radhi, as their rice beating sound was like the instrument's rhythm.

Flattening Rice is originally invented at Malwa. Politically and administratively, the historical Malwa region includes districts of western Madhya Pradesh and parts of south-eastern Rajasthan. Occupation of the people of Malwa is agriculture. The region has been one of the important producers of opium in the world. Wheat and soybeans are other important cash crops, and textiles are a major industry.

The Government Judicial analysis and statement:

"Niari is a caste in Orissa which is a part of Kshatriya community. According to the Hindu scriptures the caste known as Radhi/Niari (Region du Niari) belonged to upper caste. In early times they were involved in govt offices but later the kayastha's were moved to this position and then they were moved out of the offices. Later they started their business like running sugar mills and preparing flattened rice. Modern Era: A return has been filed by the State. In paragraph-3 of the counter affidavit it has been averred that: "............ It has been seen from the Record-of-Rights of the Tahasil that caste "Kaibarta" has been recorded against some individual tenants and Niari against some other individual tenants. So the Kaibarta and Niari are two completely different castes having different occupations.
The caste Niari has not yet been included in the Orissa Scheduled Caste list. The clarification issued by the Government vide letter No. 25943/HTW dated 22-8-1989 from joint Director-cum-Deputy Secretary to Government, H. & T. W. Department Orissa, Bhubaneswar does not show that Niari is a sub- caste of caste Kaibarta as claimed by the petitioner. In forming a general opinion it is seen at this place that there are some persons belonging to different castes are also occupying the profession of "Chudakuta" and "Mudhibhaja" and also fishing with their own nets. But certainly they are not Kaibarta, Keuta or Dhibara. Therefore Niari cannot be treated as Dewar".
So, the Niaris doesn't belong to Kaibarta community or Keuta community. They are not included in SC/ST list. Their origin have descended from khsatriya and they have been moved from the govt offices to the local business. Govt of India has denied their inclusion in SC/ST list as it belongs to General caste and they are not included in Kaibarta/keuta. Kaibarta/Keuta are lower caste and have been identified as SC under Govt of India. But Niari (Region du Niari)/Nyayari belong to upper caste whose occupational activity was running local business like sugar mills, mines and making flattened rice and they don't belong to keuta community."
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