Newport 1958 (disambiguation)

Newport 1958 or Live at Newport 1958, etc. can refer to one of several albums recorded at the 1958 Newport Jazz Festival.

  • Newport 1958, a Duke Ellington album on Columbia Records
  • Newport '58, a Dinah Washington album on EmArcy Records
  • Live at Newport '58, a Horace Silver album on Blue Note Records - released in 2008
  • At Newport 1958, a Miles Davis album on Columbia Records - released in 1964
  • Live at Newport 1958 & 1963, a Sony Records album released in 1994 of live recordings made of Miles Davis and Thelonious Monk at the Newport Jazz Festivals in 1958 and 1963
  • Newport 1958, Columbia Records recording of the Dave Brubeck Quartet
  • Live at Newport 1958, a Mahalia Jackson recording from Columbia Records

See also:

  • At Newport (disambiguation)
  • Miles & Monk at Newport, Columbia Records album recorded live at the 1958 (Davis) and 1963 (Monk) Newport Jazz Festivals
  • Ray Charles at Newport, Atlantic Records recording of Ray Charles at the 1958 Newport Jazz Festival
  • Miles & Coltrane, Columbia Records release includes recordings from the 1958 Newport Jazz Festival
  • Jazz on a Summer's Day, a 1960 documentary film set at the 1958 Newport Jazz Festival
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