Naramdev Brahmin
Narmadiya Brahmins, also transliterated as Naramdiya or Naramdev, are descendants of the priests of the Somnath temple who were forced to migrate from Gujarat to Madhya Pradesh are settled along the bank of the Narmada River. Their migration owes to the forays and desecration of the Somnath temple by Mahmud Ghazni.
Some common surnames of Narmadiya Brahmins are Joshi, Upadhyay, Gawshinde (also spelled as Gavshinde or Gaoshinde), Sharma, Bargale, Atre, Geete (Gite), Shandilya, Sakargaye (sakargayen), saraf , Dongre, Negi, Billore, Kashiv, Pare, Sakalley, Sitoke ,, Uprit, Guha, Barve, Pagare etc.
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