Mountain Metropolitan Transit/Routes

Here you can find a list of Mountain Metropolitan Transit routes as of April 30, 2017. Another link can be found here: Metro Routes Page


Please keep in mind that routes, schedules & services may change at any time.

  • Spring Service Changes listed below for April 30, 2017.

features new Routes 17, 19, & 35 also Routes that no longer service the Downtown Transfer Center #6, 8, 12, 15, & 16

  • Route 1: Hillside-Hancock Plaza - Downtown Terminal, Hillside, Pikes Peak Park, Hancock Plaza -
  • Route 2: Centennial/Garden of the Gods Rd - Downtown Terminal, VA Clinic (Fillmore/Centennial), Holland Park, Citizens Service Center -
  • Route 3: Colorado Ave/Manitou Springs - Downtown Terminal, Colorado Ave., Old Colorado City, Manitou Springs -
  • Route 4: 8th Street/Broadmoor - Downtown Terminal, 8th Street, Skyway, The Broadmoor resort -
  • Route 5: Boulder St./Citadel - Downtown Terminal, Boulder Street, Memorial Hospital, Olympic Training, Platte Ave, Citadel Transfer -interlined with Route 25 on weekends and Monday thru Friday evening service, Route 5 also runs 15min service during the weekdays daytime -
  • Route 6: E. Fillmore St/Citadel, Fillmore, Cascade, Union, Constitution, Lelaray, Chelton, Citadel Transfer, Interlined with Routes 8 & 17 -
  • Route 7: Pikes Peak Ave/Citadel - Downtown Terminal, Pikes Peak Ave., Parkside, Academy Blvd, Citadel Transfer, interlined with Route 27 weekday evenings and weekends -
  • Route 8: Cache La Poudre St./Citadel - Cache La Poudre/Nevada Ave, Colorado College, Cache La Poudre, Galley, Citadel, interlined with Routes 6 & 17 -
  • Route 9: Nevada Ave./UCCS - Downtown Terminal, Cascade Ave., Colorado College, Penrose Hospital, Old North End, Cragmor, UCCS -
  • Route 10: Hwy. 115/PPCC - Downtown Terminal, S. Nevada, Southgate, Hwy 115, Westmeadow, PPCC -
  • Route 11: World Arena/PPCC - Downtown Terminal, S. Nevada, Southgate, World Arena, B Street, PPCC -
  • Route 12: Palmer Park Blvd. - Senior Center, Palmer Park Blvd., Space Center, Colorado College, Cache La Poudre -
  • Route 14: Chestnut/Garden of the Gods Rd. - Downtown Terminal, Chestnut, Holland Park area, GOG Rd., EPC Citizens Center, interlined with route 34 -
  • Route 15: E. Fountain Blvd-Cheyenne Mountain Ctr - Nevada Ave-Rio Grande St,Fountain/Circle, Venetucci Blvd & Lake Ave, Tinseltown USA, World Arena -
  • Route 16: Brookside St./Uintah Gardens - S. Nevada Ave, Navajo St, Brookside/8th, Aspen Pointe, Pleasant Valley, 19th St & Henderson Ave -
  • Route 17: 19th St-W. Fillmore - Cache La Poudre St & Nevada Ave, 19th St & Henderson Ave, Fillmore St & Cascade Ave, interlined with Route's 6 & 8 -
  • Route 19: Nevada Ave-Eagle Rock - Downtown Terminal, Cache La Poudre St & Nevada Ave, Fillmore St & Cascade Ave, Eagle Rock Transfer Point -
  • Route 22: Southborough via Murray Blvd - Citadel Transfer, S. Murray, Jet Wing, Astrozon, Hancock Plaza Transfer -
  • Route 23: Galley Rd./Tutt Blvd. - Citadel Transfer, Galley Rd., Tutt Blvd., First & Main Town Center, Stetson Hills, Morning Sun Transfer -
  • Route 25: N. Academy Blvd. - Citadel Mall Transfer Center, Morning Sun Ave, Voyager Pkwy Transfer Center, interlined with Route 5 weekday evenings and weekends -
  • Route 27: S. Academy Blvd. - Citadel Transfer, Hancock Plaza Transfer, PPCC, interlined with Route 7 weekday evenings and weekends -
  • Route 32: Security/Widefield - Hancock Plaza Transfer, Main St., Security, CO, Widefield, CO -
  • Route 33: Manitou Incline/COG - Manitou Springs Memorial Park, The Incline, Pikes Peak Cog Railway (Year-Round FREE Shuttle) -
  • Route 34: Garden of the Gods/Austin Bluffs - Austin Bluffs/Academy, UCCS, Garden Of The Gods Pkwy., Citizens Center, interlined with route 14 -
  • Route 35: Las Vegas St-PPCC - El Paso County Jail-CJC, PPCC -
  • Route 36: FREE Manitou Springs Shuttle - Manitou & Ruxton Ave, El Paso Blvd & Breckers Ln, Seasonal Shuttle runs 4/30/2017 to 9/17/2017 -
  • Route 39: Corporate Dr-Voyager Pkwy - Eagle Rock, Corp. Center Dr., Woodmen Rd., Corporate Ctr Drive - Voyager Parkway Transfer Center

—Discontinued Routes--

  • Route 2 - Printers Parkway - Hancock Plaza.: *Discontinued in 2009! - Ran similar to Route 1, only it served International/Parkside & Chelton/Airport. (2005–2009)
  • Route 9A & 9B: *Discontinued in 2015! - Downtown Terminal, Cascade Ave., UCCS, And on 9A only: N. Nevada, Woodmen, Chapel Hills (2014-2015)
  • Route 13 - Cascade/GOG Rd.: *Discontinued in 2009! - Ran only Evenings & Sundays combining Routes 9 & 14 into an hourly service. It ran Cascade, Nevada, Mountview (transferred to the 19), Garden Of The Gods to Centennial, & the Holland Park area. (2005–2009)
  • Route 17 - Cheyenne Mountain Zoo: *Discontinued in 2009! - Ran between Southgate Rd. and the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo via The Broadmoor. (2008-2009)
  • Route 19 - Austin Bluffs: *Discontinued in 2009! - Ran only Evenings & Sundays combining Routes 5, 20, 9, & 14 into an hourly service. Ran Boulder, Circle, Van Buren, Hancock, Westmoreland, UCCS, Austin Bluffs to the old Morning Sun Transfer. (2005–2009)
  • Route 20 - Circle/UCCS: *Discontinued in 2009! - Ran between Citadel & UCCS via Galley, Circle, Fillmore, & Manchester. (2005–2009)
  • Route 21 - Murray/1st&Main: *Discontinued in 2009! - Ran between Citadel and the First & Main Town Center via North Murray. (2005–2009)
  • Route 22 - Security/Widefield: *Discontinued in 2012!
  • Route 23 - Constitution/Oro Blanco: *Discontinued in 2009! - Ran between Citadel and Morning Sun transfer via Constitution, Carefree. (2005–2009)
  • Route 24 - Galley Rd./Peterson AFB: *Discontinued in 2015! Ran between The Citadel Transfer & Peterson AFB via Galley Road, Cimarron Hills (2005-2015)
  • Route 30 - Fort Carson: *Discontinued in 2009! - Ran between PPCC and Fort Carson. (2005-2009)
  • Route 31 - Fountain: *Discontinued in 2012! - Ran between PPCC and Fountain, CO. Fountain itself picked up this route. (2005–2012)
  • Route 32 - Uintah Gardens: *Discontinued in 2009! - Ran between Fillmore/Mesa and 8th/Moreno. Changed into Route 16 - Brookside. (2005-2009)
  • Route 33 - Fort Carson: *Discontinued in 2009! - Ran similar to Route 30, but served less of the area than Route 30. Designed to be a Fort Carson limited service route. (2005-2009)
  • Route 41 - Sabin Junior High: *Discontinued in 2009! (2006-2009)
  • Route 42 - Cheyenne Mountain Junior & High School: *Discontinued in 2009! (2005-2009)
  • Route 43 - Cheyenne, Pinon, and Broadmoor Elementary: *Discontinued in 2009! (2005-2009)
  • Route 53 - FasTrack: *Discontinued in 2006!
  • Route 55 - DASH: *Discontinued in 2009!
  • Route 92 - Schriever AFB North: *Discontinued in 2010! (2005-2010)
  • Route 93 - Schriever AFB Northeast: *Discontinued in 2010! (2005-2010)
  • Route 94 - Schriever AFB South: *Discontinued in 2008! (2007-2008)
  • Route 95 - Schriever AFB Central: *Discontinued in 2010! (2005-2010)

Spring Mountain Transit (until 2005)

Route 1 - North Academy
Route 2 - Fort Carson
(Split into Route 25 Fort Carson/World Arena and rest renamed Route 2 South Nevada/PPCC in Winter 2003) Route 2 - South Nevada/PPCC (Shortened and renamed from Route 2 Fort Carson)
Route 3 - Cascade
Route 4 - Wahsatch
Route 5 - Citadel/PPCC
Route 6 - Rustic Hills (Services were chopped from going to Hathaway to Paonia just behind K-Mart in 1997)
Route 6 - West Uintah (This section merged with Route 11 to form 11B AKA 11U)
Route 7 - Hillside (7A Ran the Winnipeg/Tahoe while 7B Ran the Parkside/International)
Route 8 - Eastborough
Route 9 - Widefield (Merged with Route 71 Fountain in Winter 2003 to form Route 71 Fountain/Widefield)
Route 11 - A-Manitou/B-Uintah Gardens (11A AKA 11M ran to Manitou 11 times per day while 11B aka 11U Ran the 30th St.)
Route 12 - Peterson AFB
Route 14 - Broadmoor
Route 15 - Citadel-East Library
Route 17 - Constitution
Route 18 - Holland Park
Route 21 - South Academy (Created in 1997) (Services between The Citadel and PPCC running every 70 mins.)
Route 22 - Broadmoor/Southgate (Created in Spring 2003; eliminated in Summer 2004)
Route 25 - Fort Carson/World Arena (Split off of Route 2 Fort Carson in Winter 2003)
Route 27 - Gateway Park (Similar to Hillside, departed the Terminal at :15 after the 7A departed; eliminated in Fall 2002 due to low ridership)
Route 27 - CJC/World Arena (Created in Fall 2002)
Route 41 - Sabin Junior High (Created in Summer 2003)
Route 42 - Cheyenne Mountain Junior & High School
(Created in Summer 2003)
Route 43/Route 45 - Cheyenne, Pinon, and Broadmoor Elementary (43 and 45 ran opposite directions) (Created in Summer 2003)
Route 44 - Broadmoor Elementary School (Created in Winter 2005)
Route 51 - Memorial Hospital (Eliminated in Summer 2004)
Route 53 - FasTrack
Route 55 - Free Downtown Shuttle (Created in Summer 2004)
Route 57 - Manitou "SMART Shuttle" (Eliminated in Winter 2004)
Route 71 - Fountain (Merged with Route 9 Widefield in Winter 2003 to form Route 71 Fountain/Widefield)
Route 71 - Fountain/Widefield (Merge of Route 71 Fountain and Route 9 Widefield)
Route 91 - Union Express
Route 92 - Schriever Express- North
(Created between 1997 and 2001)
Route 93 - Schriever Express- South (Created between 1997 and 2001; Discontinued in Summer 2004)
Route 93 - Schriever Express- Northeast (Created in Summer 2004)
Route 94 - Monument Express
(Created in Winter 2003; Discontinued in Summer 2004)
Route 95 - Schriever Express- Central (Created in Summer 2004)
FREX - Front Range Express (Created in Summer 2004)


(* indicates the route with the new evening services)
Route 1 - North Academy* / Manitou*
Route 2 - Fort Carson* / Peterson AFB
Route 3 - Cascade*
Route 4 - Wahsatch / Broadmoor
Route 5 - Eastern Crosstown*
Route 6 - Rustic Hills / West Uintah
Route 7 - Hillside / Constitution
Route 8 - Eastborough / Holland Park
Route 9 - Widefield
No Number - Union Express.

Express Routes

"Express Routes" are generally used to transport people from the beginning of the route to the end with as little stops as possible.
Mountain Metro discontinued all Express bus service on April 5, 2009 due to budget cuts.

--Currently Discontinued Routes--

  • FREX - Front Range Express - *Discontinued 8/31/12! - Used to operate between Colorado Springs & Downtown Denver, with stops in Monument, Castle Rock, & Fountain. (2004–2012)
  • Route E1 - Falcon Express: *Discontinued in 2009! - Ran between Downtown Colorado Springs and Falcon, CO, with stops at Memorial Hospital, The Citadel Transfer & Space Village P&R. (2005–2009)
  • Route E2 - Falcon/GOG Rd.: *Discontinued in 2009! - Ran between Garden Of The Gods Rd. and Falcon, CO, with stops at UCCS, Morning Sun Transfer, & select trips to downtown Colo. Spgs. (2005–2009)
  • Route E3 - Union Town Center: *Discontinued in 2009! - Ran between downtown Colorado Springs and Union Town Center, with stops at Current, & Chapel Hills Mall P&R. (2005–2009)
  • Route E4 - Voyager Parkway: *Discontinued in 2009! - Ran between Union Town Center and First & Main Town Center, with stops along Mark Dabling Blvd, Voyager & Walmart on Woodmen Rd. (2008–2009)
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gollark: Also ***COLLECTING RANDOM JUNK***.
gollark: I would hoard more but ***BSA REDS***.
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