Moscow Chamber Musical Theatre
The Moscow State Academic Chamber Musical Theatre (Московский государственный академический Камерный музыкальный театр имени Б. А. Покровского) is a Moscow theatre and opera house. The theatre was founded in 1971 and carries the name of its founder Boris Alexandrovich Pokrovsky. The theatre troupe resident at the theatre is also known as the "Pokrovsky Opera".[1]

28 Dec 2017: The Bolshoi boss Vladimir Urin has been authorised by the Russian Ministry of Culture to take over the Pokrovsky chamber music theatre. The Pokrovsky's music director is the venerable Gennady Rozhdestvensky. Urin says: ‘I have an agreement that the closest friend and associate of Pokrovsky, the wonderful conductor, People’s Artist of the USSR Gennady Rozhdestvensky, will remain the musical director.’
The address was Leningradskaya 17, now changed to Nikolskaya 17.
Among the operas premiered at the theatre:
- Boris Kravchenko - The Tale of the Priest and of His Workman Balda; opera after Pushkin's The Tale of the Priest and of His Workman Balda[2] (Сказка о попе и работнике его Балде)
- Mikael Tariverdiev Waiting (Ожидание)
- Nikolai Sidelnikov Run (Бег)
- Vladimir Rebikov A nest of nobles after Turgenev (Дворянское гнездо)
- Shirvani Chalaev Blood wedding (Кровавая свадьба, Ш.Р.Чалаев)
- Tatyana Kamysheva The Adventures of Chipollino («Приключения Чиполлино» Т. Камышева)
- Vladimir Dashkevich The Inspector (Ревизор)
- Metropolitan Dimitry of Rostov (1702) Rostov childhood «Ростовское действо»
- Vissarion Shebalin "The Taming of the Shrew" (Укрощение строптивой)
- Sergei Cortez Jubilee and The Bear ("Юбилея" и "Медведя" С. Кортес)