More Sokol Pie

More Sokol Pie (English: Behold a Falcon is Drinking) is a traditional song from Macedonia, particularly popular in Bulgaria and North Macedonia. There are several version of this song. Probably the earliest record of an early version of this song was in 1837, by Serbian author Petar Petrović Samopodlužanin.[1] The song was recorded by Podlužanin from a Bulgarian immigrant in Serbia and in the text there are Serbian language influences made either by the person recording or by the person relating the lyrics.[2][3] Many other versions of this song with motif of falcon drinking water from Vardar were published at the beginning of the 20th century in Serbia (i.e. Serbian: Соко пиле и Вардаринка Дока)[4] North Macedonia and Bulgaria. The first Bulgarian recorded performer of the song is singer Baba Nastia Pavlova. Her record is from 1940. Numerous performers of this song include Toše Proeski, Hanka Paldum, Kostadin Gugov, Aleksandar Sarievski, Nikola Badev, Slavi Trifonov, Volodya Stoyanov and "Episode" group.

"More Sokol Pie
Море сокол пие"
Single by Various
Songwriter(s)Traditional, see text.


  1. Referati i saopštenja - Naučni sastanak slavista u Vukove dane. Međunarodni slavistički centar. 1976. p. 232. Retrieved 23 September 2013. 1837. године Петар Петровић Самоподлужанин објавио је песму Соко пије на Вардара вода. Ја мислим да је то један од најранијих записа, ако не и најранији запис као варијанта ове песме у иначе оскудном броју записаних
  2. Episkop Konstantinovi chetenia, tom 1, Visch pedagogicheski institut "Konstantin Preslavski" - Shumen. Fakultet po bŭlgarska filologia, istoria i bogoslovie, Izd-vo VPI "Konstantin Preslavski", 1994, str. 134.
  3. Bŭlgarskiiat folklor v slavianskata i balkanskata kulturna traditsia, tom 8, Problemi na bŭlgarskia folklor, Khristina Makaveeva, Khari Dukov, Institut za folklor (Bŭlgarska akademia na naukite), Institut za muzikoznanie (Bŭlgarska akademia na naukite), 1991, str. 50.
  4. Jeremija M. Pavlović (1928). Maleševo i Maleševci. Štamp. "Sv. Sava", M. Saldekovića. p. 302. Retrieved 23 September 2013. Соко пиле и Вардаринка Дока (Пева се тихо а развучено) Еј соколе море, еј пиле шарено! Сокол пије вода на Вардаро
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