Mohammad Taqi al-Khoei

Sayyid Mohammed Taqi al-Khoei was a brother of Abdul Majid al-Khoei and son of Ayatollah Al-Udhma Sayyid Abul Qasim al-Khoei.


According to the UN Special Rapporteur for Iraq:[1][2]

Following two years of relentless intimidation and harassment, including specific threats against him dating from his March 1991 arrest with his father, the late Grand Ayatollah Abul Qasim Al-Musawi Al-Khoei, Mohammed Taqi Al-Khoei died in a sudden car accident on the night of 21 July 1994. Specifically, Mr. Al-Khoei was returning to Najaf after having made his weekly visit to the Shiah holy shrine in Karbala when his car crashed into an unlit truck blocking the divided highway. According to information received by the Special Rapporteur, the accident occurred at about 11 p.m. and resulted in the instantaneous deaths of Mr. Al-Khoei's driver and six-year-old nephew. However, Mr. Al-Khoei and his brother-in-law, Amin Khalkhali, lay for hours beside the road and eventually bled to death before an ambulance was called at around 4 a.m. in order to remove their bodies.


gollark: If the government throws piles of money at free education, you would, presumably, eventually get the majority of people going through university or something. Which would be nice, if it did not also cost a vast amount of money. And at the same time you dilute... whatever the degree is supposed to represent... and I don't really know what happens.
gollark: But that university has basically no incentive to have reasonable prices.
gollark: I said "many", not "all".
gollark: The government throwing money at it will not make that better.
gollark: In many cases you just need to have *a degree* of some sort, even if it's completely pointless, because it shows... that you have the patience to do a thing for 4 years or something??
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