Marital separation

Marital separation occurs when spouses in a marriage stop living together without getting divorced. Married couples may separate as an initial step in the divorce process or to gain perspective on the marriage and determine if a divorce is warranted. Other couples may separate as an alternative to divorce for economic or religious reasons, for tax purposes, or to ensure continuing retirement and/or health insurance benefits for both spouses. A separation can be initiated informally, or there can be a legal separation with a formal separation agreement filed with the court. As for a divorce, the latter may include provisions for alimony, whether to have sole custody or shared parenting of any children, and the amount of child support.[1][2]

Separation to enhance a marriage

Although the emotional impact of separation is similar to that of divorce,[3] some argue that a temporary separation may also occur to enhance the marriage as a tool to stay together. Some experts regard a six-month separation as good amount of time for a temporary separation, since it is long enough to set up a second household and gain perspective, but not long enough to seem permanent.

Ground for divorce

A separation may be unilaterally decided by one of the spouses moving away. Many U.S. state statutes, for example Virginia's, specify that being separated for a given period of time can be grounds for divorce.[4]

gollark: WHYJIT is now production-unusable!
gollark: _continues WHYJIT development_
gollark: ```python#!/usr/bin/env python3import argparseimport subprocessparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Compile a WHY program")parser.add_argument("input", help="File containing WHY source code")parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", help="Filename of the output executable to make", default="./a.why")parser.add_argument("-O", "--optimize", help="Optimization level", type=int, default="0")args = parser.parse_args()def build_output(code, mx): C_code = f"""#define QUITELONG long long intconst QUITELONG max = {mx};int main() {{ volatile QUITELONG i = 0; // disable some "optimizations" that RUIN OUR BEAUTIFUL CODE! while (i < max) {{ i++; }} {code}}} """ shell_script = f"""#!/bin/shTMP1=/tmp/ignore-meTMP2=/tmp/ignore-me-too cat << EOF > $TMP1{C_code}EOF gcc -x c -o $TMP2 $TMP1 chmod +x $TMP2 $TMP2 """ return shell_scriptinput = args.inputoutput = args.outputwith open(input, "r") as f: contents = looplen = max(1000, (2 ** -args.optimize) * 1000000000) code = build_output( contents, looplen ) with open(output, "w") as out: out.write(code)```
gollark: I give you... WHYJIT.

See also


  1. Spanier, Graham B.; Anderson, Elaine A. (August 1979). "The Impact of the Legal System on Adjustment to Marital Separation". Journal of Marriage and the Family. 41 (3): 605. doi:10.2307/351630. JSTOR 351630.
  2. Fitzpatrick, David (February 1987). "Divorce and Separation in Modern Irish History". Past & Present (114): 172–196. JSTOR 650964.
  3. Weiss, Robert S. (January 1976). "The Emotional Impact of Marital Separation". Journal of Social Issues. 32 (1): 135–145. doi:10.1111/j.1540-4560.1976.tb02484.x.
  4. "§ 20-91. Grounds for divorce from bond of matrimony; contents of decree". Code of Virginia.
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