Luba Jurgenson

Luba Jurgenson[note 1] (born 1 July 1958) is a French-speaking woman of letters.

She is also a translator, a maître de conférences and codirector (with Anne Coldefy-Faucard) of the series "Poustiaki" at éditions Verdier.[1] Her novel Au lieu du péril (2014) earned her the Prix Valery Larbaud in 2015.


She was born in Moscow, then-USSR[2] and is of Estonian origin and Russian culture,[3] but emigrated to Paris in 1975 at age 16.

Luba Jurgenson is agrégée in Russian (1997) and holder of a PhD in Slavic Studies (2001). She is a maître de conférences in russian literature at Paris-Sorbonne University. Her field of research is that of the literature of the camps.[4]


Her best known translations are:

  • 1986: Ivan Goncharov, Oblomov, Éditions L'Âge d'Homme
  • 1991: Ana Novac, Les Accidents de l'âme
  • 1997-1999, 2003 Nina Berberova, Les Petits Romans, Borodine, Le Cap des tempêtes, Actes Sud,[5]
  • 2004: Leonid Guirchovitch, Apologie de la fuite, Verdier
  • 2009: Vladimir Toporov, Apologie de Pluchkine, Verdier - Prix Russophonie 2011, for the best translation;
  • 2013: Panteleimon Romanov, Camarade Kisliakov, Éditions Héros-Limite; translation nominated at Prix Russophonie 2015


  • Les Russes et la Traversée du siècle
  • Soljenitsyne et le Destin russe
  • Le Soldat de papier.[6]
  • Une autre vie
  • La Dourova
  • Boutique de vie
  • Moscou
  • Le Serpent bleu
  • Lettres à un ami, correspondance avec Isaac Glikman
  • La Belle de Moscou
  • Mère et fils
  • Avoir sommeil
  • Le Chamane
  • Tolstoï
  • Éducation nocturne
  • L'Autre
  • À la recherche de l'argent perdu
  • L'expérience concentrationnaire est-elle indicible ?
  • Création et Tyrannie : URSS 1917 - 1991
  • Au lieu du péril, 2014, Éditions Verdier, Lagrasse, ISBN 978-2-86432-768-4.[7] Prix Valery Larbaud in 2015.


  • 2008: Murielle Lucie Clément, Écrivains franco-russes, Faux titre, p. 200
  • 2007: Axel Gasquet, Écrivains multilingues et écritures métisses…, Presses universitaires Blaise-Pascal, p. 14, 181-188


  1. Estonian: Ljuba Jürgenson, Russian: Люба (ou Любовь) Юргенсон
gollark: So far as I can tell this is essentially just generating a range of x/y values to use, converting each of those points to mandelbröt values using magic, then converting it into... rows, I think? of text.
gollark: They have very good docs.
gollark: Apiological!
gollark: ```sqliteWITH RECURSIVE xaxis(x) AS (VALUES(-2.0) UNION ALL SELECT x+0.05 FROM xaxis WHERE x<1.2), yaxis(y) AS (VALUES(-1.0) UNION ALL SELECT y+0.1 FROM yaxis WHERE y<1.0), m(iter, cx, cy, x, y) AS ( SELECT 0, x, y, 0.0, 0.0 FROM xaxis, yaxis UNION ALL SELECT iter+1, cx, cy, x*x-y*y + cx, 2.0*x*y + cy FROM m WHERE (x*x + y*y) < 4.0 AND iter<28 ), m2(iter, cx, cy) AS ( SELECT max(iter), cx, cy FROM m GROUP BY cx, cy ), a(t) AS ( SELECT group_concat( substr(' .+*#', 1+min(iter/7,4), 1), '') FROM m2 GROUP BY cy )SELECT '`' || '`' || '`' || group_concat(rtrim(t),x'0a') || '`' || '`' || '`' FROM a;```
gollark: No, it's from their docs.


  1. 17 pages are devoted to her in the book Écrivains franco-russes by Murielle Lucie Clément, editions Faux titre, 2008.
  2. Murielle Lucie Clément, Écrivains franco-russes, Faux titre, 2008, p. 13.
  3. Radioscopie by Jacques Chancel (16 September 1981)
  4. Conversation with Luba Jurgenson (Petra James and Nicolas Litvine).
  5. Ida Junker, Le Monde de Nina Berberova, L'Harmattan, 2012, p. 283.
  6. Murielle Lucie Clément, Écrivains franco-russes, Faux titre, 2008, p. 200. See also the critic by Nicole Zand in Le Monde dated 8 September 1989.
  7. "Les deux corps du bilingue". Critic by Pierre Assouline du livre « Au lieu du péril » in "la République des Livres". Retrieved 8 December 2016..
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