Lolita Milyavskaya
Lolita Markovna Milyavskaya (Russian: Лоли́та Ма́рковна Миля́вская, née Горелик (Gorelik); Ukrainian: Лоліта Марківна Мілявська; born 14 November 1963) is a Russian singer, actress, TV and film director of Ukrainian origin. She is better known under her stage name Lolita. She was born in Mukachevo, Zakarpattia Oblast, Ukraine.
Lolita | |
Born | Lolita Markovna Milyavskaya 14 November 1963 Mukachevo, Ukrainian SSR, Soviet Union |
Citizenship | Russian |
Alma mater | Moscow State Art and Cultural University |
Occupation |
Years active | 1987–present |
Spouse(s) | Aleksandr Belyayev
( m. 1985; div. 1986)Vitaly Milyavsky
( m. 1986; div. 1987)Aleksandr Zarubin
( m. 2004; div. 2009)Dmitry Ivanov
( m. 2011; div. 2019) |
Children | Eva Tsekalo (b.1999) |
Awards | TEFI |
In 2017 Milyavskaya was forbidden to enter Ukraine for a term of three years because she performed in Crimea in 2015 (the Ukrainian territory Crimea was annexed by Russia in 2014).[1]
as part of cabaret-duo "Akademiya"[2]
Year | Title | Note |
2012/1995 | "Маленький переворот" ("Malen'kiy perevorot"; "Little Coup") |
released in 1992 as vinyl and 1995 as CD |
1994 | "Небальные танцы" ("Nebal'nyye tantsy"; "Non-ballroom dances") |
1995 | "Хочешь, но молчишь" ("Khochesh', no molchish'"; "You want, but don't say anything") |
1997 | "Свадьба" ("Svad'ba"; "Wedding") |
1998 | "Отпечатки пальчиков" ("Otpechatki pal'chikov"; "Fingerprints") |
1999 | "Ту-Ту-Ту, На-На-На" | |
Studio Albums
Year | Title | Note |
2000 | "Цветочки" ("Tsvetochki"; "Flowers") |
2003 | "Шоу разведённой женщины " ("Shou razvedonnoy zhenshchiny"; "Show divorced woman") |
2005 | "Формат" ("Format") |
2007 | "Неформат" ("Neformat"; "Unformat") |
"Ориентация Север" ("Oriyentatsiya Sever"; "Orientation North") |
2008 | "Фетиш" ("Fetish") |
2014 | "Анатомия" ("Anatomiya"; "Anatomy") |
2018 | "Раневская" ("Ranevskaya") |
Year | Title | Note |
2015 | "Неизданное" ("Neizdannoe"; "Unreleased") |
Year | Title | Note |
2005 | "Шоу разведённой женщины" ("Shou razvedonnoy zhenshchiny"; "The show of the divorced woman") |
2007 | "Мне 41… А кто даст?" ("Mne 41… A kto dast?"; "I'm 41 ... And who will give?") |
Year | Title | Note |
2009 | "Запавшее" ("Zapavsheye"; "Stalled") |
2010 | "Grand Collection" | |
Year | Title | Abum | Note |
2004 | dubbed 3 songs | Home on the Range: An Original Walt Disney Records Soundtrack | animated movie |
2005 | "Приговорённая к любви" ("Prigovoronnaya k lyubvi"; "Sentenced to love") |
Popsa | drama film |
2007 | "Две любви (duet with Aleksandr Marshal)" ("Dve lyubvi"; "Two love") |
Татьянин день ("Tat'yanin den'"; "Tatyana's Day") |
telenovela |
2009 | "Остановите Землю" ("Ostanovite Zemlyu"; "Stop the Earth") |
Jolly Fellows | comedy-drama film |
Year | Music Video | Director | Album |
as part of "Akademiya" | |||
1992 | "Тома" ("Toma"; "Tammy") |
N/A | Маленький переворот |
"Венеция" ("Venetsiya"; "Venice") |
М. Иванников (M. Ivannikov) | ||
1994 | "Баден-Баден" ("Baden Baden") |
Ю. Грымов (Yu. Grymov) |
Небальные танцы |
1995 | "Хочешь, но молчишь" ("Khochesh', no molchish'"; "If you want, but don't say anything") |
N/A | Хочешь, но молчишь |
"Догги" ("Doggi"; "Doggy") |
N/A | ||
"За пивом" ("Za pivom"; "Behind beer") |
N/A | ||
1997 | "Я обиделась" ("YA obidelas'"; "I'm offended") |
N/A | Свадьба |
1998 | "Moscau" | N/A | Ту-ту-ту на-на-на |
"Ту-ту-ту" | N/A | ||
1999 | "Маленький" ("Malen'kiy"; "Little") |
N/A | |
as lead artist | |||
1995 | "Гондурас (with Arkady Arkanov)" ("Gonduras"; "Honduras") |
N/A | N/A |
2000 | "Песня о женской дружбе (with Alyona Apina)" ("Pesnya o zhenskoy druzhbe"; "The song about female friendship") |
Сергей Баженов (Sergey Bazhenov) |
Цветочки |
"Цветочки" ("Tsvetochki"; "Flowers") |
Александр Кальварский (Alexander Kalvarsky) |
2001 | Отвали ("Otvali"; "Fuck off") |
Шоу разведённой женщины | |
"Пропащая" ("Propashchaya"; "Missing") |
N/A | N/A | |
2002 | "Музыка тела" ("Muzyka tela"; "Music of the body") |
Александр Кальварский (Alexander Kalvarsky) |
Шоу разведённой женщины |
2003 | "Помада" ("Pomada"; "Pomade") |
Олег Гусев (Oleg Gusev) |
Формат |
2004 | "Мачо" ("Macho") | ||
2009 | "Остановите Землю" ("Ostanovite Zemlyu"; "Stop the Earth") |
Феликс Михайлов (Felix Mikhailov) |
Неизданное / Soundtrack of "Весельчаки" ("Vesel'chaki"; "Merry Men") |
2010 | "Иди и смотри (with NucKids)" ("Idi i smotri"; "Go and See") |
Юлиана Донская (Yuliana Donskaya) |
N/A |
2011 | "Часы" ("Chasy"; "Clock") |
Aslan Ahmadov | Неизданное |
"Ты похудела (with Quest Pistols)" ("Ty pokhudela"; "You lost weight") |
Юрий Бардаш (Yuri Bardash) |
N/A | |
2014 | "Анатомия" ("Anatomiya"; "Anatomy") |
Aslan Ahmadov | Анатомия |
"На скотч" ("Na skotch"; "On scotch tape") |
Елена Кипер (Yelena Kiper) | ||
2015 | "Шпилька-каблучок" ("Shpylʹka-kabluchok"; "Hairpin-sticks") |
Коля Серга (Kolya Serga) | |
"Территория сердца (with Денисом Майдановым)" ("Territoriya serdtsa"; "Territory of the Heart"; with Denisom Maydanovym) |
Елена Кипер, Вадим Шатров (Yelena Kiper, Vadim Shatrov) |
Неизданное | |
2016 | "Анатомия (with N’Pans & L.A.V.Retro)" ("Anatomiya"; "Anatomy") |
Иван Колпаков (Ivan Kolpakov) |
N/A |
"На Титанике" ("Na Titanike"; "On the Titanic") |
Леонид Колосовский (Leonid Kolosovskiy) |
Раневская | |
2017 | "Ты моё море (Dj Antonio Remix)" ("Ty moyo more"; "You are my sea") |
Дмитрий Иванов (Dmitriy Ivanov) | |
"Ты моё море" ("Ty moyo more"; "You are my sea") | |||
2018 | "Раневская" ("Ranevskaya") |
Тина Баркалая (Tina Barkalaya) | |
"Судьба" ("Sud'ba"; "Fate") | |||
Year | Title | Role |
1991 | " Тень, или Может быть, всё обойдётся — курортница" ("Ten', ili Mozhet byt', vso oboydotsya"; "Shadow, or Maybe everything will do") |
health resort |
1996 | "Короли российского сыска" ("Koroli rossiyskogo syska"; "Kings of the Russian Investigation") |
"Умереть от счастья и любви" ("Umeret' ot schast'ya i lyubvi"; "Die from happiness and love") |
2001 | "Вечера на хуторе близ Диканьки" ("Vechera na khutore bliz Dikan'ki"; Evenings on a farm near Dikanka) |
Солоха (Solokha) |
2002 | "Cinderella" | Stepmother |
2003 | "The Crazy Day or The Marriage of Figaro" | Countess Rosine |
2005 | "Popsa" ("Neformat"; "Unformat") |
Irina Pepelyaeva ("Pippi"), an eccentric singer |
"Это всё цветочки…" ("Eto vso tsvetochki…"; "It's all flowers ...") |
2007 | "Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors" | Queen Anidag / participant from France |
"Кровавая Мэри" ("Krovavaya Meri"; "Blood Mary") |
"Татьянин день" ("Tat'yanin den'"; "Tatyana's Day") |
cameo on telenovela | |
2008 | "Золотая рыбка" ("Zolotaya rybka"; "Goldfish") |
teacher of good manners |
2010 | "Морозко" ("ˈfrôstē"; "Frosty") |
cameo |
2011 | "Новые приключения Аладдина" ("Novyye priklyucheniya Aladdina"; "The New Adventures of Aladdin") |
atamans of robbers |
2012 | "Петрович" ("Petrovich") |
Виктория Ланская (Victoria Lanskaya) |
"Красная Шапочка" ("Krasnaya Shapochka"; "Little Red Riding Hood") |
mother of Little Red Riding Hood | |
Year | Title | Role |
1995 | "1995 — Кабаре «Маски-Шоу»" ("Kabare «Maski-Shou»"; "The Mask-Show Cabaret") |
as part of Akademiya |
1996 | "Шоу долгоносиков" ("Shou dolgonosikov"; "Show weevils") |
1997 | "Старые песни о главном-3" ("Vechera na khutore bliz Dikan'ki"; "Old songs about the main-3") |
the German ambassador (the song "Moskau" with Aleksandr Tsekalo) |
2000 | "Старые песни о главном. Постскриптум" ("Shou dolgonosikov"; "Old songs about the main thing. Postscript.") |
"Felicita" duet with Oleg Gazmanov) |
gollark: It works by sorting elements by their position in the list.
gollark: New sorting algorithm:```haskellsort :: [a] -> [a]sort x = x```
gollark: How about -s?
gollark: Wait, can names not contain _s?
gollark: What about literal literals?
- "Scandalous Lolita confessed that she misses Ukraine". Glavcom (in Ukrainian). 24 July 2017.
- (with Aleksandr Tsekalo)
External links
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