Logon Ticket Cache
Logon ticket cache is related to SAP Logon Tickets. The logon ticket cache is intended to make the SAP logon procedure. Logon tickets are stored in cache memory (shared memory). The SAP Web Application Server will search for the logon ticket through its system cache memory. If the system finds the user's logon information, the system does not carry out a signature check. The logon ticket cache will remain in SAP Web Application Server until the expiration of the logon ticket. There is a hash procedure for securing cache entries.
SAP Web Application Server
On a given SAP Web Application Server you can:
- Create logon tickets with certificates
- Create logon tickets without certificates
- Configure the web AS to accept logon tickets
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gollark: Australia *and* south-east asia.
gollark: You claimed to be a qualified electrical engineer, see.
gollark: You can't say ? because you exploded.
gollark: Apparently the patent expired now, vaguely relatedly.
See also
- Secure Network Communications
External links
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