List of islands in the Adriatic

There are more than 1200 islands in the Adriatic Sea, 69 of which are inhabited. A recent study by the Institute of Oceanography in Split (2000) shows that there are 1246 islands: 79 large islands, 525 islets, and 642 ridges and rocks. Italian Scuola di Geografia of Genova states that the number is greater if one includes the small islands in the Italian lagoons of Venice and Grado, and the so-called "islands of the Po delta".

The majority of the Adriatic sea islands are located in the northeastern Adriatic, near the Croatian coast.


Northern seacoast:

Northern Dalmatia:

Central and southern Dalmatia:

Veli Brijun, Ilovik, Sveti Klement, Dolin, Goli otok, Lopud, Svetac (Sveti Andrija), Zverinac, Sušac, Škarda, Susak, Rava, Rivanj, Drvenik Mali, Kakan, Zmajan, Jakljan, Prežba, Tijat, Piškera, Zeča, Koločep, Prvić (Šibenik), Vrgada, Lavdara Vela, Tun Veli, Škrda, Levrnaka, Lavsa, Sit, Kurba Vela, Mrčara, Arta Velika, Velike Srakane, Katina, Planik, Mali Brijun, Vele Orjule, Smokvica Vela (Kornat), Badija, Sveti Petar, Žižanj, Olipa, Škulj, Gangaro, Babac, Koludarc, Tramerka, Kopište, Sveti Marko, Lokrum, Marinkovac, Šilo Veliko, Proizd, Češvinica, Stipanska, Murvenjak, Lunga (Kornat), Male Srakane, Košara, Obonjan, Radelj, Zečevo (Pag), Kobrava, Kručica, Arkanđel, Kurba Mala, Saplun, Glamoč, Oruda, Zvirinovik, Krknata, Orud, Arta Mala, Logorun, Aba Duga, Knežak, Oključ, Maslinovik, Mišjak Veli, Tetovišnjak Veliki, Kasela, Lupac, Male Orjule, Gangarol, Ošljak, Trstenik (Cres), Mišjak Mali, Šćitna, Veliki Budikovac, Kameni Žakan, Drvenik (Zlarin), Ravni Žakan, Dobri Otok, Ruda, Stomorina, Luški Otok, Gustac, Palagruža, Vela, Kozjak, Jerolim, Ženska Pravda, Veli Pržnjak,


Gjerana Rock, Small Rock, Big Rock (Ulcinj Riviera)

In Bay of Kotor


  • Tremiti islands (off the peninsula of Gargano)
    • San Domino
    • San Nicola
    • Capperaia
    • Cretaccio
    • Pianosa
  • Po river delta
    • Isola Albarella
    • Isola Donzella
    • Isola di Ariano
    • Isola Tolle
    • Isola Pila
    • Isola Gnocca

In Venetian Lagoon

The Venetian Lagoon Islands

The most important of the 130 islands in the Venice lagoon are:

Other inhabited islands include:

In Grado Lagoon

Grado Lagoon satellite image

The most important of the nearly 120 islands in the Grado Lagoon are:

  • Grado
  • Barbana island
  • Porto Buso
  • San Pietro d'Orio
  • Anfora
  • Schiusa
  • Panera
  • Morgo
  • Gorgo
  • Ravaiarina
  • Fossalon
  • Beli
  • Martignano


gollark: Manually going through every hatchery: BORING.
gollark: I need to somehow automate hatchery submission.
gollark: "Ha, look at me, just ruining your experiments"
gollark: ^
gollark: .... Generic Magic Artifact?
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