List of gubernatorial nominees from the New Progressive Party of Puerto Rico

This is list of the nominees that the New Progressive Party has ticketed for the post of governor of Puerto Rico throughout history.

# Portrait Name Election Result Remarks
1 Luis A. Ferré 1968 won
2 Luis A. Ferré 1972 lost
3 Carlos Romero Barceló 1976 won
4 Carlos Romero Barceló 1980 won
5 Carlos Romero Barceló 1984 lost
6 Baltasar Corrada del Río 1988 lost
7 Pedro Rosselló 1992 won
8 Pedro Rosselló 1996 won largest winning landslide by the party up to then
9 Carlos Pesquera 2000 lost
10 Pedro Rosselló 2004 lost lost the governorship by 3,566 votes, but his party wins the House of Representative and Senate, Resident Commissioner, 42 City Hall 23rd Senate of Puerto Rico
11 Luis Fortuño 2008 won largest winning landslide by the party ever
12 Luis Fortuño 2012 lost 0.6% margin loss
13 Ricardo Rosselló 2016 won received 655,626 votes


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