List of Stuart Little characters

This is a list of fictional characters that appear in the novel, films, and other related media that feature the character "Stuart Little". These include the original 1945 Stuart Little novel by E. B. White, the 1999 film adaptation of the novel, Stuart Little, the 2002 sequel, Stuart Little 2, the 2003 animated series, Stuart Little, and the 2005 direct-to-video sequel, Stuart Little 3: Call of the Wild.

Main characters

Stuart Little

Stuart Little (voiced by Michael J. Fox in the films and by David Kaufman in the animated series) is the titular main character. In the novel, he is presented as an anthropomorphic brave, adventurous and courteous white mouse. Stuart is a member of the human family, the Littles, living in New York City in the year 1945.[1] Stuart's age is never clearly stated. In the novel, Stuart is described as seven years old but in Stuart Little 2, Eleanor states him being as old as a baby. Stuart is also sometimes described as being the middle child of the Little family, meaning he must be younger than his brother George.

The novel presents Stuart as being born to human parents.[2] Critics attacked the story as unnatural, grotesque and offensive.[3] Librarians felt children would reject the birth as unbelievable.[4]

Stuart is shown to have the mind and personality of an adolescent child with the body of a mouse.[2] Critics have compared Stuart's life as a mouse entering a human world to that of adolescents moving toward adulthood.[3] Others see Stuart as providing children with an empowering model of a small hero in a big world.[5]

The first movie depicts Stuart being adopted from a New York City orphanage after his birth parents died in an accident.[3]

In the sequel, Stuart and his brother George are attending school together, but his mother doesn't seem to think Stuart is capable of taking care of himself. Later, Stuart meets a bird named Margalo, whom he unintentionally saves from an evil falcon, and eventually becomes smitten with. But one day, when Margalo is nowhere to be found, Stuart and the Little family's pet cat Snowbell team up to go and find her.

In the third film, Stuart and his family spend their summer vacation in a lakeside cabin near the fictional Lake Garland. Stuart signs up to be a Lake Scout in an attempt to prove to his mother that he doesn't need to be watched over all the time. Soon, Stuart meets and befriends a skunk named Reeko. But when a ferocious beast kidnaps Snowbell, Stuart must gather up all his courage to save him.

Eleanor Little

Eleanor Little (portrayed by Geena Davis in the films and voiced by Jennifer Hale in the animated series) is the loving yet occasionally overprotective mother of George and Martha Little as well as the adoptive mother of Stuart and the wife of Frederick Little. She is a very caring and tender mother who appreciates people's company and cares deeply for her children, although she can sometimes end up embarrassing Stuart. Throughout the series, Eleanor is shown to be somewhat overprotective of her son Stuart and worries about him getting hurt or injured frequently. She gave birth to Martha sometime after the events of the first film. She is also shown to be very skilled with repairing houses as seen in Stuart Little 3: Call of the Wild, where she made home improvements to the family's lakeside cabin during their summer vacation. In the DVD commentary for Stuart Little 2, it is revealed by director Rob Minkoff that Mrs. Little works as a music teacher at the same school that Stuart and George go to.

In the 1999 film, Eleanor and her husband Frederick could not decide which orphan to adopt. When Stuart came along and told them interesting things about the other orphans, she knew Stuart was the one for their family. Eleanor later suggests to invite their relatives over to make Stuart feel more family. When the Little relatives arrive, Eleanor helps Stuart unwrap his presents. Later, when she and Frederick witness George and Stuart getting along, she suggests a family outing to race George's new boat. When they get there, George's remote control to his boat is crushed and he runs away to hide his crying. Eleanor tries to comfort him by saying that they can fix it, but George is still upset. Upon seeing Stuart piloting the boat anyway, Eleanor tells him to come back but he replies by saying, "I don't know how." When Stuart wins the boat race, Eleanor's idea of Stuart changes a little bit. When the Stouts arrive and claim to be Stuart's parents and plans to take Stuart away from them, Eleanor stands up for him by saying that he can't leave because he's part of the family, but Reginald states that they will never make Stuart feel like he is family because they are human. So Stuart packs up his things and prepares to leave as Eleanor is sad to see him go. As he is leaving, Eleanor discusses behind the Stouts back to Frederick about their suspecting ways. The next day when Stuart leaves, Eleanor is seen crying over one of Stuart's shirts. When Mrs. Keeper arrives at the Little house and breaks the news that Stuart's birth parents died a long time ago in a tragic mushroom soup accident (meaning that the Stouts could be possible kidnappers), Eleanor decides to take matters up with the New York Police Department. But days after investigation and searching with no luck, Eleanor and Frederick decide to give up and tell George the truth, until George's idea of missing person posters inspires them to keep their hopes up. When Stuart returns home, Eleanor is seen carrying George to bed until he sees them in the window as his family is happy to see him as Eleanor kisses him.

In Stuart Little 2, Eleanor has now developed somewhat of an overprotective feeling for Stuart, as she worries that he could get stepped on during his soccer game or get hurt doing any other activity besides painting and dancing. Because of this, she only allows Stuart to drive his car to and from school only if his brother George is with him. In addition, she is also trying to get her infant daughter Martha to speak by using a variety of words. Although she does not like wild animals, Eleanor does show appreciation toward Stuart's new friend Margalo (calling her "pretty"). As they are going to bed together, Eleanor and Frederick have a conversation about Stuart and Margalo. Eleanor says she only sees them as friends, while Frederick believes that Stuart may have a crush on Margalo. The next day Stuart decides to not go to school, in favor of taking care of Margalo. Eleanor decides that Stuart will be going and she will be taking care of Margalo. When her ring is stolen by the falcon, Eleanor decides to call a plumber after she believes it fell down the drain. Stuart begins to fall down the drain after Frederick accidentally breaks the string as Eleanor and the rest of the family try to find some string to pull him out. Eleanor is then seen kissing Stuart after Margalo uses her pearl necklace to pull him out. The next day, Eleanor calls the plumber in hopes of it still being there, but with no luck. Eleanor then becomes suspicious of George and Will's crazy schedule as they are lying to cover for Stuart. Then during the taxi ride, Eleanor is worried about Stuart and fears that he is lost and hurt. At the end of the film, Eleanor is seen attending Margalo's departure only to be quickly amazed by Martha speaking her first words.

Despite the events that happened in Stuart Little 2, Eleanor continues to act overprotective of Stuart in Stuart Little 3: Call of the Wild. During the van ride to Lake Garland, Eleanor refuses to let Stuart enroll in the Lake Scouts, but Frederick convinces her otherwise. When they reach Lake Garland, Eleanor spends most of her time there sprucing up their rundown cabin and tending to her motherly duties. She is then next shown to be terrified of Stuart's new friend, Reeko, when Stuart brings him to the cabin for dinner. When Stuart goes missing to rescue Snowbell from The beast, Eleanor and Frederick set up a search party using the lake scouts. And only after seeing Stuart with the beast all tied up, does she finally honor Stuart with the mature respect he always wanted from her. Eleanor is last seen as she is telling Stuart that it is time to go from their van.

Frederick Little

Frederick C. Little (portrayed and voiced by Hugh Laurie) is the hard-working, friendly father of Stuart, George, and Martha Little and the husband of Eleanor Little. He is also the brother of Crenshaw and Stretch Little. Frederick’s personality is similar to that of his wife, Eleanor's, the only difference being that Frederick is not as embarrassing to his family as she is. He is very supportive of his family and he works at the New York Museum of Natural History, which was revealed in the director’s commentary for Stuart Little 2. It is shown that he and his wife Eleanor have a knack for finishing each other's sentences and that he is very skilled at playing the piano.

In the first film, Frederick was first seen accompanying his wife Eleanor to the New York City Public Orphanage in hopes of finding a little brother for their son, George, only to be captivated by Stuart's charm and adopting him. Then he is seen scolding at Snowbell for trying to eat Stuart. He then wishes Stuart a good night before goes to sleep on his first day. He is also very happy to see his brother, Crenshaw Little, at the Little family reunion and greets him with a warm hug. Frederick then brings out his supportive side when George and Stuart decide to take their boat out to the park and race it, only for one of Anton's goons to come along and purposely step on it. Stuart takes the full blame for the incident but Frederick tells Stuart that it was not his fault because things like this happen every now and then. Frederick is also seen sadly carrying Stuart's suitcase to his Roadster where his claimed parents are waiting for him. Frederick also splits the Little relatives up in teams of two in order to find Stuart, except for George who tags along with his parents. Frederick is last seen carrying George to bed before George sees him in the window.

Frederick has somewhat more of a supporting role in Stuart Little 2 compared to the previous film. Frederick encouraged his son, Stuart, to always see the bright side of every bad situation and tried to get his wife to let Stuart do physical activities despite her fears that Stuart could get hurt. He also mentions his brother, Crenshaw, during a conversation with his wife, stating that Uncle Crenshaw's kids never stop growing. Frederick also suggests using glue to fix George's model plane after Stuart crashes it. Stuart starts to feel sad due to letting his family down (especially his mother). But Frederick then tells Stuart about the "silver lining" and how it can help you in your darkest of times, which cheers him up a bit. While his wife is washing the dishes, she hears Martha crying. Frederick volunteers to do the dishes for her instead of changing Martha's diaper. He also calls Stuart a hero after he hears the news that he saved a bird named Margalo from a falcon. Then Frederick states that Stuart may have a crush on Margalo, saying that young boys can have crushes real fast. Frederick and Eleanor catch up to George's web of lies. George denies their accusations, but Frederick explains to George that he has a brother (Crenshaw), but if he was in trouble then that would mean more to him than the promise. Later, in the taxicab ride to find Stuart, Frederick quickly suggests that Stuart could be fine after he accidentally uses the wrong words towards Eleanor to describe his disappearance. He also suggests that tiny vandals wrecked his roadster. When Frederick spots Stuart in his model plane, Frederick tells the driver to "Follow that flying mouse." He is then lastly seen as he congratulates Stuart for his victory and jokingly recommends that Margalo be shipped via delivery system for her departure for south.

In the animated series, Frederick’s personality appeared to be the same as it was in the films. Hugh Laurie reprises his role as Frederick as well.

In Stuart Little 3: Call of the Wild, Frederick drove the Littles’ family car to Lake Garland for their summer vacation. When Eleanor refuses to let Stuart enroll in the Lake Scouts due to his small stature, Frederick chips in by saying it might do him some good, he was a Scout himself, and that he will take care of him and watch him every step of the way. Frederick then helps out his wife in fixing up their cabin and takes George and Stuart on a hike. Frederick then runs into Troopmaster Bickle and submits George and Stuart in the Scouts. And then to Bickle’s surprise, Frederick then volunteers himself to be in the Scouts too, only to have an assistant position in mind, which he confirms with a Scout handshake. Frederick’s idea of an assistant means correcting Troopmaster Bickle on many occasions. Stuart is assigned his own backpack, but his father, Frederick, only allows him to carry a salt packet and a small chocolate candy. Stuart is disappointed by this, but Frederick attempts to cheer him up by saying that the packets pack quite a punch. Later when Stuart embarrassingly fails the canoe race, Frederick has a conversation with Stuart similar to the one he previously had with him in Stuart Little 2, except this one focuses more on the topic of perseverance. Frederick has also shown signs of disgust towards Stuart's new friend, Reeko. He is next seen waking up George and Stuart for breakfast only to not believe Stuart's story about the kidnapping of Snowbell, as he and Eleanor thought it was a nightmare. Frederick then later kisses Eleanor in front of the Scouts, only for them to gross them out and for Frederick to ask her not to diminish his authority in front of them. He is last seen congratulating Stuart at his victory and packing the family van for the ride back to New York.

George Little

George Little (portrayed by Jonathan Lipnicki in Stuart Little and Stuart Little 2, voiced by Myles Jeffrey in the animated series and by Corey Padnos in Stuart Little 3: Call of the Wild) is the older brother of Stuart and Martha Little and the eldest child of Eleanor and Frederick Little. George enjoys making friends and hanging out with his brother Stuart. His hobbies throughout the series has been shown to include toy models, boat racing, and video games. In the original 1945 novel, not much was revealed about George, except that he was the eldest child of the Little family and that he followed an everyday morning routine with his little brother. George has also been shown to be the brains of the Little family considering the fact that he scientifically explained that Margalo was a wall eyed viro in the novel, and in the animated series where he was able to put together a blueprint for a model car that was his size.

In the beginning of the first film, George was excited about having a little brother until he found out that his parents had instead, adopted a mouse. At first, George ignored Stuart and wanted nothing to do with him, but does start to warm up to him after Stuart accidentally stumbles into his playroom and they both play with some of George's models. George then starts to appreciate Stuart enough to let him assist him in the boat race. But when the remote control to his boat is destroyed, George and his parents decides to forfeit the race and go home. But Stuart decides to pilot the boat for him. During the race, George tackles Anton for calling his brother "a stupid rat". The fight ends up with Stuart winning when Anton's remote starts to malfunction causing him to lose control of his boat, probably because Anton and George were fighting on top of the remote. Then when the Stouts show up and claim to be Stuart's parents and try to take him away, George then throws a fit. He does, however, return to give Stuart his roadster before he leaves. Later in the movie, George suggests the idea of a missing person search party to the Little relatives after Police efforts prove to be unsuccessful and it quickly comes into fruition. George then stays up late hoping that someone will call about Stuart. When Stuart returns to the Little house, George is the first to notice Stuart before he is carried off to bed.

In Stuart Little 2, George has taken up soccer, with Stuart joining him. At the soccer field, George is being tormented by his second bully, Wallace. During the final stretch of the game, Wallace infuriates George to the point where he kicks the soccer ball accidentally into Stuart and then into Wallace's face and finally into the goal, causing them the win. When they both go to bed that night, George apologizes for kicking Stuart into the ball, but it is shown that he enjoyed kicking the ball into Wallace's face. The next day George is seen putting the finishing touches on his model plane, with Stuart eager to fly it, but unable to do so due to Eleanor's warning. Then George's new best friend, Will Powell, shows up and decides to take a break with him on his PlayStation 2. While they are playing a soccer video game, George and Will discover that Stuart has accidentally launched the airplane and is flying around the house. When Stuart crashes the airplane in the park, George is upset with him. Later, George is invited to play Basketball by Will and his friends to play Basketball, but unfortunately tells Stuart he wasn't invited. Later, when Stuart suspects that Falcon stole Margalo, George volunteers to go with him only for Stuart to assign him to lie to cover for him (the first time he ever had to lie in his life). George (with the help of his friend Will) manages to keep the lie up until the point where they both tell Eleanor about a play at Will's house. When George is interrogated by his parents, he eventually comes clean. During the taxicab ride to the park, George is amazed by Falcon's size (as he said he was bigger than himself) After Stuart defeats Falcon, George is seen congratulating Stuart on his victory and smiling at Margalo's departure.

In the animated series, George made a new friend at his school named Rick Ruckus and continued to have a personality similar that seen in the films. He occasionally accompanied Stuart on his adventures.

In Stuart Little 3: Call of the Wild, George was mostly seen throughout the film playing a handheld video game. He eventually develops a crush on a girl named Brooke who happens to be a Lake Scout at Lake Garland. George joins the Scouts in order to be close to Brooke.


Snowbell (voiced by Nathan Lane in the 1999 film and Stuart Little 2, Quinton Flynn and Kevin Schon in Stuart Little: The Animated Series and by Kevin Schon in Stuart Little 3: Call of the Wild) is the Littles’ wise-cracking pet Persian cat and a former member of Smokey's alley cat gang. Snowbell is shown to be a lovable, yet selfish coward. He has somewhat of a close relationship with Stuart almost up to the point where they both risk their lives to save each other. Although he does show dislike toward many things (including Stuart himself), he does have great appreciation for the many things in his life. Not much is known about his past except for the fact that he has been in the family longer than Stuart, George and Martha. He hates oatmeal and has a best friend named Monty, who he is embarrassed by. George, Eleanor, and Frederick are oblivious to the fact that he can talk. A recurring gag is that occasionally a character will pronounce Snowbell's name wrong. Snowbell is shown to be the comedic relief throughout the series. Snowbell has somewhat of a cocky personality in the novel. As he was first seen trying to prove to Stuart in who had the best teeth in the house. Snowbell was revealed to be friends with a wide variety of animals including an angora cat, a maltese cat, another Persian cat, a tortoise, and a tiger cat. All of these animals were unnamed. It was also briefly mentioned that Snowbell was friends with a group of alley cats, but it was unknown to who these cats were, what their names were, or what their intentions were.

In the first movie, Snowbell became jealous of Stuart becoming a member of the Little family and plots to get rid of him. And even tried to eat him upon his arrival. Snowbell then considers eating Stuart, but as it turns out, he can't do that due to Stuart being a member of the family. Snowbell desperately tries to keep this piece of information a secret from the alley cats (as this would embarrass him). Snowbell then Ignores Stuart and even rejects his peace offering. He then tries to prevent his friend Monty from discovering Stuart. But despite his efforts, Monty finds Stuart in a goldfish cracker box and plots to eat him too. Snowbell then chases after Stuart, (similar to Tom and Jerry) after Monty announces that he will tell the alley cats about their mouse-with-a-pet-cat relationship, but loses him when Stuart escapes into George's room. Despite his appetite for Stuart, Monty helps Snowbell in his quest in trying to get rid of Stuart by enlisting the help of the alley cat Smokey. Who uses the term: "Scratch him out", to describe his attack on Stuart. Sooner or later, Snowbell starts to regret his decision to Smokey about him personally eliminating Stuart after feeling sorry for him. Although Snowbell does have a change of heart, he still lies and tricks Stuart into thinking that the Littles used to love him, and that they were thrilled to get rid of him after he returns Home. Stuart sadly runs away into Central Park and into a birds nest after hearing this, unaware that Smokey, Red, and Lucky are on his trail. Snowbell finds Stuart and tries to hide with him, but they are both shortly found by Monty. Snowbell then almost drops Stuart to Smokey and his minions, only for him to run away up the tree with Stuart in his mouth. Snowbell next admits that he's the one who hates him, and that the Littles are better off without him, and that he lied. Stuart then hugs Snowbell for actually caring about him. Smokey and his henchcats catch up to Snowbell and prepare to eat Stuart. Snowbell tries to convince Smokey to call off the hit but to no avail, Smokey commands his cats to get Snowbell too. He then saves Stuart’s life just before he is about to be eaten by breaking the branch that the alley cats were standing on (including Monty) resulting in them falling into the water. Stuart quickly returns the favor to Snowbell, by defeating Smokey by whacking him with a thin twig causing him to fall too. Satisfied with their victory, Snowbell gives Stuart a ride back to the Littles' house.

In Stuart Little 2, Snowbell was first seen when Eleanor called him down for breakfast, only to find out that he was going to be eating Martha's leftover oatmeal. Snowbell is then scared by Margalo, who makes an unlikely visit into their house. Snowbell describes Margalo to Stuart as being filthy and covered with germs and that Mrs. Little won't like her (no offense to her). He is then angry at the fact that Eleanor does in fact, like Margalo. Later, when Stuart decides to go out into the night and find Margalo after she mysteriously disappears. George suggests that he takes somebody along with him (Stuart needed George to stay home and cover for him), so Stuart decides to take Snowbell. He refuses to go with him first. But only after, does Stuart blackmail him into going, does he agree. During the journey, He accompanies Stuart to the Pishkin Building. Sooner or later, Snowbell starts to worry that Stuart could be in trouble and that the Littles will blame him for his disappearance, so he heads up to the top of the Pishkin Building himself by hitching a ride on a high painters platform to find him. He travels to the very top only to find Margalo, (who is trapped in a paint can) and to believe that Stuart was killed by Falcon, which cause Snowbell to break into tears. Snowbell breaks Margalo free, but when Falcon returns after disposing of Stuart, Snowbell flees into the paint can. But nonetheless, Falcon kicks the can down the stairs of the building with Snowbell still inside. He begins to push him off the side of the peak, but he is quickly stopped by Margalo. Snowbell still falls off the Building while trying to find his way off, but he is saved by a nearby pole. Falcon knocks him off the pole and is almost hit by the taxi that the Littles were in. Snowbell returns after Stuart's victory, only to feel left out and declaring that he will never come home. But he changes his mind when Eleanor asks him if he wants tuna when they get home. Snowbell is finally seen almost crying at Margalo's departure, and criticizing Martha's first words.

In Stuart Little 3: Call of the Wild, Snowbell finds out that he and the Little family are going camping and he is being forced to go (which he hates). Monty shows up and starts teasing Snowbell for going to a run-down camp. But Snowbell tries to save his pride by lying to him by saying that he is going to a fancy resort and spa. Monty asks if he can go but Snowbell lies to him by saying that the Littles don't like him. Snowbell then becomes scared of Brooke's story about the Beast and he is later scared to death when he finds a silhouette that resembles a monster, only to find out that it was Monty (who had stowed away with the family in the trunk of their car). Shortly after meeting each other under the cabin, Monty discovers that Snowbell lied to him, but Snowbell tries to make it up to him by making Monty his first line of defense against any monsters at Garland, and by bringing him food when he taps on a pipe. Reeko then tries to persuade Snowbell to come into the forest at night for a supposed party. Snowbell refuses to go at first because of The Beast. But Reeko fools him by saying that all of those stories about The Beast are false and that he is more hip than Stuart. That night, Snowbell arrives at the Beast's location thinking it's a party. But he is then captured by The Beast herself who plots to make a rug out of Snowbell's fur. She almost eats him until Snowbell suggests that she fatten him up first, so that way she can have a bigger rug. So she puts Snowbell into a hole and starts to feed him a revolting variety of sticks, mud, leaves, and worms. Several hours in her captivity, Snowbell starts to believe he is hallucinating, even when Stuart shows up to save him. But he quickly snaps out of the hallucination, realizes its Stuart and escapes with him. They both only get as far as the entrance until The Beast stops him in their tracks. Stuart and Snowbell lose her in the woods and set a trap for her. But she quickly sees through it and lunges at Stuart. Snowbell tries to intervene, but he gets kicked in the face for doing so. Finally, Snowbell quotes before she falls into the trap by saying, "Your decorating days are done!"

Martha Little

Martha Little (portrayed by Anna and Ashley Hoelck in Stuart Little 2 and voiced by Jennifer Hale in Stuart Little: The Animated Series) is the baby sister of Stuart and George Little as well as the daughter of Eleanor and Frederick. Martha is not a character that appeared in the original novel, as she was created specifically for the film series. She tends to be very messy and curious of the world around her brothers and parents.

In Stuart Little 2, Eleanor tries to get Martha to say her first words, with no luck. But only when Margalo leaves the Littles to fly south for the winter, does she finally say her first words: "Bye-bye, Birdie." Her family is surprised and happy for her, except for Snowbell who is not impressed and says, "Big deal, If she can climb a tree and land on her feet then I will be impressed."

In Stuart Little: The Animated Series, Martha now tends to speak more, but she still sometimes gibbers.

Martha also appeared in Stuart Little 3: Call of the Wild, but her only words consisted of babbles and a single line.

1945 novel


Margalo (voiced by Melanie Griffith in Stuart Little 2 and by Kathy Najimy in Stuart Little: The Animated Series) is a bird who is one of Stuart's closest friends as well as his love interest. Margalo is a kind, free-spirited bird who is always there for the people that she loves. She has a tragic past. It was revealed in Stuart Little 2 that her mother died when she was just a baby and the only thing that she has left from her is a small pin that she carries around in a scarf that she wears. After this, she continued to live with her relatives in a jewelry box. She soon found herself living in a gutter when she was young and eventually got pulled out by Falcon. In the 1945 novel, Eleanor adopted Margalo. Stuart becomes infatuated with her the more she stays. When they first met, Margalo and Stuart's relationship got off to a rocky start. Stuart was afraid Snowbell might try to eat her, causing him to shoot him in the middle of the night with a bow and arrow. Margalo saves Stuart's life after he accidentally stumbles onto a garbage barge. Eleanor rewards Margalo's bravery by giving her a muffin with bird seed on top. Snowbell plots to eat Margalo with The angora cat. Luckily, a nearby pigeon hears their conversation and writes a letter to Margalo telling what will happen if she stays at the Littles'. This event leads to Margalo flying away from the Littles'. Stuart goes out into the world to try to find her, but never does.

It was also shown in Stuart Little 2 that Margalo was taken in by The Falcon, who raised her to be his personal slave in order to steal Eleanor's two karat ring. Stuart befriends her when she falls into his car and, not knowing she will try to steal his mom's ring, develops a crush on her. Margalo soon befriends Stuart and decides to leave Falcon. She gives Eleanor her ring back and flies south for the winter. She is depicted as being a canary in the film.

Margalo returned in Stuart Little: The Animated Series as a recurring character who sometimes visited the Littles.

Dr. Paul Carey

Dr. Paul Carey is a New York dentist who appeared only in the Stuart Little novel. He is a kind dentist who loves his patients, and a friend of Stuart’s. His hobby is boat racing, and is the owner of the schooner Wasp, that Stuart thought “seemed to him finer and prouder than any other.” He gave Stuart a tiny automobile when Stuart told him that he was travelling on foot to find Margalo.

Harriet Ames

Harriet Ames is a girl of about Stuart's height and age. She is said to be one of the best dressed girls in New York City, with clothes that are especially tailored just for her. Harriet is also said to come from a rich family. In the book, Stuart invites Harriet to go on a date with him in a miniature canoe, but discovers that it has been played with by the local children when they arrive.


LeRoy is a fat, lazy twelve-year-old boy who is the owner of the Lillian. B. Womwrath, a model sailboat boat which always managed to beat the other competitors in the Central Park boat race in the novel. He convinced Stuart to man his boat for him in exchange for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and for his own radio, but Stuart turned down the offer. Stuart managed to beat his boat in the race by losing it in a thunderstorm.

LeRoy does not appear in any of the film adaptations of the novel, his character was most likely replaced by Anton in the 1999 film due to the fact that both characters own a model sailboat called Lillian B. Womwrath.

Miss Gunderson

Miss Gunderson was a character in the original Stuart Little novel who was mentioned, but never seen. She was the teacher at the local Schoolhouse who was unable to teach her students due to being ill.

A similar teacher character makes a brief appearance in Stuart Little 2, played by actress Maria Bamford. However, this character is unnamed, and she has Stuart and George in her class, unlike her book counterpart.

The Angora Cat

The Angora Cat was an unnamed female cat who lived in a tool shed in a small park near the Littles’ house after escaping from a cage in a pet shop. Snowbell had a conversation with her at night discussing his disadvantages with Margalo and Stuart now living in the house. Snowbell formulated a plan with the Angora Cat that would allow Snowbell to eat Margalo.

Edward Clydesdale

Edward Clydesdale is one of Dr. Paul Carey's patients who suggested where Stuart should look for Margalo. Most of his dialogue is barely understandable due to his teeth still being worked on as he was talking to Stuart.

Dr. Beechwood

Dr. Beechwood is a doctor in the novel who came to the Littles’ house to take Stuart's temperature after Eleanor accidentally left him in the washing machine.

Dr. Beechwood had a brief role in the 1999 film just like he did in the novel. He was portrayed by Dabney Coleman.

1999 film


Monty (voiced by Steve Zahn in Stuart Little and Stuart Little 2, André Sogliuzzo in Stuart Little: The Animated Series and Rino Romano in Stuart Little 3: Call of the Wild) is a grey tabby cat who is Snowbell's best friend and a former member of Smokey's alley cat gang. He is an original character introduced for the 1999 film. Monty is shown to be not very bright and is somewhat of a blabbermouth. His goal throughout the series is to eat Stuart and cure his hunger pangs. His catchphrase is "Please?".

Uncle Crenshaw Little

Uncle Crenshaw Little (portrayed and voiced by Jeffrey Jones) is the brother of Frederick and Stretch Little and the uncle of Stuart, George, and Martha Little.

Crenshaw first appeared in the first Stuart Little film as he attended the Little family reunion for Stuart's arrival into the family. He later returned as a supporting character in the animated series where it is revealed he has bought a farm, which Stuart and his family visit in one episode. He was also mentioned in Stuart Little 2.


Smokey (voiced by Chazz Palminteri) is a dark gray alley cat who is the main antagonist of the first film and the leader of the alley cats. He came up with the plan to kill Stuart after Monty and Snowbell summoned him. Smokey was defeated by Stuart at the end of the film when he knocked him out of a tree, causing him to be chased away by a horde of dogs.


Lucky (voiced by Jim Doughan) is a siamese cat who is also one of Smokey's henchcats.


Red (voiced by David Alan Grier) is one of Smokey's henchcats. He is believed to be the idiot of his gang considering he tends to forget Stuart’s name.

Reginald Stout

Reginald Stout (voiced by Bruno Kirby) is Stuart's fake father and the husband of Camille Stout. He and his wife live in a golf course. They were both threatened by Smokey and his henchcats to pose as Stuart's supposedly long-lost parents as part of his plan.

In the 2005 Stuart Little video game Stuart Little 3: Big Photo Adventure, it is shown that Reginald is an expert golfer and that has many trophies.

Camille Stout

Camille Stout (voiced by Jennifer Tilly) is Stuart’s fake mother and the wife of Reginald Stout. Although she and her husband were forced into posing as Stuart’s long-lost parents, she tends to care for Stuart as if he was her own son and eventually reveals to him, along with Reginald about Smokey's plans and urge him to flee.

Camille reappeared in the 2001 Stuart Little video game Stuart Little: The Journey Home for the Game Boy Color along with her husband Reginald in a driving stage.


Anton (portrayed by Miles Marsico) is a mean-spirited child who bullied George in the first film. Anton tried to cheat his way to victory in the boat race by knocking out the other contestants. He appears to be passionate about boat racing despite his young age, and he is depicted as being overly competitive and somewhat rude and inconsiderate.

His last name is unknown and never clearly stated during the boat race scene, but different Internet sources have it as either Gartman or Gartred based on what the announcer says during the boat race scene.

Detective Sherman

Detective Sherman (portrayed by Jon Polito) is the chief detective who works for the New York Police Department, organizing the investigation into Stuart's kidnapping.

Detective Phil Allen

Detective Phil Allen (portrayed by Jim Doughan) is Detective Sherman's partner.

Mrs. Keeper

Mrs. Keeper (portrayed by Julia Sweeney) is the head of the New York City Public Orphanage where Stuart was raised. She is a kind woman who happily watches over the orphans there.

Jedediah Little

Jedediah Little is a character in the first Stuart Little film, who was mentioned but never seen. He is believed to be the oldest recorded member of the Little family tree. He is Stuart, George, and Martha's great-great-grandfather. He used to own an old ball that belonged to him as a kid. He later passed it down to his son, then Crenshaw and Frederick, then finally George and Stuart.

Aunt Tina Little

Aunt Tina Little (portrayed by Connie Ray) is one of Stuart, George and Martha's aunts and one of Frederick's sisters.

Aunt Beatrice Little

Aunt Beatrice Little (portrayed by Allyce Beasley) is one of Stuart, George, and Martha Little's two aunts and Frederick's second sister.

Cousin Edgar Little

Cousin Edgar Little (portrayed by Brian Doyle-Murray) is Frederick Little’s cousin.

Grandma Estelle Little

Grandma Estelle Little (portrayed by Estelle Getty) is the grandmother of Stuart, George and Martha Little as well as the mother of Frederick Little.

Grandpa Spencer Little

Grandpa Spencer Little (portrayed by Harold Gould) is the grandfather of Stuart, George and Martha Little as well the father of Frederick Little.

Uncle Stretch Little

Uncle Stretch Little (portrayed by Patrick Thomas O'Brien) is the second uncle of Stuart, George and Martha Little as well as the second brother of Frederick Little.

Stuart Little 2

The Falcon

The Falcon (voiced by James Woods in Stuart Little 2 and by Pat Fraley in Stuart Little: The Animated Series) is a peregrine falcon who is Margalo's former boss and the main antagonist of Stuart Little 2. He is a power-hungry falcon who appears to have a threatening, abusive personality towards Margalo. He took Margalo in when she was young and raised her to be his personal slave, forcing her to steal various objects, including Stuart’s mother’s wedding ring.

The Falcon returned in the animated series in the episode "A Little Bit Country", determined to get revenge on Stuart.

During Stuart Little 2's production when the main antagonist was decided to be a bird, the animators researched a number of different predatorial birds including Eagles and Hawks. The peregrine falcon was ultimately decided due to its villainous postures. Early designs of The Falcon originally had him walking on both feet in an anthropomorphic fashion while carrying a Necklace beaded with the valuables he had initially stolen.[6]

Will Powell

Will Powell (portrayed and voiced by Marc John Jefferies) is presented as George's loyal best friend who was introduced in Stuart Little 2 and later reappeared in the Stuart Little: The Animated Series episode, "He Said He Said".

The Coach

The coach (portrayed by Jim Doughan) is George and Stuart's soccer coach. He is voiced by Jim Doughan, who previously voiced Lucky in the 1999 film.


Wallace (portrayed by Angelo Massagli) is George's second bully who picked on him on the soccer field. As a result of his being a bully, George hits Wallace in the face with a soccer ball at the beginning of Stuart Little 2.


Irwin (portrayed by Kevin Olson) is one of George’s fellow soccer players.


Tony (portrayed by Bobby Walsh) is one of George and Stuart's classmates. He takes Karate lessons.


Mark (portrayed by Michael C. Fuchs) is another one of George and Stuart's classmates. He takes Guitar lessons.


Rob (portrayed by Brad Garrett) was the plumber that came to the Littles’ house to find Eleanor's ring after she thought it had fallen down the drain.

Rita Powell

Rita Powell (portrayed by Amelia Marshall) is the mother of Will Powell.

She has a minor role in Stuart Little 2, in which she speaks to Eleanor when she approaches her doorstep to pick up Stuart and George, only to find out Stuart isn't there.

Taxi driver

This unnamed taxi driver (portrayed by Ronobir Lahiri) drives the Little family around the city in search of Stuart. He is known for his catchphrase "Okey-dokey, no problem!"

Animated series

Rick Ruckus

Rick Ruckus (voiced by Matt Kaminsky) is George’s new friend who appeared frequently in Stuart Little: The Animated Series.


Butch is a dog who lives in the same neighborhood as the Littles. In the episode "The Meatloaf Bandit", George and Stuart attempted to train him as their watchdog against the Meatloaf Bandit. His owner, Mr. Brown, has never been seen.

The Crows

The Crows (voiced by Jeff Bennett) are a trio of crows who severed as Falcon's henchmen in the episode A Little Bit Country.

Scar and Tiger

Scar and Tiger (voiced by Michael Chiklis and Mark Hamill) are two cats who are the main villains in the episode No Job is too Little. They are both friends of Monty, and presumably former members of Smokey’s alley cat gang.

Stuart Little 3: Call of the Wild


Reeko (voiced by Wayne Brady) is a smooth-talking skunk who befriends Stuart in Stuart Little 3: Call of the Wild. Reeko is described by the forest animals as being selfish, lazy, greedy, and rude. He is mostly seen throughout the film trying to find a way to pay a food debt to an evil mountain lion called "The Beast". He eventually befriended Stuart, but was only interested in what kinds of food he could get for him that he could give to The Beast. Reeko thinks differently about his life perspective when Stuart goes missing to save Snowbell from The Beast. He saves Stuart and regains his trust as well as his friendship. Reeko and Stuart give each other a hug and Stuart jumps inside the backseat of the car and the family drive back home to New York.

The Beast

The Beast (voiced by Virginia Madsen) is a ferocious puma who is the main antagonist of Stuart Little 3: Call of the Wild who resides in a cave on the other side of the forest on Lake Garland. She forced Reeko to bring her food and plotted to make a rug out of Snowbell's fur. She terrorized the animals of the forest into bringing her food every night as part of a tribute to herself. She was defeated when she fell into Stuart and Snowbell's trap.


Brooke (voiced by Tara Strong) is an experienced Lake Scout at Lake Garland who is also George's love interest in Stuart Little 3: Call of the Wild.

Troopmaster Bickle

Troopmaster Bickle (voiced by Peter MacNicol) is the overweight, clumsy yet well-intentioned leader of the Lake Scouts. Bickle appears to be inexperienced when it comes to leading the Scouts as he sometimes mixes up his sentences and occasionally gets himself hurt. Despite this, he is a kind man who always tries to do a good job leading the Lake Scouts.


Beaver (voiced by Charlie Adler) is a beaver who is one of the animals of the forest who appears to hate Reeko. But his perspective of him does change when he witnesses Reeko risking his life to save Stuart.


Cottontail (voiced by Kath Soucie) is a bunny who is one of the animals of the forest who also appears to hate Reeko.


Elwin is an overweight kid who is one of the Lake Scouts at Lake Garland. He does not have a speaking role in the film. He is shown to be very physically fit despite his weight.


Bumper is one of the Lake Scouts who participated in the canoe race. His name was briefly mentioned during the race.


Oswald was a character in Stuart Little 3 who was mentioned, but never seen. His only acknowledgement in the film was given when Troopmaster Bickle told him that a compass was not a weapon.

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  1. Common Sense Media, "Stuart Little". Accessed December 16, 2014.
  2. Sagoff, Mark. "Further thoughts about the human neuron mouse." The American Journal of Bioethics 7.5 (2007): 51-52.
  3. Gubar, Marah. The Lion and the Unicorn Volume 27, Number 1, January 2003, "Species Trouble: The Abjection of Adolescence in E. B. White's Stuart Little" pp. 98-119. 10.1353/uni.2003.0004
  4. Talcroft, Barbara L. Children's Literature Comprehensive Database, "Stuart Little". Accessed December 16, 2014.
  5. Hunt, Caroline C. Children's Literature, Volume 23, 1995, "Dwarf, Small World, Shrinking Child: Three Versions of Miniature". pp. 115-136. 10.1353/chl.0.0602
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