List of Phyllanthaceae genera
Here is a full taxonomy of the family Phyllanthaceae. Its circumscription is nearly coincident to that of ex-subfamily Phyllanthoideae of the Euphorbiaceae, where this family was split from. The exceptions are that the ex-tribe Drypeteae has become family Putranjivaceae, and the genus Centroplacus, which previously constituted tribe Centroplaceae, is now part of the Pandaceae.
Tribe Antidesmeae
There are 5 subtribes and 19 genera:
Subtribe Antidesminae:
- Antidesma (also Bestram, Coulejia, Minutalia, Rhytis, Rubina, Stilago)
- Celianella
- Hieronyma (also Hieronima, Hyeronima, Stilaginella)
- Leptonema
- Thecacoris (also Baccaureopsis, Cyathogyne, Henribaillonia)
Subtribe Porantherinae:
Subtribe Scepinae:
- Apodiscus
- Aporosa (also Aporusa, Leiocarpus, Lepidostachys, Scepa, Tetractinostigma)
- Ashtonia
- Baccaurea (also Adenocrepis, Calyptroon, Coccomelia, Everettiodendron, Gatnaia, Hedycarpus, Microsepala, Pierardia)
- Distichirhops
- Jablonskia
- Maesobotrya (also Staphysora)
- Nothobaccaurea
- Protomegabaria
- Richeria (also Bellevalia, Guarania)
Subtribe Spondianthinae:
- Spondianthus (also Megabaria)
Subtribe Uapacinae:
- Uapaca (also Canariastrum)
Tribe Bridelieae
There are 2 genera:
- Bridelia (also Candelabria, Gentilia, Pentameria, Tzellemtinia)
- Cleistanthus (also Clistanthus, Godefroya, Kaluhaburunghos, Lebidiera, Lebidieropsis, Leiopyxis, Nanopetalum, Neogoetzia, Paracleisthus, Schistostigma, Stenonia, Stenoniella, Zenkerodendron)
Tribe Phyllantheae
There are 6 subtribes and 18 genera:
Subtribe Andrachinae:
- Andrachne (also Eraeliss, Thelypotzium)
Subtribe Astrocasiinae:
Subtribe Flueggeinae:
- Breynia (also Foersteria, Forsteria, Melanthes, Melanthesa, Melanthesopsis)
- Flueggea (also Bessera, Colmeiroa, Geblera, Neowawraea, Pleiostemon, Villanova)
- Glochidion (also Agyneia, Bradleia, Bradleja, Coccoglochidion, Diasperus, Episteira, Glochidionopsis, Glochisandra, Gynoon, Lobocarpus, Pseudoglochidion, Tetraglochidion, Zarcoa)
- Margaritaria (also Calococcus, Prosorus, Wurtzia, Zygospermum)
- Phyllanthus (also Anisonema, Aporosella, Arachnodes, Ardinghalia, Asterandra, Cathetus, Ceramanthus, Chorisandra, Cicca, Clambus, Conami, Dendrophyllanthus, Dicholactina, Dimorphocladium, Emblica, Epistylium, Eriococcus, Fluggeopsis, Genesiphylla, Hemicicca, Hemiglochidion, Kirganelia, Leichhardtia, Lomanthes, Maborea, Macraea, Menarda, Mirobalanus, Moeroris, Nellica, Niruri, Nymania, Nymphanthus, Orbicularia, Oxalistylis, Ramsdenia, Reidia, Reverchonia, Rhopium, Roigia, Scepasma, Staurothylax, Synexemia, Tricarium, Uranthera, Urinaria, Williamia, Xylophylla)
- Richeriella
- Sauropus (also Aalius, Breyniopsis, Ceratogynum, Diplomorpha, Heterocalymnantha, Hexadena, Hexaspermum, Ibina, Synastemon, Synostemon)
Subtribe Leptopinae:
- Leptopus (also Arachne, Chorisandrachne, Hexakestra, Hexakistra)
Subtribe Pseudolachnostylidinae:
- Chascotheca (also Chaenotheca)
- Keayodendron
- Meineckia (also Cluytiandra, Neopeltandra, Peltandra)
- Pseudolachnostylis
- Zimmermannia
- Zimmermanniopsis
Subtribe Securineginae:
Tribe Wielandieae
It comprises 10 genera:
- Actephila (also Anomospermum, Lithoxylon)
- Blotia
- Chonocentrum
- Discocarpus
- Gonatogyne
- Heywoodia
- Lachnostylis
- Petalodiscus
- Savia (also Charidia, Geminaria, Kleinodendron, Maschalanthus)
- Wielandia
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See also
- Taxonomy of the Euphorbiaceae
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