List of MeSH codes (C09)

The following is a partial list of the "C" codes for Medical Subject Headings (MeSH), as defined by the United States National Library of Medicine (NLM).

This list continues the information at List of MeSH codes (C08). Codes following these are found at List of MeSH codes (C10). For other MeSH codes, see List of MeSH codes.

The source for this content is the set of 2006 MeSH Trees from the NLM.

MeSH C09 – otorhinolaryngologic diseases

MeSH C09.150 – ciliary motility disorders

MeSH C09.150.531 – kartagener syndrome

MeSH C09.218 – ear diseases

MeSH C09.218.200 – cholesteatoma, middle ear

MeSH C09.218.271ear deformities, acquired

MeSH C09.218.334ear neoplasms

MeSH C09.218.350earache

MeSH C09.218.458 – hearing disorders

MeSH C09.218.513 – herpes zoster oticus

MeSH C09.218.568 – labyrinth diseases

MeSH C09.218.705otitis

MeSH C09.218.768otosclerosis

MeSH C09.218.807retrocochlear diseases

MeSH C09.218.903 – tympanic membrane perforation

MeSH C09.400 – laryngeal diseases

MeSH C09.400.232 – granuloma, laryngeal

MeSH C09.400.313 – laryngeal edema

MeSH C09.400.369 – laryngeal neoplasms

MeSH C09.400.480laryngismus

MeSH C09.400.535laryngitis

MeSH C09.400.591laryngostenosis

MeSH C09.400.860tuberculosis, laryngeal

MeSH C09.400.931 – vocal cord paralysis

MeSH C09.400.940 – voice disorders

MeSH C09.603nose diseases

MeSH C09.603.171choanal atresia

MeSH C09.603.261epistaxis

MeSH C09.603.352 – granuloma, lethal midline

MeSH C09.603.525 – nasal obstruction

MeSH C09.603.557 – nasal polyps

MeSH C09.603.619nose deformities, acquired

MeSH C09.603.669nose neoplasms

MeSH C09.603.692 – paranasal sinus diseases

MeSH C09.603.799rhinitis

MeSH C09.603.850rhinoscleroma

MeSH C09.647 – otorhinolaryngologic neoplasms

MeSH C09.647.312ear neoplasms

MeSH C09.647.481 – laryngeal neoplasms

MeSH C09.647.675 – neuroma, acoustic

MeSH C09.647.685nose neoplasms

MeSH C09.647.710 – pharyngeal neoplasms

MeSH C09.775 – pharyngeal diseases

MeSH C09.775.174 – deglutition disorders

MeSH C09.775.350nasopharyngeal diseases

MeSH C09.775.500peritonsillar abscess

MeSH C09.775.549 – pharyngeal neoplasms

MeSH C09.775.649pharyngitis

MeSH C09.775.754retropharyngeal abscess

MeSH C09.775.860tonsillitis

MeSH C09.775.955velopharyngeal insufficiency

The list continues at List of MeSH codes (C10).

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