List of Dream Coder episodes

Mediacorp Channel 8's television series Dream Coder is a show in 2017 produced by Mediacorp. The story BEGAN APPS on making new apps to improve lives of people.

The show will begin airing on Mediacorp Channel 8 in Singapore from 7 February 2017.

Episodic Guide

Episode 1 - Began Apps is a three-year-old mobile app developer. Zheng Hongyi is the firm's chief technology officer. He also develops RPG online games. He Jianming and Fang Ru are talented software engineers with Began Apps. They do not see eye-to-eye on the 'Try On Glasses' app. Their project director, Zhong Zhenlong, tries to mediate. Zhenlong's elder sister, Yayun, is a rich housewife. Her husband, Ouyang Fan, is the owner of a chain of eyewear stores. She dotes on her daughter, Keke, and is dependent on Zhenlong for the smooth running of her domestic affairs. Xu Guangda is the sales representative for Meiya Eyewear. He is friendly and promotes his products enthusiastically. Yayun feels he is dishonest and thinks badly of his frugal habits. Fang Ru's parents, Tianren and Mei’e, are retired doctors. They had hoped Fang Ru would follow in their footsteps. Disappointed, they despise her current job. Ouyang Fan's cheque to Guangda's company has bounced. Guangda is forced by his superior to track Ouyang Fan down for prompt payment. He goes to Ouyang Fan's house. Entering the master bedroom, he sees Yayun in an alluring nightgown.

Episode 2 - Yayun mistakes Guangda for a pervert. Fortunately, Ouyang Fan returns and clears the misunderstanding. Yayun casts aside her unhappiness and enjoys a romantic wedding anniversary celebration with Ouyang Fan. Fang Ru and Jianming are called back to the office on a weekend to fix an app malfunction. She totes her dog, Momo, along. It becomes clear Jianming is afraid of dogs, and she teases him relentlessly. A female student, Huixin, idolises Hongyi and wants to get close to him. To get her off his back, he pretends Jianming is his boyfriend. Jingcheng, the co-founder of Began Apps, returns from a business trip. He hires Huixin, who is from a wealthy background, as an intern, despite Hongyi's objections. Guangda's son, Jiahui, and Keke have a disagreement. Yayun and Guangda refuse to budge from their stance. Later, Guangda realises Jiahui is lying. At home, Yayun finds her jewellery missing. She and Zhenlong check the CCTV recording and discover Ouyang Fan is the thief. It turns out he is leaving Singapore that night with a young woman named Jean.

Episode 3 - Yayun cannot believe Ouyang Fan has abandoned her. She makes up a story to convince herself of a different reality, and Zhenlong worries about her. Zhenlong and Fang Ru meet a client. Zhenlong keeps checking the IP camera on his handphone to monitor Yayun's movements, much to Fang Ru's disapproval. He sees Yayun taking a knife into the bedroom and is horrified. Jianming wants Hongyi to clarify their relationship to Huixin but he refuses. Instead, it is Fang Ru who explains to her that Jianming and Hongyi are just colleagues and Hongyi is single. Guangda's boss blames him for Ouyang Fan's bounced cheque. Guangda goes to Yayun's house and demands the money. He tells her the eyewear store has shut down and Ouyang Fan has run away with his mistress. Keke calls Zhenlong, saying Yayun has not picked her up. Zhenlong manages to find Yayun, who is convinced Ouyang Fan still cares about her. She wants to go to Bangkok to look for him. Unable to change Yayun's mind, Zhenlong takes her to the airport. He chances upon his ex-girlfriend, Ruiqing, who tells him a piece of earth-shattering news.

Episode 4 - Huixin is attracted to Jianming and wants to learn more about him. Jianming shows his mother, Xiuxiang, evidence he has found on the Internet showing that her boyfriend, Kay, is not a good man. Kay manages to explain Jianming's allegations away. A customer at the massage parlour falls and hurts his head. Fang Ru happens to be around and gives first aid. Jianming's view of her changes. Fang Ru discovers Zhenlong secretly following Ruiqing. He comforts Ruiqing in an effort to help her get over a broken relationship. To his disappointment, he learns she is waiting for Max to apologise and seek a reconciliation with her. Guangda's deadline is approaching, and he has not been able to get the money Ouyang Fan owes. He asks Kenny to put in a good word for him to the boss. Instead, Kenny humiliates him. Guangda punches him in the face and is arrested. He is forced to resign. Guangda arrives home, wondering how to break the news of his termination. He witnesses Meimei being harassed by a man and intervenes. He is pushed to the ground.

Episode 5 - Jingcheng has reservations about Hongyi spending so much time on a bus game with no commercial value. Hongyi replies that he is developing it for fun. Jingcheng takes Hongyi to meet Huixin's father, Li Junheng, a potential client. Their purpose is to build relationship, but they leave a bad impression instead. Jianming has hurt his ankle. Fang Ru takes him to the clinic run by her brother, Fang Bo. Jianming finds his heart racing when Fang Ru comes close and is attentive to him. Xiuxiang suspects Jianming has fallen for Fang Ru. He denies this at first, but after trawling the Internet for information on signs of love, he no longer has doubts. Out of job, Guangda is feeling the strain of his medical expenses. He acts nonchalantly in Meimei's presence, but realises he has to face up to his financial struggles. He starts looking for employment. Yayun receives the shocking news that her car and house have been sold by Ouyang Fan. She is devastated by her sudden losses.

Episode 6 - Yayun and Keke move into Zhenlong's house. To relieve Yayun's stress over her plight, Zhenlong introduces her to online shopping. Zhenlong and Fang Ru actively seek to partner with a large charitable organisation for the development of an SOS app. They want to tap into the charity's volunteer base, a potential pool of people who can use their app to respond to patients with critical illnesses. Zhenlong discovers Fang Ru has a fear of internal organs, which was the reason she dropped out of medical school. She wants to be able to help others by completing the app. Jingcheng finds out Huixin and Junheng do not see eye-to-eye on her plan to launch a startup. He advises her to have a good talk with Junheng. To his exasperation, Hongyi encourages her to go ahead. Guangda does not get beyond an interview at Began App. He takes part in a ramen-eating competition. Hongyi, who happens to be present, is impressed by his determination and cheers him on. Realising he likes Fang Ru, Jianming avoids her. Zhenlong is stunned to find Yayun has chalked up more than $10,000 in online purchases.

Episode 7 - Hongyi teaches Jianming how to tell a girl he likes her. When Jianming develops the mistaken idea that Fang Ru likes him, he makes a cute animation of the two of them. Zhenlong changes the password of Yayun's online account and lies that the website has malfunctioned. Yayun accidentally hits a motorcycle and injures the driver. Fearing her driving licence might be suspended, she calls Zhenlong to ask him to compensate the driver. Yayun and Annie bump into Guangda, who is now selling intelligent cookers. Yayun thinks he is dishonest and pulls Annie away. Later on, she finds out it was Ouyang Fan's fault that Guangda had lost his job. His positive attitude changes her perception of him. By chance, Yayun finds out Zhenlong had lent a sum of money to Ouyang Fan and the loan remains unpaid. In more recent times, he has sold his watch, a longtime possession. It strikes her that she has been a burden to him. Yayun goes to Keke's school to pick her up but Keke is missing.

Episode 8 - Yayun tells Zhenlong she appreciates what he has done for her and promises to pull herself together. Guangda is notified that he is being hired by Began Apps. When he starts work, he realises it is all a mistake; he has not been hired. He begs Jingcheng to give him a chance but is rejected. However, Hongyi gives him three months to prove himself. Zhenlong notices that Guangda is not at all IT savvy. Nonetheless, he gives the latter encouragement. Jingcheng knows Zhenlong is having financial issues and offers him a loan. Zhenlong asks him to consider hiring Yayun as a data analyst. Xiuxiang shares with Fang Ru that she has difficulty communicating with her son, Jianming. Fang Ru suggests starting with Jianming's interests. Yayun begins an online business. Little does she expect to find that the beauty products she has ordered are fakes. Zhenlong and Fang Ru go to a park to test the SOS app. She slips and falls into a drain. As he pulls her up, they fall into an embrace and she finds her heart racing.

Episode 9 - Guangda is determined to learn wireframe even though he is ridiculed by Jiahui. He meets a client and promises to fulfil the latter's additional requirements at no extra cost. During a meeting, Jingcheng voices his displeasure at Guangda's misjudgment. He wants to terminate his employment. Hongyi and Zhenlong manage to talk him around. Huixin joins the accelerator programme. Jingcheng shares his working experiences with her. Jingcheng agrees to employ Yayun. She lacks confidence but decides to give the job a try. Keke and Zhenlong cheer her on. On her first day of work, Yayun comes to realise Hongyi is her boss and is incredulous. Jianming secretly installs an app into Fang Ru's handphone. Hongyi is sceptical about Yayun's capabilities. Zhenlong vouches for her. The secret app in Fang Ru's handphone is triggered and an animated declaration of Jianming's love plays. She accepts him.

Episode 10 - Jianming professes his love for Fang Ru. Thinking he is playing a prank on her, she scolds him. Later on, Fang Ru finds out by chance that Jianming really likes her. Meanwhile, Jianming is nursing the rejection; it is a big blow to him. They become awkward in each other's presence. Huixin's internship is about to end. She confesses her love for Jianming, even though she realises he likes Fang Ru. She gives them her blessings. Yayun is unhappy at remarks that she got her job by pulling strings. Hongyi defends her and cheers her up. Fang Ru is pleased the SOS app is well-received. She buys Zhenlong dinner. Guangda asks Zhenlong if developing an app to pre-plan one's own funeral is feasible. Intrigued by the idea, Zhenlong tells him to draw up a proposal. At Yayun's encouragement, Zhenlong asks Fang Ru out. They receive a help alert on their SOS app and are shocked to find Tianren unconscious.

Episode 11 - Tianren undergoes surgery, which is a success. Because Fang Ru had promptly administered CPR, he is alive. She hugs Zhenlong in relief and thanks him for helping her develop the SOS app. Zhenlong visits Tianren at the hospital. Tianren shows his interest in the mobile apps developed by Began Apps. Fang Ru is glad he is gradually showing signs of accepting her job. Hongyi is asked by his landlord to move out in three days. Knowing it's a challenge to find another place in such a short time, Zhenlong suggests Hongyi move into his house temporarily. Yayun tries to object but to no avail. Xiuxiang finds out Jianming likes Fang Ru and tries to put in a good word for him. Fang Ru tells Jianming she already has someone she likes. Fang Ru dresses up and waits for Zhenlong outside the concert hall, where they are supposed to watch a musical. Zhenlong goes to meet Ruiqing instead. He finds out she is divorced.

Episode 12 - Hongyi moves into Zhenlong's house. He connects with Keke through video games and they get along well. Zhenlong takes Ruiqing cycling at East Coast Park. He recalls their past and has mixed feelings about it. Zhenlong admits to Fang Ru he had missed their date because he was consoling Ruiqing. She tries to conceal her jealousy. After numerous setbacks, Guangda finally finds a client who is willing to invest in the funeral app. He and Yayun are thrilled. Huixin and Yuchen participate in the accelerator programme. They feel depressed when their proposal is rejected. Yayun is gradually accepted by her colleagues and is pleased. Sympathising with Jianming's failed attempt at love, Hongyi tries to lift his mood. He takes him drinking but gets drunk instead. Jianming realises Xiuxiang cares about his feelings when she turns down a date with Kay. Yayun helps the drunk Hongyi into the house. Intoxicated, he kisses her.

Episode 13 - Guangda buys a cake for Yayun, who gives it to Joy instead. His heart aches when he finds out. Hongyi thinks Guangda likes Joy. Jingcheng gets funding for a share app. Hongyi asks Yayun to assist in the development. Jingcheng finds an apartment for Hongyi but the latter plans to stay at Zhenlong's house. Jingcheng can see that Hongyi likes Yayun but feels she is not suitable for him. Thinking Zhenlong is back in a relationship with Ruiqing, Fang Ru gives him the cold shoulder. Yayun wants to buy back the watch Zhenlong had sold. She is upset to learn it has been sold again. Guangda gets the name of the watch buyer and, after much effort, buys the watch back. Guangda takes the watch to Yayun, who has just received news that Ouyang Fan has died.

Episode 14 - Jianming encounters Kay, who reveals he has broken up with Xiuxiang. Meanwhile, Xiuxiang acts like nothing has happened and continues to show concern for Jianming. He is touched. Hongyi takes Huixin and Yuchen to meet a group of young entrepreneurs. Motivated when they share their experiences, Huixin and Yuchen decide to continue to pursue their dreams. Zhenlong is uncomfortable about the warm interaction between Fang Ru and Jianming. Zhenlong and Ruiqing have dinner together. Both sense a huge change and try hard to accommodate each other. Zhenlong tells her frankly that he has someone he likes. Hongyi wants to court Yayun but Zhenlong thinks they are not suitable for each other. Jianming is touched when Xiuxiang tries to enter his life by learning to use all sorts of apps and playing the games he has designed. He creates an animated message and apologises to her. Zhenlong expresses his love for Fang Ru but is rejected. She collapses suddenly and he panics.

Episode 15 - Fang Ru knows her fainting spells have been caused by brain tumours. Zhenlong feels terrible when she behaves coldly towards him. Yayun returns home after seeing to Ouyang Fan's funeral in Thailand. He had been knocked down by a car and died from his injuries. Jianming senses that something is bothering Fang Ru. He and Zhenlong send text messages to her to express their concern. Yayun is grateful to Guangda for getting Zhenlong's watch back. He lies that he had bumped into the previous buyer by chance. Hongyi hints to Yayun that he likes her. She shares that she is not ready for a relationship. Officers from the Technology Crime Division investigate Began Apps when fraudulent credit card transactions are reported by online gamers. For security reasons, Hongyi takes down the gaming website temporarily. Yayun learns Guangda likes her and gives him a scolding. She maintains she will never like him because he is married. He is dumbfounded.

Episode 16 - Guangda explains his relationship with Meimei to Yayun. In turn, she shares that she has no intention of entering into a relationship for the time being. Concerned about the cyber security loophole found in Began Apps’ gaming website, Zhenlong's client puts their plans to collaborate on hold. Began Apps staffers are anxious about the negative impact of the news reports on their compromised gaming website. Jingcheng encourages them to remain united as the company handles the crisis. Hongyi is shocked to learn the cyber security consultant Jingcheng has hired to investigate the security lapse is his former girlfriend, Regina Wee. Jianming suspects Fang Ru has a problem with her eyesight. Worried, he hacks into her e-diary to find out what is going on in her life. The police confirm a hacker had bypassed Began Apps’ firewall and attacked their server. Fang Ru is devastated by the results of her medical report. She goes to the roof-top, and Jianming, who is following her, gets the mistaken idea she is about to commit suicide. She breaks down in his arms.

Episode 17 - Fang Ru and Jianming take leave together. Everyone wonders why. Regina ridicules Yayun for staying with Hongyi. Joy has bought a branded bag. When she lies that it's a replica, Yayun becomes suspicious. Yayun and Hongyi find out Joy is the person in cahoots with the hacker. Jingcheng suggests handing the evidence over to the police, but Yayun hopes to convince Joy to turn herself in. Hongyi realises by chance that Guangda likes Yayun, and tries to prevent them from being together. Fang Ru knows both Jianming and Zhenlong are good to her. However, due to her illness, she is unable to reciprocate either man's feelings. Yayun senses something is wrong with Fang Ru. Zhenlong asks Jianming, who shares that Fang Ru has a brain tumour. They assure Fang Ru they will take care of her and face the illness with her. Unexpectedly, she collapses.

Episode 18 - Fang Ru loses her eyesight because the tumour is affecting her optic nerve, but she refuses to undergo an operation. When Zhenlong fails to talk her round, Jianming gives her a severe scolding. Huixin and Yuchen take part in a competitive pitch. Junheng is one of the judges; he is impressed by their presentation. Fang Ru finally plucks up the courage to face her deteriorating condition. She decides to go overseas to have the surgery, but does not tell Zhenlong and Jianming. She leaves without a word to anyone. Yayun bumps into Ouyang Fan's mistress, Jean, who reveals he had wanted to apologise to her and Keke before he died. Jingcheng encounters a businessman, Joel, who thinks highly of him. Joel offers to help him set up his own company. Jingcheng declines. Yayun realises Guangda is very concerned about her. Jealous, Hongyi confronts Guangda and insists the latter should stop pursuing her.

Episode 19 - Guangda admits to Hongyi that he likes Yayun. They decide to compete fairly. Guangda comes realise Keke keeps throwing tantrums because she doesn’t understand Ouyang Fan has died. Using a story, he patiently explains to her how much Yayun has done for her. Investors pull out from the development of the share-share app. Jingcheng tries to talk Junheng around but fails. His unhappiness towards Hongyi grows. Junheng changes his mind and decides to invest in the share-share app. Everyone gives Hongyi credit. Jingcheng is sullen. Fang Ru goes out on dates with Jianming and Zhenlong separately. She finds each has his own merits. Jingcheng does not show up at the launch of the share-share app. Zhenlong and Jianming discover irregularities with the server, and it fails to start up. Jingcheng cannot be contacted.

Episode 20 - During its launch, the share-share app does not function. The computer system has been attacked by a virus and the app is compromised. Guangda wonders about Jingcheng's sudden disappearance but Hongyi dismisses his suspicions. Another company releases an identical app called Let's Share. Hongyi learns Jingcheng has sabotaged and betrayed them. Junheng drops his investment in the share-share app. Hongyi sinks into depression. Zhenlong steps forward to take the reins. Under his leadership the team fixes the share-share app, and he begs Junheng to give them another chance. His team's determination inspires him, and Hongyi pulls himself together. Guangda is disheartened by Yayun's concern for Hongyi. Hongyi decides to start afresh. He changes the company's name to Rebegan and makes everyone a shareholder. The revamped share-share app is launched to good reviews. Both Hongyi and Guangda confess their feelings for Yayun. Huixin fakes an accident so that Fang Ru will discern her real feelings for Jianming and Zhenlong.

gollark: Ha. I just SSHed into VMWare. Take that.
gollark: I don't like honey, I prefer jam.
gollark: And now I can reverse-trace your proxy.
gollark: You only hacked my *decoy* router!
gollark: For advanced stuff I'd obviously recommend A♭, but it's fine for simple stuff.

See also

  • Dream Coder
  • List of MediaCorp Channel 8 Chinese drama series (2010s)
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