List of Delphacodes species
This is a list of 235 species in Delphacodes, a genus of delphacid planthoppers in the family Delphacidae.[1][2][3][4]
Delphacodes species
- Delphacodes aculeata Beamer, 1948 i c g
- Delphacodes acuministyla Dozier, 1926 i c g b
- Delphacodes adunca Beamer, 1948 i
- Delphacodes agropyri Ishihara, 1949 i g
- Delphacodes alboguttata (Melichar, 1903) c g
- Delphacodes alpina (Sahlberg, 1871) i c
- Delphacodes amblystylis Fennah, 1956 i c g
- Delphacodes andromeda (Van Duzee, 1907) i
- Delphacodes anemonias (Kirkaldy, 1907) c g
- Delphacodes angulata Beamer, 1947 i c g
- Delphacodes anthracina (Horváth, 1909) i c g
- Delphacodes anufrievi Wilson, 1992 i c g
- Delphacodes apicata Beamer, 1948 i c g
- Delphacodes arcuata Beamer, 1948 i c g
- Delphacodes ardentis Beamer, 1948 i
- Delphacodes argentina Remes Lenikov and Tesón, 1979 i c g
- Delphacodes arvensis (Fitch, 1851) c g
- Delphacodes aterrima Muir, 1926 c g
- Delphacodes aterrimus Muir, 1926 i
- Delphacodes atralabis Beamer, 1948 c g
- Delphacodes atrior (Fowler, 1905) i c g
- Delphacodes audrasi Ribaut, 1953 i c g
- Delphacodes axillaris (Sahlberg, 1876) i c
- Delphacodes balli Muir & Giffard, 1924 i c g b
- Delphacodes banosensis Muir, 1926 i c g
- Delphacodes bellicosa Muir and Giffard, 1924 i c g
- Delphacodes bergi (Scott, 1881) i c g
- Delphacodes biarmica (Sahlberg, 1871) c g
- Delphacodes bifurca Beamer, 1946 i
- Delphacodes bocana Beamer, 1946 i g
- Delphacodes bohemani (Stal, 1858) c
- Delphacodes burjata (Kusnezov, 1929) i c g
- Delphacodes caerulata Beamer, 1947 i c g
- Delphacodes capellana (Jacobi, 1917) c
- Delphacodes capnodes (Scott, 1870) i c g
- Delphacodes carinata (Glover, 1877) i c g
- Delphacodes cataniae (Matsumura, 1910) c
- Delphacodes catilina Fennah, 1958 i g
- Delphacodes cayamensis (Crawford, 1914) i c g
- Delphacodes celaeno Fennah, 1956 i c g
- Delphacodes cerberus Fennah, 1957 i g
- Delphacodes chiloensis Muir, 1929 i c g
- Delphacodes choroebus Fennah, 1958 i g
- Delphacodes clypealis (Sahlberg, 1871) c
- Delphacodes compta Beamer, 1948 i
- Delphacodes conspicua (Horváth, 1904) i c g
- Delphacodes conwentzi Matsumura, 1906 c g
- Delphacodes culta (Van Duzee, 1907) i c g
- Delphacodes curvistyla Dozier, 1926 i c g
- Delphacodes darwini Muir, 1929 i c g
- Delphacodes dentipennis Beamer, 1948 i
- Delphacodes dentis Beamer, 1948 i c g
- Delphacodes detecta (Van Duzee, 1897) i b
- Delphacodes difficilis (Edwards, 1888) c g
- Delphacodes discreta (Edwards, 1888) c g
- Delphacodes distanti Metcalf, 1943 i
- Delphacodes distincta (Flor, 1861) c g
- Delphacodes distingueda (Kirschbaum, 1868) c g
- Delphacodes dolosa (Muir, 1926) c g
- Delphacodes elongatus Tesón and Remes Lenicov, 1983 i c g
- Delphacodes emeljanovi Wilson, 1992 i
- Delphacodes esakii Matsumura and Ishihara, 1945 i g
- Delphacodes exigua (Boheman, 1847) c g
- Delphacodes fairmairei (Perris, 1857) c g
- Delphacodes fallax Muir, 1926 c g
- Delphacodes fascia (Lindberg, 1960) i c g
- Delphacodes fieberi (Scott, 1870) c g
- Delphacodes flava Metcalf, 1943 i c g
- Delphacodes flaveola (Flor, 1861) c g
- Delphacodes flavida (Melichar, 1903) i c g
- Delphacodes flavipennis (Sahlberg, 1871) c g
- Delphacodes forcipata (Boheman, 1847) c g
- Delphacodes framarib Asche and Remane, 1983 i c g
- Delphacodes frontalis (Kirschbaum, 1868) c g
- Delphacodes fukuokae Ishihara, 1949 i g
- Delphacodes fumipennis (Fieber, 1866) c g
- Delphacodes furcata (Provancher, 1872) i c g
- Delphacodes fuscifrons (Fieber, 1879) i c
- Delphacodes fuscovaria (Distant, 1917) c
- Delphacodes giffuensis (Matsumura, 1900) c g
- Delphacodes gilletei (Van Duzee, 1897) c g
- Delphacodes gilveola (Kirschbaum, 1868) i c g
- Delphacodes gluciophila Muir, 1926 i c g
- Delphacodes gracilis (Matsumura, 1915) i c
- Delphacodes graminis Lindberg, 1958 i g
- Delphacodes guaramanensis (Scott, 1873) c g
- Delphacodes guianensis Muir, 1919 i c g
- Delphacodes haglundi (Sahlberg, 1871) c g
- Delphacodes hemiptera (Germar, 1818) i c
- Delphacodes herrichii (Kirschbaum, 1868) c g
- Delphacodes hyas (Kirkaldy, 1907) i c g
- Delphacodes identistyla (Dozier, 1926) c g
- Delphacodes incerta (Van Duzee, 1897) i
- Delphacodes incurva Beamer, 1948 i
- Delphacodes indentistyla Dozier, 1926 i g
- Delphacodes ixion Fennah, 1958 i g
- Delphacodes juncea (Haupt, 1935) c g
- Delphacodes kahavalu Kirkaldy, 1906 i c g
- Delphacodes koebelei Muir and Giffard, 1924 i c
- Delphacodes kotonis (Matsumura, 1940) i g
- Delphacodes kuscheli Fennah, 1955 i c g
- Delphacodes laminalis (Van Duzee, 1897) c
- Delphacodes lappae Beamer, 1946 i g
- Delphacodes lata Remes Lenicov & Teson, 1979 c g
- Delphacodes latidens Beamer, 1948 i
- Delphacodes latifrons (Fieber, 1872) i c
- Delphacodes latus Remes Lenikov and Tesón, 1979 i
- Delphacodes leprotosoma (Flor, 1861) c g
- Delphacodes leptosoma (Flor, 1861) c g
- Delphacodes leptypha (Amyot, 1847) i c g
- Delphacodes lethierryi (Scott, 1873) c
- Delphacodes limitata (Fieber, 1866) c g
- Delphacodes linnavuorii (Le Quesne, 1960) i g
- Delphacodes livida Beamer, 1948 i c g
- Delphacodes lucticolor (Sahlberg, 1868) c g
- Delphacodes lugubrina (Boheman, 1847) c g
- Delphacodes lutea Beamer, 1946 i
- Delphacodes luteivitta (Walker, 1851) i
- Delphacodes lutulentoides Beamer, 1948 i
- Delphacodes macroptera (Costa, 1834) i c
- Delphacodes magna (Crawford, 1914) i
- Delphacodes maikoensis (Matsumura, 1900) c g
- Delphacodes marginalis (Motschulsky, 1863) i c g
- Delphacodes marginicornis (Fowler, 1905) i c g
- Delphacodes marshalli (Scott, 1873) c
- Delphacodes mcateei Muir and Giffard, 1924 i c g
- Delphacodes melanocephala (Fieber, 1879) i c g
- Delphacodes mesada Caldwell in Caldwell and Martorell, 1951 i c g
- Delphacodes minoensis (Matsumura, 1900) c g
- Delphacodes mocsaryi (Horváth, 1897) c g
- Delphacodes modesta (Fieber, 1866) i c g
- Delphacodes montezumae Muir and Giffard, 1924 i
- Delphacodes muirella Metcalf, 1943 i g
- Delphacodes muirianus Izzard, 1936 i g
- Delphacodes mulsanti (Fieber, 1866) i c g
- Delphacodes munda Beamer, 1948 i
- Delphacodes nastasi Asche and Remane, 1983 i c g
- Delphacodes nigeriensis (Muir, 1920) c
- Delphacodes nigerrima Ishihara, 1949 i
- Delphacodes nigricans (Matsumura, 1910) i c g
- Delphacodes nigricula (Berg, 1879) i
- Delphacodes nigridorsum (Crawford, 1914) i
- Delphacodes nigrifacies Muir, 1918 i
- Delphacodes nigrifrons (Matsumura, 1910) c
- Delphacodes nigrigaster (Crawford, 1914) i
- Delphacodes nigrinota Beamer, 1951 i g
- Delphacodes nigripennata Beamer, 1946 i g
- Delphacodes nipponica (Matsumura, 1900) c g
- Delphacodes nitens Muir and Giffard, 1924 i
- Delphacodes nitidipennis (Kirschbaum, 1868) c g
- Delphacodes niveimarginata (Scott, 1870) c g
- Delphacodes obscurella (Boheman, 1847) c
- Delphacodes obscurinervis (Kirschbaum, 1868) c g
- Delphacodes ornatipennis (Haupt, 1929) i c g
- Delphacodes pacifica (Crawford, 1914) i c g
- Delphacodes pallecips (Horváth, 1897) c g
- Delphacodes pallens (Stål, 1854) c g
- Delphacodes pallidula (Melichar, 1903) i c g
- Delphacodes paludicola Muir, 1926 i c g
- Delphacodes paludosa (Flor, 1861) c g
- Delphacodes parvistyla Muir, 1929 c
- Delphacodes parvistylus Muir, 1929 i c g
- Delphacodes parvula (Ball, 1902) c
- Delphacodes patruelis (Stål, 1859) i c g
- Delphacodes penedetecta Beamer, 1950 i
- Delphacodes penelutea Beamer, 1948 i
- Delphacodes peneparvula Beamer, 1947 i
- Delphacodes penepuella Beamer, 1948 i c g
- Delphacodes perusta Beamer, 1947 i
- Delphacodes pictifrons (Osborn, 1938) g
- Delphacodes platystylus Muir, 1930 i c g
- Delphacodes plenatra Beamer, 1948 i
- Delphacodes protrusa (Fieber, 1866) c g
- Delphacodes puella (Van Duzee, 1897) i c g b
- Delphacodes puertoricensis Caldwell in Caldwell and Martorell, 1951 i g
- Delphacodes quadridentis Beamer, 1948 i c g
- Delphacodes quadrispinosa Muir and Giffard, 1924 i c g
- Delphacodes radiata (Costa, 1834) i c g
- Delphacodes rectangularis (Crawford, 1914) i c g
- Delphacodes recurvata Beamer, 1948 i g b
- Delphacodes reducta (Van Duzee, 1907) i c g
- Delphacodes reyi (Fieber, 1866) c g
- Delphacodes rivularis (Germar, 1830) i c g
- Delphacodes rotundata (Crawford, 1914) c g
- Delphacodes sabrina Fennah, 1958 i c g
- Delphacodes saccharicola Muir, 1926 i c
- Delphacodes sagae Beamer, 1946 i
- Delphacodes sagata (Fowler, 1905) i c g
- Delphacodes sahlbergiana Ishihara, 1949 i g
- Delphacodes saxicola Muir, 1926 i c g
- Delphacodes schinias Asche and Remane, 1983 i c g
- Delphacodes scolochloa Cronin and Wilson, 2007 i g
- Delphacodes scutellata (Scott, 1873) c g
- Delphacodes securigera Muir, 1926 i c g
- Delphacodes selkirki (Muir in Bergroth, 1924) i c g
- Delphacodes seminigra (Stål, 1854) i c g
- Delphacodes semiobscura Metcalf, 1943 i c g
- Delphacodes serrata Beamer, 1948 i
- Delphacodes shermani (Metcalf, 1923) i c g
- Delphacodes signoreti (Scott, 1870) c g
- Delphacodes silvae Beamer, 1946 i g
- Delphacodes similis (Kirschbaum, 1868) c g
- Delphacodes simulans (Walker, 1851) c
- Delphacodes sitarea Remes Lenikov and Tesón, 1979 i c g
- Delphacodes sordida (Kirschbaum, 1868) c g
- Delphacodes spinigera Fennah, 1945 c g
- Delphacodes spinosus Tesón and Remes Lenicov, 1983 i c g
- Delphacodes staminata (Metcalf, 1923) i c g
- Delphacodes stigmaticalis (Curtis, 1837) i c
- Delphacodes straminea (Stal, 1858) c g
- Delphacodes stricklandi Metcalf, 1946 i g
- Delphacodes strigosa (Matsumura, 1910) c g
- Delphacodes substitua (Walker, 1851) g
- Delphacodes sucinea Beamer, 1948 i c g
- Delphacodes tapina (Fieber, 1866) i c g
- Delphacodes tenae Muir, 1926 i c g
- Delphacodes thersander Fennah, 1956 i c g
- Delphacodes thomasseti (Muir, 1925) c
- Delphacodes thoracica (Distant, 1916) c g
- Delphacodes trimaculata Beamer, 1948 i c g b
- Delphacodes truncata Beamer, 1948 i c g
- Delphacodes tschikoica (Kusnezov, 1929) c g
- Delphacodes turgida Beamer, 1948 i c g
- Delphacodes uncinata (Fieber, 1866) i c g
- Delphacodes unda (Metcalf, 1923) c g
- Delphacodes unicolor (Walker, 1851) c g
- Delphacodes unistrigosa (Motschulsky, 1863) i c g
- Delphacodes univittata (Berg, 1879) i c g
- Delphacodes vaccina Caldwell in Caldwell and Martorell, 1951 i c g
- Delphacodes variabilis Remes Lenikov and Tesón, 1979 i
- Delphacodes vegetata (Melichar, 1912) c g
- Delphacodes venosus (Germar, 1830) c
- Delphacodes waldeni (Metcalf, 1923) i c g
- Delphacodes walkeri Metcalf, 1943 i c g
- Delphacodes xerophila Muir, 1926 i c g
Data sources: i = ITIS[1], c = Catalogue of Life[2], g = GBIF[3], b =[4]
gollark: And if it's fixed by disabling the mod... well, it's at least a mod interaction issue; has this person *never* heard of responsible disclosure?!
gollark: I would like to talk to this person and complain at them.
gollark: Anyway, what version?
gollark: Also argument to authority is really annoying.
gollark: I guess he decided "computers can cause TPS lag?! I am the only one who discovered this and must keep it secret for the good of everyone".
- "Delphacodes Report". Integrated Taxonomic Information System. Retrieved 2018-04-25.
- "Browse Delphacodes". Catalogue of Life. Retrieved 2018-04-25.
- "Delphacodes". GBIF. Retrieved 2018-04-25.
- "Delphacodes Genus Information". Retrieved 2018-04-25.
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