List of Nuxalk villages

By 1953 there were only two bodies of Nuxalk left: The Kimsquit, on Dean Inlet; and the Bella Coola, at the mouth of Bella Coola River. Older writers speak of the Nuhalk, which was the name of the Bella Coola Valley; Talyumc, whose village at the head of South Bentinck Arm was abandoned about 1933; and the Noothlakamishb (Nuxalkmc) on North Bentinck Arm, reported by Tolmie, and by Dawson in 1884.

This is a list of Nuxalk villages.

Today Nuxalkmc live primarily in two villages, the village of Bella Coola, and the village of Snxlhh, also known as 4-mile, but continue to use their entire territory.


(as given by McIlwraith, cited by John Reed Swanton)

Modern Nuxalk language orthography is in brackets, as is the meaning of the name.

  • Aimats (Aymats), north of Ahutskwakstl (Anutsqaaxlh) near the Peisela River (Piisla).
  • Aketi (Acati), on the south side of the Dean River (about 1 mile from the sea)
  • Anutlitlk, near the mouth of Dean River, still occupied (Anutl'lhlc - abandoned almost a hundred years now)
  • Anutskwakstl (Anutsquutslh or anutsqaaxlh), an eastern extension of Tlokotl (Tl'uk'uulh).
  • Aseik, (Asiiqw - head of channel) on a stream flowing into a bay at the southwest end of South Bentinck Arm (Ats'aaxlh).
  • Asenane, (Asanani/Asinani) on the shore of a bay on the south side of the Bella Coola River (Nuxalk).
  • Asktlta (Asklhta), at Salmon House on the Upper Dean River.
  • Atlklaktl, (Alhqlaaxlh - fenced village) near the south bank of the Peisela River (Piisla) about ¼-mile from the sea.
  • Ikwink, on the Dean River 28 miles from the sea.
  • Kadis, (Q'xtis) on the east side of South Bentinck Arm, about ¼-mile from the Noieck River (actually located closer to Ts'awlhmim than to Nuwik).
  • Kameik, (Qamiix) on the west bank of the Necleetsconnay River (Nutcictskwani) about ¾-mile from the sea (also the name of the creek and mountain, and matches the location of the village of Ts'alh)
  • Kantkilsk, (Qnklst - rocky-below / island) on the east side of South Bentinck Arm "slightly north of Bensins Island (also called Qnklst), which is opposite the hot springs (Icp'iixm) on the west side of the fjord (Ats'aaxlh)."
  • Koapk, (Qw'apx) on the east side of the mouth of a creek (Asiixw) entering the head of South Bentinck Arm (Ats'aaxlh) from the south.
  • Komkutis, (Q'umk'uts) the upper (eastern) continuation of Stskeitl (Sts'kiilh).
  • Kwiliutl, (Qwlyulh) on the north side of the Atnarko (Lhaaxlc) a few hundred yards above the forks (the fork with the Talchako or Whitewater).
  • Nuekmak, (Nu7iixmaqw's) near some stagnant pools on the north side of Bella Coola River a short distance above Snoönikwilk (Snu7unikwlxs) (though the pools are known to have been on the south side).
  • Nuhwilst, (Nucwlst) on the shore of Dean Channel six miles from Satsk (Satskw).
  • Nuiku, (Nuwikw) on a raised mound on South Bentinck Arm (Ats'aaxlh) south of the mouth of the Noieck River (Nuwikw).
  • Nukaakmats, (Snuqaaxmats') on the north shore of the Bella Coola River about a mile above Tsilkt (Ts'lkt - alternatively, Ts'likt).
  • Nukits, (Nukits' - twisted water) on the south side of the Bella Coola River 11¼ miles from the sea, upper end of site of the modern village of Hagensborg.
  • Nuskapts, (Nusqap'ts) on the south bank of the Dean River about 25 miles from the sea.
  • Nuskek, (Nusxiq') on the shore of North Bentinck east of the creek that flows into it at Green Bay (Nusxiq').
  • Nuskelst, (Nusq'lst) on the north side of the Bella Coola River (Nuxalk) opposite the mountain of the same name (Nusq'lst).
  • Nutal, (Nutl'l) on the bank of the Dean River at the bottom of the canyon (Nutl'l).
  • Nutltleik, (Nutl'lhiixw - dry headwaters, modern day Burnt Bridge) 200 yards from the Bella Coola River on a creek flowing in from the north and about 31 miles from the sea.
  • Nutskwatlt, on the south side of the Dean River about 1¼-miles from the sea.
  • Okmikimik, (Uqmikmc) at the present village of Hagensborg 11 miles from the sea.
  • Ososkpimk, on the north shore of the Bella Coola River about ½-mile above Aimats.
  • Satsk, (Satskw) at the mouth of the Kimsquit River.
  • Senktl, (Snxlhh) on the south side of the Bella Coola River opposite Tciktciktelpats (Sts’icts’icwtalhp)
  • Setlia, (Salhya - Tallio Point) on the east side of South Bentinck Arm about ¼-mile from its junction with North Bentinck.
  • Siwalos, (Siwalusim - where the canoes were left) on the north side of the Dean River about 35 miles from the sea, where the trail to the Interior (Sutkalhta - winter trail) left the river valley.
  • Skomeltl, (Squmalh - the name of a site, creek and valley) on the south side of the Bella Coola River about 3 miles from the sea (the upper end of Snxlhh and Tsumuulh).
  • Snoönikwilk, (Snu7unikwlxs - West Point) on a curving promontory on the south bank of the Bella Coola River about 4 miles from the sea (actually the name of the ridge on the north side of the river).
  • Snutele, (Snut'li - place of dog salmon) on the south bank of the Bella Coola River above Nukaakmats (Also the name of the creek and valley that begin there).
  • Snutlelelatl, on the north side of the Atnarko River about 10 miles from the forks.
  • Stskeitl, (Sts'kiilh) on the south bank of the Bella Coola River about ¼-mile from the sea.
  • Stuik (Stuwic)(Stuie, on the point between the Atnarko and Whitewater (Talchako) Rivers, which join to form the Bella Coola.
  • Talio, (Talyuu) on the west side of the mouth of the Nuwikw river, last location, which was frequently changed.
  • Tasaltlimk, (ts'alh or ts'alhmc) on the shore of North Bentinck Arm west and north of the mouth of the Necleetsconnay river (Nutcictskwani).
  • Tciktciktelpats, (Possibly Tsipscaaxuts) some distance from the north bank of the Bella Coola River, the river course having changed.
  • Tlokotl, (Tl'uk'uulh - high mound) above Atlkaktl (Alhqlaaxlh) on the Peisela Creek (Piisla).
  • Tsaotltmem, (Ts'awlhmim - Camp 2 bay) on the east side of South Bentinck Arm about 4 miles from Kankilst (Qnklst).
  • Tsilkt, (Ts'lkt or Ts'likt) on the north shore of the Bella Coola River above Tsomootl (Tsumuulh - noisy rock).
  • Tsomootl, (Tsumuulh - Sound of water over a rock) the upper continuation of Skomeltl (Squmalh).

Boas (1898) gives also the following names, most of which are probably synonyms for some of the above:

  • Koatlna (Kwalhna - inlet south of South Bentinck)
  • Nusatsem (Nusats'm - place of dried up humpies, village and creek at Noosatsum creek and synonym to Asinani)
  • Osmakmiketlp (Usmicmikalhp - place of harvesting spruce trees - unknown location)
  • Peisela (Piisla)
  • Sakta
  • Selkuta
  • Slaaktl (Slaaxlh - likely the name of the Talchako river)
  • Sotstl (Sutslh - the village at mouth of Kimsquit River)
  • Tkeiktskune (Nu-tcictskwani - River running north at the mouth of the Bella Coola river)
  • Tskoakkane


gollark: More importantly, other people can.
gollark: Ghosts.
gollark: That's what they want you to think.
gollark: `main=main`?
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