Kurt Rosenkranz

Kurt Rosenkranz (born on August 2, 1927, in Vienna) is an Austrian adult educator.


Kurt Rosenkranz grew up in the Viennese district of Brigittenau. His Jewish parents and grandparents had emigrated from Eastern Europe to Vienna. At the age of 9 he became a member of the boys' choir at the temple (de) in Kaschlgasse.[1]

In the year 1938, in the course of the “Anschluss” Kurt Rosenkranz experienced riots and humiliation. He was transferred from his old school to a “Sammelschule” for Jews in Währingerstraße 43.[2][3] The Rosenkranz family fled to Riga, but when the German troops arrived there, the members of the Rosenkranz family were transferred to Soviet camps and interned first at Novosibirsk in Russia, then in Karaganda in Kazakhstan.

In 1946 Kurt Rosenkranz returned to Vienna to work with his father in their small shoe factory.

In 1989 Kurt Rosenkranz founded the Jewish Institute for Adult Education.[4]

He earned the title “Professor” for his merits. His brother Herbert Rosenkranz worked as a historian at Yad Vashem.


  • Together with David Zelinger (ed.): Verpflichtung eines Überlebenden – Reden und Berichte. Bohmann, Vienna 1993


  • "Encyclopaedia of Austrian Authors of Jewish Descent. 18th to 20th Century"; Ed.: Austrian National Library, Vienna. K.G. Saur, Munich 2002, ISBN 3-598-11545-8 (Volume 2)
  • Christian H. Stifter, Brigitte Ungar-Klein (ed.): Bildung gegen Vorurteile, Festschrift aus Anlass des 10jährigen Jubiläums des Jüdischen Instituts für Erwachsenenbildung, Wien 2000
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gollark: I agree.
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gollark: LLVM IR?


  1. Hörspuren short biography of Kurt Rosenkranz (in German)
  2. DÖW Archived 2011-06-12 at the Wayback Machine DÖW: Herbert Exenberger: 16. Mai 1938 – „Ausschulung“ jüdischer Kinder aus Wiener Pflichtschulen (in German).
  3. erinnern.at Video with Kurt Rosenkranz about school in 1938, Maria Ecker in Vienna, Juli 2008. (in German)
  4. adulteducation.at Jewish Institute for Adult Education
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