Krishna (film series)
Krishna:The Animated Movie series consists of 4 films and is created by Greengold Animations India. The story is based on Indian history, involving the early life of Krishna. It airs on Cartoon Network India and Pogo.[1][2]
Movie 1: Krishna: The Birth
It involves the story of the birth of Vishnu in the form of Krishna.
- Run-time: About 75 minutes
Movie 2: Krishna: Makhan Chor
It involves the stories of Krishna growing in Gokul under the care of his foster parents Nanda-Lal and Yashoda, his mischievous pranks and his slaying of demons.
- Run-time: About 75 minutes.
Movie 3: Krishna: in Vrindavan
It involves the stories of a slightly grown-up Krishna slaying more demons and creating miracles.
- Run-time: About 72 minutes
Movie 4: Krishna: Kansa Vadha
Kansa Vadha in English refers to "the slaying of Kansa".
In this movie, Yashodha finds out that Krishna is the child of Devaki of Mathura. The movie also involves Krishna's love for Radha and the slaving of the evil demon Kansa.
- Run-time: About 68 minutes
See also
- Chhota Bheem – created by Green Gold Animations.
- "Cartoon Network to premier 'Krishna: The Birth' on Janmashtmi". Indian Television Dot Com. 9 August 2006.
- "Cartoon Network to celebrate Republic Day with premiere of 'Krishna: Makhan Chor'". Indian Television Dot Com. 22 January 2007.