
Kookyville is a British comedy sketch show that aired on 25 November 2012 on Channel 4. The programme, created by Nichola Hegarty, is different from other sketch shows in that "These people are not actors or comedians, and there's no script...they're just real funny people."[1]

Created byNichola Hegarty
Written byNichola Hegarty
Directed byEddie Stafford
Narrated byFenella Fielding
Country of originUnited Kingdom
No. of series1
No. of episodes1
Executive producer(s)Nichola Hegarty
Lee Hupfield
Andrew Newman
Production location(s)England
Editor(s)Ollie Aslin
Camera setupBen Dee
David Capon
Andrew Dishman
Running time22 mins.
Production company(s)All3Media
DistributorObjective Productions
Original networkChannel 4
Original release25 November 2012
External links
Official website


The show received negative reviews from critics. Hugh Montgomery of The Independent said that Kookyville, "...nothing less than the first example of "constructed reality comedy", in no way the kind of idea that would be farted out by an Apprentice contestant should they ever be asked to tackle TV production.", although he did admit that "Not every scene was unwatchable. The one involving two Essex girls' protracted intellectual struggle at a farm was merely a failed audition piece for The Only Way Is Essex, while Bradford entrepreneur Afzal safely plumped for being re-christened Ricky Meh-vais with his unofficial tribute to David Brent."[2] Mouthbox.co.uk said "Kookyville is lowest common denominator, dumbed down TV at its very worst. In a month in which Channel 4 have also launched the dreadful animated series Full English, one does wonder at the lack of judgement and expertise currently being shown by the channel's commissioning editors."[3]

Steve Bennett of chortle.co.uk stated, "Someone at Channel 4 mistook Kookyville for a decent idea. Memo to new Channel 4 comedy chief Phil Clarke - whose current company Objective has to be held responsible for this programme: No more, please. This has to be the worst pilot since Mohamed Atta."[4] Vikki Stone of The Daily Mirror said "...I deliberately approached [Kookyville] with an open mind and as much as it pains me to say it, within the first few moments it did make me laugh. But I wasn't laughing at the jokes, or at a comedy moment timed to perfection... I was simply laughing at the quality of it. I was laughing at genuinely awful acting and mistiming. It was the telly equivalent of am dram."[5]

gollark: *languages allowing correct, reliable programs are good
gollark: ```The loneliest is a.(Abs function)(returns the absolute value of 'a thought')Abs takes a thoughtIf a thought is greater than nothingGive back a thoughtElseGive back nothing without a thought(end Abs function)(Pow function)(returns 'all' raised to 'your base')Pow takes all and your baseIf your base is emptyGive back the loneliest (end if)If your base is less than nothingPut nothing without your base into your baseGive back the loneliest over Pow taking all, your base (end if)Put the loneliest into the onePut all into the magicWhile the one is smaller than your basePut all of the magic into the magicBuild the one up (end while)Give back the magic(end Pow function)(some constants for Sqrt function)The wing is strange.My song is knickknack. lumberjacksPut Pow taking my song, the wing into the dawnHalf is flummoxing. huzza(Sqrt function)(iterates until the estimate update is less than 'the dawn')Sqrt takes a mountainIf a mountain is nowhereGive back nothing (end if)Put a mountain into a molehillPut a molehill into the seaWhile Abs taking the sea is greater than the dawnPut a molehill into the seaPut Half of a molehill with Half of a mountain over a molehill into a molehillPut the sea without a molehill into the sea (end while)Give back a molehill(end Sqrt function)```A simple maths library.
gollark: https://github.com/dylanbeattie/rockstar
gollark: ```Midnight takes your heart and your soulWhile your heart is as high as your soulPut your heart without your soul into your heartGive back your heartDesire is a lovestruck ladykillerMy world is nothing Fire is iceHate is waterUntil my world is Desire,Build my world upIf Midnight taking my world, Fire is nothing and Midnight taking my world, Hate is nothingShout "FizzBuzz!"Take it to the topIf Midnight taking my world, Fire is nothingShout "Fizz!"Take it to the topIf Midnight taking my world, Hate is nothingSay "Buzz!"Take it to the topWhisper my world```A fizzbuzz program.
gollark: !>!

See also


  1. "Kookyville - Channel 4".
  2. Hugh Montgomery (2 December 2012). "IoS TV review: Kookyville, Channel 4, Sunday". The Independent. Retrieved 2 March 2013.
  3. "Kookyville (Channel 4) – Review". mouthbox.co.uk. 30 November 2012. Retrieved 2 March 2013.
  4. Steve Bennett. "Kookyville - TV review by Steve Bennett". chortle.co.uk. Retrieved 2 March 2013.
  5. Vikki Stone (26 November 2012). "Scheduling Kookyville after Peep Show is like putting a show about smashing antiques on after Antiques Road Show". Daily Mirror. Retrieved 2 March 2013.
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