
Khalkhu is a village placed in Sirdala Block of Nawada district (Bihar). Located in rural part of Nawada district of Bihar, it is one of the 87 villages of Sirdala Block of Nawada district. As per the government register, the village code of Khalkhu is 258275. The village has 127 families.



According to Census 2011, Khalkhu's population is 709. Out of this, 375 are males whereas the females count 334 here. This village has 132 kids in the age bracket of 0–6 years. Among them 76 are boys and 56 are girls.


Literacy ratio in Khalkhu village is 35%. 255 out of total 709 population is literate here. In males the literacy rate is 42% as 159 males out of total 375 are literate however female literacy ratio is 28% as 96 out of total 334 females are educated in this Village.

The dark part is that illiteracy ratio of Khalkhu village is shockingly high—64%. Here 454 out of total 709 individuals are illiterate. Male illiteracy ratio here is 57% as 216 males out of total 375 are illiterate. Among the females the illiteracy rate is 71% and 238 out of total 334 females are illiterate in this village.


The number of employed person of Khalkhu village is 340 however 369 are un-employed. And out of 340 employed people 14 persons are entirely reliant on cultivation.

gollark: The US government, and large business owners and whoever else ("capitalism"), don't really want people to die in large numbers *either*, they're:- still *people*- adversely affected by said large numbers dying, because: - if lots of people die in the US compared to elsewhere, they'll look bad come reelection - most metrics people look at will also be worse off if many die and/or are ill for a while - many deaths would reduce demand for their stuff, and they might lose important workers, and more deaths means a worse recession
gollark: That is stupid on so many levels. Is it meant to be some homepathic thing, where the blood is obviously even more worserer if they dilute it?
gollark: Why did YouTube recommend this to me‽ Why?
gollark: Governments seem to now be making it some sort of ridiculous competition to have 5G as soon as possible even with no immediate uses, which is annoying.
gollark: That does make some sense, I guess. But hardly seems like it requires specifically 5G.


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