Kazimierz Karabasz

Kazimierz Karabasz (Polish pronunciation: [kaˈʑimjɛʂ kaˈrabaʂ]; May 6, 1930 – August 11, 2018) was a Polish documentary filmmaker.[1] A graduate of the Łódź Film School in 1956, he has also taught the documentary programme there for many years.[2]

Although his work is now rarely seen, his most famous film, a ten-minute documentary short entitled Muzykanci / The Musicians, is an extra on the Criterion Collection edition of Krzysztof Kieślowski's film The Double Life of Véronique. Kieslowski, whom Karabasz mentored, chose this as one of his personal all-time top ten films in a 1992 poll conducted by the film magazine Sight & Sound.[3]


  • Jak co dzień / As Every Day (1955)
  • Gdzie diabeł mówi dobranoc / Where the Devil Says Goodnight (1957)
  • Ludzie z pustego obszaru / People From an Empty Zone (1957)
  • Z Powiśla / From Powiśle (1958)
  • Dzień bez słonca / A Day Without the Sun (1959)
  • Trochę inny świat / A Slightly Different World (1959)
  • Ludzie w drodze / On the Road (1960)
  • Muzykanci / The Musicians (1960)
  • Węzeł / The Junction (1961)
  • Pierwszy krok / The First Step (1962)
  • Tu gdzie żyjemy / Here, Where We Live (1962)
  • Jubileusz / The Anniversary (1962)
  • Ptaki / Birds (1963)
  • W klubie / In the Club (1963)
  • Urodzeni w roku 1944 / Born in 1944 (1964)
  • Na progu / At the threshold (1965)
  • Rok Franka W. / The Year of Frank W (1967)
  • Sobota / Saturday (1969)
  • Przypis / Footnote (1970)
  • Zgodnie z rozkazem / Following Orders (1970)
  • Sierpień – zapis kronikalny / August – A Chronicle (1971)
  • Przed... / Before... (1972)
  • Krystyna M. (1973)
  • Punkt widzenia / Point of View (1974)
  • Pryzmat / Prism (1976)
  • Lato w Żabnie / Summer in Żabno (1977)
  • We Dwoje / The Two of Us (1977)
  • Przenikanie / Assimilating (1978)
  • Dialog / Dialogue (1979)
  • Wędrujący cień / A Wandering Shadow (1979)
  • Próba materii / Material Test (1981)
  • Cień juz niedaleko / A Looming Shadow (1985)
  • Pamięć / Memory (1985)
  • Widok z huty / A View From the Steelworks (1990)
  • Na przykład / ulica Grzybowska 99 Grzybowska Street, for example (1991)
  • Okruchy / Crumbs (1994)
  • Portret w kropli / A Portrait in a Drop (1997)
  • O świcie i przed zmierzchem / At Sunrise and Before Dusk (1999)
  • W pierwszej fazie lotu / In the First Phase of Flight (2001)
  • Czas podwójny / Double Time (2001)
  • Spotkania / Meetings (2004)
  • Co w bagażu? / What's in Storage (2008)
gollark: > oh the obvious reality is that people dont know what they dont know, and even i didnt conclude that, tho i see it now. doesnt keep me from being impatient and getting madMaybe you should try explaining better if you think you have some great insight people do not understand.
gollark: My family has a pet one, but it actually just mostly sits in a rock thing in its terrarium.
gollark: Geckos are really quite cool reptiles.
gollark: Yep!
gollark: I feel like stating how high your "spatial perception IQ" is is a bad way to apologise.


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