Kashafrud Basin is an archaeological site in Iran, known for the Lower Palaeolithic artifacts collected there; these are the oldest-known evidence for human occupation of Iran.,
There are some collections of simple core and flake stone artifacts collected by C. Thibault in 1974-75. The tools are Olduwan-like and mainly made of quartz. Thibault suggested a Lower Pleistocene age (more than 800,000 years ago) for the localities. The lithic assemblages were re-analyzed in National Museum of Iran and the results are published in a general synthesis about Iranian Lower Paleolithic (See: Biglari and Shidrang 2006)

Ariai, A., and C. Thibault, 1975-77 "Nouvelles precisions à propos de l'outillage paleolithique ancient sur galets du Khorassan (Iran)," Paleorient 3, Pp. 101-8
Biglari, F. and S. Shidrang, 2006 "The Lower Paleolithic Occupation of Iran", Near Eastern Archaeology 69(3–4): 160-168