June Event

June Events are alternatives to May Balls held by some Cambridge colleges.

The necessarily high price of May Ball tickets motivates some colleges to host Events instead. These evenings, tending to be shorter in duration and of a much lower key, are more affordable but constrained by a much lower budget.


Some colleges chose to alternate between a May Ball and a June Event each year. Emmanuel College's May Ball is held in May Week every other year, with alternate years featuring an Event on Suicide Sunday.

In 2006, members of the College voted in favour of restoring Pembroke College's lost tradition of hosting a May Ball for 2007. In 2008 they will hold another June Event.

gollark: M O N O I D S.
gollark: !esowiki CHIQRSX9+
gollark: ++exec```shellecho hi | cowsay```
gollark: ``` _________________________________________ / However, on religious issures there can \| be little or no compromise. There is no || position on which people are so || immovable as their religious beliefs. || There is no more powerful ally one can || claim in a debate than Jesus Christ, or || God, or Allah, or whatever one calls || this supreme being. But like any || powerful weapon, the use of God's name || on one's behalf should be used || sparingly. The religious factions that || are growing throughout our land are not || using their religious clout with || wisdom. They are trying to force || government leaders into following their || position 100 percent. If you disagree || with these religious groups on a || particular moral issue, they complain, || they threaten you with a loss of money || or votes or both. I'm frankly sick and || tired of the political preachers across || this country telling me as a citizen || that if I want to be a moral person, I || must believe in "A," "B," "C," and "D." || Just who do they think they are? And || from where do they presume to claim the || right to dictate their moral beliefs to || me? And I am even more angry as a || legislator who must endure the threats || of every religious group who thinks it || has some God-granted right to control || my vote on every roll call in the || Senate. I am warning them today: I will || fight them every step of the way if || they try to dictate their moral || convictions to all Americans in the || name of "conservatism." - Senator Barry || Goldwater, from the Congressional |\ Record, September 16, 1981 / ----------------------------------------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || ||```I need a cowsay command.
gollark: ++fortune
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