José Antonio Girón

José Antonio Girón de Velasco (b. 28 August 1911, in Herrera de Pisuerga, Palencia; d. 22 August 1995, in Fuengirola, Málaga) was a prominent Spanish Falangist politician. He was minister of Labor (1941–57), counselor of the Kingdom's Council and member of the Cortes Generales. He was one of the most heard voices against any kind of changes during the last years of Francoism, taking part in the political group known as "the Bunker", for their reluctance to the transition to democracy after Franco's death.

José Antonio Girón de Velasco, Spanish Falangist politician

He began his political activities during his university studies in Valladolid. In 1931 he joined Juventudes Castellanas de Acción Hispánica (Castilian Youth for Spanish Action), a small political group founded in Valladolid by Onésimo Redondo, that would merge with Ramiro Ledesma's Juntas de Ofensiva Nacional-Sindicalista (Unions of the National-Syndicalist Offensive) and José Antonio Primo de Rivera's Falange Española. He fought in the Civil War on the Nationalist side and commanded units of Falangist militias. After the war, he was appointed national delegate of Veterans and in 1941 minister of Labor, when he was only 30. He deployed an intense activity, like the labor institutes for training workers and the development of the social security system (Instituto Nacional de Previsión). He was removed from the Ministry in 1957 according to the liberalizing shift that Franco wished for the Spanish economy (Stabilization Plan). The previous year, Girón had decreed a salary increase that the Spanish economy could not afford.

Throughout Francoism, Girón was one of the leaders of Falange and he increasingly showed his dissent, according to the Falangist principles, to many policies of the regime. Notably, he was strongly opposed to opportunism. He yearned for the Falangist 'pending revolution', as Primo de Rivera's ideas just inspired a few policies but Francoism was not really an actual Falangist regime, but a consensus of rightist and authoritarian tendencies. After Franco's death, both he and Blas Piñar were the natural leaders of the "Bunker" in the Francoist Parliament, and voted against the political reformation (1976) that allowed the transition to democracy.


  • Bardavío, Joaquín; Sinova, Justino: Todo Franco: franquismo y antifranquismo de la A a la Z, Barcelona: Plaza & Janés, 2000
  • Girón, José Antonio: Si la memoria no me falla, Barcelona: Planeta (memoir)
  • Payne, Stanley: The Franco regime, 1936-1975, Madison, Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin Press, 1987
  • Preston, Paul: Franco: a Biography, New York: BasicBooks, 1993
gollark: If the dataset consists of people who are able to spell and grammar somewhat, then the model should also do that.
gollark: You could probably do something like that.
gollark: The ceramic server almost certainly isn't big enough of a dataset to train from scratch, nor do they have the GPUs for that, presumably.
gollark: The base GPT-2 models can do that. So if they finetuned one and didn't accidentally erase all its previous knowledge, it should also do that.
gollark: Generally they can manage to use basically-correct grammar and spelling, even if the semantics are wrong.
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