Jens Staubrand

Jens Staubrand (born 28 August 1957) is a Danish freelance journalist, author and philosopher (in Danish:[1] Staubrand gained a degree in philosophy from the University of Copenhagen in 1987, with a thesis about Søren Kierkegaard and Mozart's opera Don Giovanni. He has written books and articles in the field of culture and art, and a number of cultural productions. Staubrand is currently head of Stauer Publishing & Agency.



  • H.C. ANDERSEN Kun en spillemand, ved Jens Staubrand. ISBN 9788792510280.[H.C. ANDERSEN Only a fiddler, by Jens Staubrand - the book is ind Danish].
  • SØREN KIERKEGAARD Om H.C. Andersens Kun en Spillemand, ved Jens Staubrand. ISBN 9788792510273.[SØREN KIERKEGAARD About H.C. Andersens Only a fiddler, by Jens Staubrand - the book is in Danish]
  • SØREN KIERKEGAARD Om min forfatter-virksomhed, Synspunktet for min forfatter-virksomhed, Den enkelte, to 'noter' vedrørende min forfatter-virksomhed, ved Jens Staubrand. ISBN 9788792510334. [SØREN KIERKEGAARD About my author-business, The viewpoint of my author-business, The individual, two 'notes' about my author-business, by Jens Staubrand - the book is in Danish].
  • H. C. ANDERSEN Levnedsbog, ved Jens Staubrand. ISBN 978-87-92510-31-0. [H. C. ANDERSEN Levnedsbog (autobiography), by Jens Staubrand - the book is in Danish].
  • SØREN KIERKEGAARD Sygdommen til døden, ved Jens Staubrand. ISBN 9788792510303. [SØREN KIERKEGAARD Despair is the sickness unto death, by Jens Staubrand - the books is in Danish].
  • SØREN KIERKEGAARD Indøvelse i kristendom, ved Jens Staubrand. ISBN 978-87-92510-24-2. [SØREN KIERKEGAARD Practice in Christianity, by Jens Staubrand - the book is in Danish.]
  • H.C. Andersen: Lykke-Peer, ved Jens Staubrand.ISBN 9788792510297. [H.C. ANDERSEN Lucky Peer, by Jens Staubrand - the book is in Danish]
  • Søren Kierkegaard: Efterskrift til de filosofiske smuler, ved Jens Staubrand ISBN 9788792510204 [Postscript to the Philosophical Crumbs, by Jens Staubrand - the books is in Danish]
  • Søren Kierkegaard: Abraham's frygt og bæven, ved Jens Staubrand ISBN 9788792510235 [Søren Kierkegaard: Abraham's fear and trembling, by Jens Staubrand – the book is in Danish]
  • Søren Kierkegaard: Angst, ved Jens Staubrand ISBN 9788792510198 [Søren Kierkegaard: [Søren Kierkegaard: Anxiety, by Jens Staubrand - the book is in Danish]
  • Jens STAUBRAND: Søren Kierkegaard’s kamp for livet på Frederiks Hospital i København | Søren Kierkegaard's struggle to live at Frederiks Hospital in Copenhagen. København 2014. ISBN 978 87 92510 18 1. Bogen er på dansk og engelsk | The books is in Danish and English.
  • Søren Kierkegaard: Filosofiske smuler eller en smule filosofi, ved Jens Staubrand. København 2014. ISBN 9788792510174. [Søren Kierkegaard: Philosophical crumbs or a bit of philosophy, by Jens Staubrand]
  • KIERKEGAARD Mozarts Figaros Bryllup, Tryllefløjten og Don Juan, ved Jens Staubrand. København 2014. ISBN 9788792510167. [KIERKEGAARD Mozart's The Marriage of Figaro, The Magic Flute, and Don Giovanni, by Jens Staubrand - the book is in Danish]
  • KIERKEGAARD Aforismer, Essay om kedsomhed, Essay om sorg hos tre kvinder , ved Jens Staubrand. København 2014. ISBN 9788792510143. [KIERKEGAARD Aphorisms, Essay on boredom, Essay on the mourning of three women, by Jens Staubrand - the book is in Danish]
  • KIERKEGAARD I vinen er sandhed, ved Jens Staubrand ISBN 978-87-92510-15-0 [KIERKEGAARD In wine is the truth, by Jens Staubrand – the book is in Danish]
  • KIERKEGAARD Gentagelsen-Gentagelsen, ved Jens Staubrand ISBN 978-87-92510-10-5 [KIERKEGAARD Repetition-Repetition, by Jens Staubrand – the book is in Danish]
  • KIERKEGAARD Kærlighedens Gerninger, ved Jens Staubrand. København 2013. ISBN 978 87 92510 12 9. [KIERKEGAARD Works of Love, by Jens Staubrand – the books is in Danish]
  • KIEREGAARD Dagbog om forførelsen af Cordelia Wahl, ved Jens Staubrand, København 2013. ISBN 978 87 92510 13 6. [KIERKEGAARD Diary of seduction of Cordelia Wahl, by Jens Staubrand – the book is in Danish]
  • KIEREGAARD Dagbog om forførelsen af Cordelia Wahl, ved Jens Staubrand, København 2013. ISBN 978 87 92510 13 6. [KIERKEGAARD Diary of seduction of Cordelia Wahl, by Jens Staubrand – the book is in Danish]
  • KIERKEGAARD Min Regine! Søren Kierkegaard og Regine Olsen – en kærlighedshistorie, ved Jens Staubrand. København 2012. ISBN 978 87 92510 11 2 [KIERKEGAARD My Regine! Soren Kierkegaard and Regine Olsen – a love story, by Jens Staubrand – the book is in Danish]
  • KIERKEGAARD Gift dig, gift dig ikke, du vil fortryde begge dele, og andre korte tankevækkende tekster , ved Jens Staubrand. København 2012. [KIERKEGAARD Marry, marry not, and other short thought-provoking texts, by Jens Staubrand – the books is only in Danish] ISBN 978 87 92510 08 2
  • KIERKEGAARD Breve og Notater fra Berlin , ved Jens Staubrand, København 2012. [KIERKEGAARD Letters and notes from Berlin - the book is only in Danish] ISBN 978 87 92510 07 5
  • KIERKEGAARD Den første Kærlighed og andre tekster om drama, ved Jens Staubrand [KIERKEGAARD The first Love and other tekst on drama ], 2010. The book is in Danish.
  • Søren Kierkegaard’s Illness and Death , 2009. In English and Danish.
  • KIERKEGAARD International Bibliography Music Works and Plays. New edition, 2009. In English and Danish.
  • ASGER JORN - On the author ASGER JORN and his five books from the Scandinavian Institute of Comparative Vandalism and INDEX to ASGER JORN’S five books from the Scandinavian Institute of Comparative Vandalism , 2009. In English and Danish.
  • KIERKEGAARD Hør, hør, hør Mozarts Don Juan, ved Jens Staubrand [KIERKEGAARD Listen. listen, listen to Mozart’s Don Giovann], 2009. The book is in Danish.
  • KIERKEGAARD Johannes Forførerens Dagbog, ved Jens Staubrand [KIERKEGAARD Johannes the Seducer’s Diary], 2009. The book is in Danish.
  • KIERKEGAARD I vinen er sandhed, ved Jens Staubrand [In wine there is the truth], 2009. The book is in Danish.
  • Søren Kierkegaard - International bibliography: music works & plays based on words by Søren Kierkegaard , 1998.
  • ASGER JORN aforismer og andre korte tekststykker, ved Jens Staubrand [Asger Jorn Aphorisms and Other Short Passages], 1995. The book is in Danish.


  • Kierkegaard-lyric: ” Vor Gud, vor frelser ” [Our God, our Saviour], selected and prepared texts by Jens Staubrand from Soren Kierkegaard's ” Edifying Discourses ” . Music by Svend Hvidtfelt Nielsen, for soprano, flute, accordion, guitar and cello, 2002. The lyric is only in Danish.
  • Kierkegaard-lyrics: ” Til tider er jeg stille ” [Sometimes am I guiet], selected and prepared texts by Jens Staubrand from Soren Kierkegaard's ” Repetition ”. Music Svend Hvidtfelt Nielsen, for soprano, flute, accordion, guitar and cello of, 2002. The lyric is only in Danish.
  • Kierkegaard-lyrics: ” Når foråret spirer ” [When spring sprouts, selected and prepared texts by Jens Staubrand from Soren Kierkegaard's ” Stages on Life's Way ” . Music by Svend Hvidtfelt Nielsen, for soprano, flute, accordion, guitar and cello, 2002. The lyric is only in Danish.
  • Kierkegaard-lyric: ” Den lidendes Mund ” [The Foot sufferers], selected and prepared texts by Jens Staubrand from Soren Kierkegaard's ” Repetition ” . Music by Bent Lorentzen, for soprano, cello, flute, accordion and guitar, 2000. The lyric is only in Danish.
  • Kierkegaard-lyrics: ” Forbandet være du ” [Cursed be you], selected and prepared texts by Jens Staubrand from Soren Kierkegaard's ” Either / Or ”. Music by Lars Graugaard, for soprano and cello, 2000. The lyric is only in Danish.
  • Kierkegaard-lyrics: ” Min sjæl er spændt som en bue ” [My soul is tense as a bow], selected and prepared texts by Jens Staubrand from Soren Kierkegaard's ” The Seducer’s Diary ” . Music by Sven Erik Werner, for soprano, cello, guitar and flute, 1997. The lyric is only in Danish.
  • Kierkegaard-lyrics: ” Når bølgerne vugger ” [When the waves cradles], selected and prepared texts by Jens Staubrand from Soren Kierkegaard's ” The Seducer’s Diary ” . Music by John Frandsen, for soprano, cello, flute and accordion, 1997. The lyric is only in Danish.
  • Asger Jorn-lyrics: ” Det banale ” [The banal], selected and prepared texts by Jens Staubrand from Asger Jorn ” Order of Nature ”, ” Helhesten ” and ” Luck and Chance ” . Music by Niels Viggo Bentzon, for soprano and cello, 1995.
  • Kierkegaard, lyrics: ” Johannes Forføreren ” [Johannes the Seducer], selected and prepared texts by Jens Staubrand from Kierkegaard's ” The Seducer’s Diary ” . Music by Niels Viggo Bentzon, for mixed choir, reciter and orchestra, 1990. The lyric is only in Danish.


  • Curator of the exhibition 'The author Asger Jorn'; editor and design of the exhibition program and poster, The Royal Library, Copenhagen, Denmark, autumn 1992.
  • Dramatized Søren Kierkegaard's Johannes Seducer's Diary for theatrical use. Has been performed in Denmark and a number of European cities (on countries' languages) : Paris and Rambouillet, Berlin, Oslo, London, Athens, Riga and Stockholm. Om CD in Danish and Greek.
  • Dramatized Søren Kierkegaard and Regine Olsen's love story to theatrical use. Has been performed in Denmark.
  • The producer of CDs: Søren Kierkegaard Set to Music, Kierkegaard The Seduceres Diary with music by Sofia Gubaidulina (in Danish) and Kierkegaard The Seduceres Diary with music by Mozart (in Greek).
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gollark: It seems to exist.
gollark: Hmm.


  1. "K'NYT" (in Danish). Dagbladet. 22 February 2000. Retrieved 14 July 2011.
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