Jackson q-Bessel function

In mathematics, a Jackson q-Bessel function (or basic Bessel function) is one of the three q-analogs of the Bessel function introduced by Jackson (1903, 1903b, 1905, 1905b). The third Jackson q-Bessel function is the same as the Hahn–Exton q-Bessel function.


The three Jackson q-Bessel functions are given in terms of the q-Pochhammer symbol and the basic hypergeometric function by

They can be reduced to the Bessel function by the continuous limit:

There is a connection formula between the first and second Jackson q-Bessel function (Gasper & Rahman (2004)):

For integer order, the q-Bessel functions satisfy


Negative Integer Order

By using the relations (Gasper & Rahman (2004)):

we obtain


Hahn mentioned that has infinitely many real zeros (Hahn (1949)). Ismail proved that for all non-zero roots of are real (Ismail (1982)).

Ratio of q-Bessel Functions

The function is a completely monotonic function (Ismail (1982)).

Recurrence Relations

The first and second Jackson q-Bessel function have the following recurrence relations (see Ismail (1982) and Gasper & Rahman (2004)):


When , the second Jackson q-Bessel function satisfies: (see Zhang (2006).)

For , (see Koelink (1993).)

Generating Function

The following formulas are the q-analog of the generating function for the Bessel function (see Gasper & Rahman (2004)):

is the q-exponential function.

Alternative Representations

Integral Representations

The second Jackson q-Bessel function has the following integral representations (see Rahman (1987) and Ismail and Zhang (2016)):

where is the q-Pochhammer symbol. This representation reduces to the integral representation of the Bessel function in the limit .

Hypergeometric Representations

The second Jackson q-Bessel function has the following hypergeometric representations (see Koelink (1993), Chen, Ismail, and Muttalib (1994)):

An asymptotic expansion can be obtained as an immediate consequence of the second formula.

For other hypergeometric representations, see Rahman (1987).

Modified q-Bessel Functions

The q-analog of the modified Bessel functions are defined with the Jackson q-Bessel function (Ismail (1981) and Olshanetsky & Rogov (1995)):

There is a connection formula between the modified q-Bessel functions:

For statistical applications, see Kemp (1997).

Recurrence Relations

By the recurrence relation of Jackson q-Bessel functions and the definition of modified q-Bessel functions, the following recurrence relation can be obtained ( also satisfies the same relation) (Ismail (1981)):

For other recurrence relations, see Olshanetsky & Rogov (1995).

Continued Fraction Representation

The ratio of modified q-Bessel functions form a continued fraction (Ismail (1981)):

Alternative Representations

Hypergeometric Representations

The function has the following representation (Ismail & Zhang (2018)):

Integral Representations

The modified q-Bessel functions have the following integral representations (Ismail (1981)):

gollark: Oh, or rewrite it in Haskell and use as many monads as possible.
gollark: Well, you could make it more annoying by having your code execute entirely out of order.
gollark: This is not really, as far as I know, practical for machine-code-y systems, because they don't need to go through a function call or whatever to load new code for execution.
gollark: What I had to do one time to reverse some obfuscated code on potatOS was hook `load` to log newly loaded code to a file, it's called "Protocol Epsilon debug mode" and is still in there.
gollark: I'm assuming you don't mean "polymorphism" in the sense of "functions which can take/return multiple types"?

See also


  • Ismail, Mourad E. H. (1982), "The zeros of basic Bessel functions, the functions Jν+ax(x), and associated orthogonal polynomials", Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 86 (1): 1–19, doi:10.1016/0022-247X(82)90248-7, ISSN 0022-247X, MR 0649849
  • Jackson, F. H. (1903), "On generalized functions of Legendre and Bessel", Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 41: 1–28, doi:10.1017/S0080456800080017
  • Jackson, F. H. (1903), "Theorems relating to a generalization of the Bessel functions", Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 41: 105–118, doi:10.1017/S0080456800080078
  • Jackson, F. H. (1904), "Theorems relating to a generalization of Bessel's function", Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 41 (2): 399–408, doi:10.1017/s0080456800034475, JFM 36.0513.02
  • Jackson, F. H. (1905), "The Application of Basic Numbers to Bessel's and Legendre's Functions", Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 2 (1): 192–220, doi:10.1112/plms/s2-2.1.192
  • Jackson, F. H. (1905), "The Application of Basic Numbers to Bessel's and Legendre's Functions (Second paper)", Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 3 (1): 1–23, doi:10.1112/plms/s2-3.1.1
  • Rahman, M (1987), "An Integral Representation and Some Transformation Properties of q-Bessel Functions", Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 125: 58–71, doi:10.1016/0022-247x(87)90164-8
  • Ismail, M. E. H.; Zhang, R. (2018), "Integral and Series Representations of q-Polynomials and Functions: Part I", Analysis and Applications, 16 (2): 209–281, arXiv:1604.08441, doi:10.1142/S0219530517500129
  • Ismail, M. E. H.; Zhang, R. (2018), "q-Bessel Functions and Rogers-Ramanujan Type Identities", Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 146 (9): 3633–3646, arXiv:1508.06861, doi:10.1090/proc/13078
  • Koelink, H. T. (1993), "Hansen-Lommel Orthogonality Relations for Jackson's q-Bessel Functions", Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 175 (2): 425–437, doi:10.1006/jmaa.1993.1181
  • Zhang, R. (2006), "Plancherel-Rotach Asymptotics for q-Series", arXiv:math/0612216
  • Gasper, G.; Rahman, M. (2004), Basic hypergeometric series, Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications, 96 (2nd ed.), Cambridge University Press, ISBN 978-0-521-83357-8, MR 2128719
  • Chen, Yang; Ismail, Mourad E. H.; Muttalib, K.A. (1994), "Asymptotics of basic Bessel functions and q-Laguerre polynomials", Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 54 (3): 263–272, doi:10.1016/0377-0427(92)00128-v
  • Ismail, Mourad (1981), "The Basic Bessel Functions and Polynomials", SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 12 (3): 454–468, doi:10.1137/0512038
  • Olshanetsky, M. A.; Rogov, V. B. (1995), "The Modified q-Bessel Functions and the q-Bessel-Macdonald Functions", arXiv:q-alg/9509013
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