JAST USA is a publisher of English-language versions of Japanese video games, specifically bishōjo games, dating sims, visual novels and Japanese RPGs. It was founded in 1996, and their first game releases were Sakura Soft's Season of the Sakura and JAST's Three Sisters' Story.[1][2] It has had several brands: Peach Princess, G-Collections, and JAST Densetsu.

GenreBishōjo games
FounderPeter Payne
San Diego, California, United States
BrandsPeach Princess, G-Collections, JAST BLUE

JAST USA was so named because it was originally affiliated with JAST (the Japanese company), but with the closure of JAST in 2000, the company created the subsidiary Peach Princess (because there was no longer a JAST to be affiliated with). As Peach Princess, the company published mostly Crowd and Will titles. In 2005, JAST acquired G-Collections from CD Bros., as it left the US market. In 2006, JAST USA merged its subsidiaries as JAST USA brands.[3] In 2011, the brand JAST Densetsu was created with the goal of separating visual novels games away from the image of dating-sims.[4] In 2015, all brands were folded back into the parent company, JAST USA, to improve overall brand recognition in a glowingly competitive market. In 2018 during Anime EXPO, its newer branch called JAST BLUE, which will focus towards Boys-love games, announced license acquirements of Nitro+chiral's titles sweet pool, Lamento: Beyond the Void, Togainu no Chi, DRAMAtical Murder and Slow Damage.[5]

In addition to publishing their own games, JAST USA also acts as distributor for titles published by MangaGamer. In the past, they have also been the US distributor for games translated by the London-based company Otaku Publishing, Ltd., such as True Love.

Games published

This list are the titles from JAST USA, including ones from its past subsidiaries and acquisitions.

English title Japanese title Release date Label Japanese developer
DORDORJuly 2, 2002G-CollectionsD.O.
Kana Little Sister加奈~いもうと~ (Kana ~Imouto~)July 2, 2002G-CollectionsD.O.
Chain ~ The Lost Footprintsチェーン 失われた足跡 (Chain: ushinawareta ashiato)July 7, 2002G-CollectionsZyX
Private Nurseプライベートナース (Private Nurse)November 20, 2002G-CollectionsAngelSmile
Target: Pheromoneとってもフェロモン (Tottemo Pheromone)December 18, 2002G-CollectionsTrabulance
Sensei 2せ・ん・せ・い2 (Sensei 2)January 7, 2003G-CollectionsD.O.
Tsuki: Possession憑き (Tsuki) (Evil Spirit / Demon)February 10, 2003G-CollectionsZyX
Do You Like Horny Bunnies?エッチなバニーさんは嫌い? (Don't you like horny bunnies?)March 5, 2003G-CollectionsZyX
Come See Me Tonight私に今夜☆会いに来て (Watashi ni konya ni ai ni kite)April 15, 2003G-CollectionsSekilala
I'm Gonna Nurse You看護しちゃうぞ (Kango Shichauzo)June 24, 2003G-CollectionsTrabulance
I'm Gonna Nurse You 2: Is The Sorority House Burning?看護しちゃうぞ2 ~女子寮は萌えているか~ (Kango Shichauzo 2 ~Joshi Ryou wa Moeteiru ka~)June 24, 2003G-CollectionsTrabulance
Secret Wives' Club人妻姫倶楽部 (Hitozuma Hime Club) (Adultery Princess Club)July 30, 2003G-CollectionsSekilala
CrescendoCrescendo ~永遠だと思っていたあの頃~ (Crescendo ~Eien Dato Omotte Ita Ano Koro~) (Crescendo ~That time we thought would last forever~October 21, 2003G-CollectionsD.O.
I'm Gonna Serve You 4尽くしてあげちゃう4 ~私たちの蜜月~ (Tsukushite Agechau 4 ~Watashi-tachi no Mitsugetsu~) (I'm gonna serve you 4: Our Honeymoon)November 2003G-CollectionsTrabulance
Virgin Roster出血簿〜鮮赤の嗚咽〜 (Shukketsubo ~Senaka no Oetsu~) (Bleeding Diary ~Crimson Tears~)December 19, 2003G-CollectionsZyX
Heart de Roommateはぁと de ルームメイト (Heart de Roommate)February 18, 2004G-CollectionsAngelSmile
Do You Like Horny Bunnies? 2エッチなバニーさんは嫌い 2? (Don't you like horny bunnies? 2)March 23, 2004G-CollectionsZyX
Jewel Knights: Crusadersジュエルナイツ・クルセイダーズ (Jewel Knights: Crusaders)May 12, 2004G-CollectionsZeroCool
Slave Pageant娼女接待 (Shoujo Settai)July 6, 2004G-CollectionsIgnition
Come See Me Tonight 2私に今夜会いに来て2~お嫁さんは姫巫女~ (Watashi ni Konya Ai ni Kite 2 ~Oyome-san wa Hime Miko~)August 13, 2004G-CollectionsSekilala
Idols Galore!召しませアイドル (Meshimase Idol)September 24, 2004G-CollectionsSekilala
Let's Meow Meow!みんなでニャンニャン (Minna de Nyan-Nyan)October 26, 2004G-CollectionsYamitsu Tsuushin
Hitomi: My Stepsister義妹・仁美 (Stepsister: Hitomi)November 24, 2004G-CollectionsMercure
Pick Me, Honey!あなたの幼妻 (Anata no Osanazuma)December 20, 2004G-CollectionsTrabulance
The Sagara Family相楽さん家の悦楽ライフ♪ (Sagara-sanchi no Etsuraku Life ♪) (The Sagara Family's Enjoyable Life)January 25, 2005G-CollectionsZyX
Amorous Professor Cherry微熱教師 ちえり (Binetsu Kyoushi Cherry)July 3, 2008G-CollectionsZyX
Cosplay Fetish Academy性愛学園ふぇち科 (Seiai Gakuen Fechika)June 19, 2009G-CollectionsGiga
Cat Girl Alliance仔猫同盟 (Koneko Doumei)February 10, 2010G-CollectionsSekilala
X-ChangeX-ChangeMarch 9, 2001Peach PrincessCrowd
Snow Dropスノードロップ (Snow Drop)May 7, 2001Peach PrincessWill
Water Closet: The Forbidden Chamber使用中~W.C.~ (Shiyouchuu ~W.C.~) (I'm using the ~W.C.~)July 2001Peach PrincessGuilty (Will)
Tokimeki Check-in!ときめきCheck in! (Tokimeki Check in!)August 9, 2001Peach PrincessCrowd
Critical Point臨界点 ~クリティカル・ポイント~ (Rinkaiten ~Critical Point~)March 2002Peach PrincessSweet Basil
X-Change 2X-Change 2June 3, 2003Peach PrincessCrowd
Brave SoulBrave SoulNovember 4, 2003Peach PrincessCrowd
Gibo: Stepmother's Sin義母 (Gibo)May 28, 2004Peach PrincessGuilty
Little My MaidリトルMyメイド (Little My Maid)December 24, 2004Peach PrincessWill
Doushin: Same Heart同心~三姉妹のエチュード~ (Doushin ~Sanshimai no Etude~z) (lit. Same Heart: 3 Sister's Etude)May 24, 2006Peach PrincessCrowd
Escalation: Yukkuri Panic!ゆーくりパニック エスカレーション (Yukkuri Panick Escalation)July 8, 2011Peach PrincessRolling Star
Absolute ObedienceZettai Fukujū Meirei (絶対服従命令)December 31, 2006Peach PrincessLangmaor
Aselia the EternalEien no Aselia -The Spirit of Eternity Sword- (永遠のアセリア-The Spirit of Eternity Sword-)November 4, 2011JAST DensetsuXuse
Bazooka CafePururun Kafe (ぷるるんカフェ)October 23, 2007G-CollectionsTrabulance
Deus Machina DemonbaneZanmataisei Demonbein (斬魔大聖デモンベイン)May 13, 2011JAST USANitroplus
Enzai - Falsely AccusedEnzai (冤罪)January 31, 2006JAST USALangmaor
Fairy NightsKokushi Musō (刻視夢想)May 2000JAST USAFour-Nine
Family Project ~Kazoku Keikaku~Kazoku Keikaku (家族計画)July 17, 2009G-CollectionsD.O.
Figures of HappinessShiawase no Katachi (しあわせのかたち)March 28, 2005G-CollectionsAngel Smile
Flowers - Spring ArcAugust 17, 2016JAST USAInnocent Grey
Girlish Grimoire Littlewitch Romanesque: Editio PerfectaShoujo Mahou Gaku Little Witch Romanesque Editio Perfecta (少女魔法学 リトルウィッチロマネスク editio perfecta)December 22, 2014JAST USALittlewitch
HanachirasuHanachirasu (刃鳴散らす)March 10, 2015JAST USANitroplus
Hentai Anime PokerMay 1999[6]
Kikokugai: The Cyber Slayer[7]TBAJAST USANitroplus
Legend of FairiesShikigami Denshō (式神伝承)May 2000JAST USAFour-Nine
Lightning Warrior RaidyIkazuchi no Senshi Raidy ~Haja no Raikō~ (雷の戦士ライディ ~破邪の雷光~)May 13, 2008G-CollectionsZyX
Lightning Warrior Raidy II: ~Temple Of Desire~Ikazuchi no Senshi Raidy II ~Jain no Shinden~ (雷の戦士ライディII ~邪淫の神殿~)June 29, 2010G-CollectionsZyX
Lightning Warrior Raidy IIIIkazuchi no Senshi Raidy III ~Gyakushuu no Jashinkan~ (雷の戦士ライディIII ~逆襲の邪神官~)July 20, 2015JAST USAZyX
Machine ChildTBAJAST USAOyaru Ashito
Majikoi! Love Me, Seriously!Maji de Watashi ni Koi Shinasai (真剣で私に恋しなさい!!)TBAJAST USAMinatoSoft
May ClubMei Kurabu (五月倶楽部)May 1999[8]JAST USADesire
Moero Downhill NightMoero Downhill Night -Tōge Saisoku Densetsu- (萌えろダウンヒルナイト -峠最速伝説-)November 9, 2009Peach PrincessTOP
Moero Downhill Night 2(萌えろDownhill Night 2)June 29, 2010Peach PrincessTOP
Moero Downhill Night BLAZEDecember 3, 2012Peach PrincessTOP
My Girlfriend is the PresidentOsananajimi wa Daitōryō: My Girlfriend is the President. (幼なじみは大統領 My girlfriend is the PRESIDENT.)December 26, 2011JAST DensetsuAlcot
My Girlfriend is the President FandiscOsananajimi wa Daitōryō: My Girlfriend is the President Fandisc. (幼なじみは大統領 My girlfriend is the PRESIDENT Fandisc.)July 4, 2014JAST DensetsuAlcot
Outlaw Django[7]Zoku Satsuriku no Django -Jigoku no Shōkinkubi- (続・殺戮のジャンゴ ─地獄の賞金首─)TBAJAST USANitroplus
Nocturnal IllusionMugen Yasōkyoku (夢幻夜想曲)1997JAST USAApricot
Pretty Soldier Wars A.D. 2048.[2]Yōjū Senki A.D. 2048 (妖獣戦記A.D.2048)July 20, 2007Peach PrincessD.O.
Princess Waltz[2]December 2, 2008Peach PrincessPulltop
Runaway City[2]Meisō Toshi (迷走都市)1998JAST USAJAST
The Song of Saya ~ Saya no Uta[7]Saya No Uta (沙耶の唄)May 6, 2013JAST USANitroplus
Season of the SakuraSakura no Kisetsu (さくらの季節)1996JAST USAJAST
SeinarukanaSeinarukana (聖なるかな)April 23, 2016JAST DensetsuXuse
School Days HQ(School Days HQ)June 28, 2012JAST Densetsu0verflow
Shiny Days(SHINY DAYS)August 25, 2015JAST Densetsu0verflow
Snow Sakura[2]Yukizakura (雪桜)December 13, 2007G-CollectionsD.O.
Sonicomi: Communication With SonicoSonikomi (ソニコミ)July 1, 2016JAST USANitroplus
Starless[9](STARLESS)May 12, 2015Peach PrincessEmpress
Steins;GateMarch 31, 2014JAST USANitroplus, 5pb.
Sumaga[7]Sumaga (スマガ)TBAJAST USANitroplus
Three Sisters' StorySanshimai (三姉妹)1999JAST USAJAST
Transfer StudentMonMon Gakuen ~ten-ko-sei~ (もんもん学園~ten・ko・sei~)July 20, 2002[10][11]JAST USAJAST
Trample on Schatten!![12]Trample on "Schatten!!" ~Kagefumi no Uta~ (Trample on "Schatten!!" ~かげふみのうた~)TBAJAST DensetsuTail Wind
X Change 3July 18, 2006Peach PrincessCrowd
Yin-Yang! X-Change Alternative(いんやん えっくすちぇんじ おるたなてぃぶ)December 15, 2006Peach PrincessCrowd
Yukkuri Panic: EscalationYūkuri Panikku Esukarēshon (ゆーくりパニック エスカレーション)June 30, 2011Peach PrincessRolling Star
Yumina the Ethereal[13]Kikōyoku Senki Tenkū no Yumina (輝光翼戦記 天空のユミナ)August 9, 2013JAST DensetsuEternal
Yume Miru Kusuri:: A Drug That Makes You Dream[2]Yume Miru Kusuri (ユメミルクスリ)April 25, 2007Peach Princessrúf
gollark: w‌e​l‍l‌.‍ ​q​u‌i‍t‌e​ ​w‍o‌r‌k‌s‍ ‌T‍h‌i​s​
gollark: Yes.
gollark: https://xkcd.com/
gollark: Backwards but english and with Rust encoded in invisible characters in it.
gollark: Backwards but english.


  1. "JAST USA product page". Archived from the original on 1998-01-23. Retrieved 2013-03-02.
  2. Jursudakul, James (2007-06-30). "JAST USA English Dating-Sims Panel (18+) Complete Transcript". Advanced Media, Inc. Retrieved 2013-03-12.
  3. "AX 2006: Interview w/ Peter Payne, Head of Peach Princess", Advanced Media Network, July 4, 2006.
  4. "'Densetsu' Joins JAST USA Brand Group". JAST USA. 2011-02-28. Archived from the original on 2013-01-27. Retrieved 2013-03-02.
  5. "JAST USA to Release togainu no chi, DRAMAtical Murder, Lamento -Beyond the Void- Boys-Love Games". Anime News Network. July 5, 2018. Retrieved July 5, 2018.
  6. JAST USA. "Hentai Anime Poker". Archived from the original on 1999-05-08. Retrieved 2013-03-16.
  7. Tolentino, Josh (2011-07-24). "AX 11: JAST USA has many releases, plus Nitroplus games!". Japanator. Retrieved 2013-03-12.
  8. JAST USA. "May Club". Archived from the original on 1999-04-22. Retrieved 2013-03-16.
  9. "Pre-AX Roundup: Coming Attractions". JAST USA. 2011-06-27. Archived from the original on 2013-09-12. Retrieved 2013-03-12.
  10. JAST USA. "Transfer Student". Retrieved 2017-01-14.
  11. "Jast USA forum proof of ship date".
  12. "New Game – Trample on Schatten!!". JAST USA. 2012-06-30. Archived from the original on 2013-02-06. Retrieved 2013-03-02.
  13. Ishaan (2010-07-04). "JAST USA License Tenkuu no Yumina". Siliconera. Retrieved 2013-03-12.
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