Jón Örn Loðmfjörð

Jón Örn Loðmfjörð (born December 25, 1983, Selfoss) is an Icelandic experimental poet. He is noted for computer-generated poetry, and particularly his 2010 mash-up of the Icelandic government report into the collapse of Iceland's banks in 2008, Gengismunur ('Arbitrage').[1]


  • (with Eiríkur Örn Norðdahl) Brandarablandarar: https://web.archive.org/web/20110419131623/http://www.norddahl.org/brandarablandarar/
  • (with Arngrímur Vídalín, under the pseudonym Celidonius) Síðasta ljóðabók Sjóns ([Reykjavík]: Nýhil, 2008); ISBN 9789979989622 (ób.); 9979989629
  • (with Kristín Svava Tómasdóttir, under the pseudonym Dr. Usli) Usli: kennslubók, Smábókaflokkur Nýhils, 4 (Reykjavík: Nýhil, 2009); ISBN 9789979989684 (ób.); 9979989688
  • Gengismunur: ljóð úr skýrslu rannsóknarnefndar alþingis (Reykjavík: Nýhil, 2010); http://lommi.is/gengismunur/

Translations into English

gollark: Idea: replace UK government with beehives.
gollark: Replying to https://discord.com/channels/346530916832903169/348702212110680064/748498977145487382<@!309787486278909952> Well, Rust `&` and `&mut whatever` is nice.
gollark: Ah yes, so what exactly is meant to be immutable is based on the positioning of the weird `*` thing.
gollark: > simple> 701 page specification


  1. See for example Eiríkur Örn Norðdahl, 'Að gera Ísland einfaldara', Spássían (autumn 2010), 36-37.
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