Internet minute

In Internet slang, internet minute refers to a brief look at what happens around the world within a space of just 60 seconds on the world wide web. The internet minute takes account on social media platforms and other internet access services.[1] It further elaborates that generally it takes a nanosecond for a breaking news story to be dubbed as fake and or a conspiracy theory on the social media platforms.[2][3]

The word was first coined in a tweet by a person named Stewart Stafford in his official Twitter account on 19 January 2018.[4]

As of 2017, in a space of one minute in the internet around 46, 200 photos and posts were shared in Instagram. As of 2019, the logins in Facebook were reportedly estimated around 1 million in a single minute.[5] The numbers are estimated to surge in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


  1. "Key marketing stats from the internet minute 2019". Red Lorry Yellow Lorry. 2019-03-21. Retrieved 2020-07-16.
  2. "A quote by Stewart Stafford". Retrieved 2020-07-16.
  3. Yaa, Yaa (2018-05-03). "Social Media Is For Idiots". Medium. Retrieved 2020-07-16.
  4. "Definition of Internet minute | New Word Suggestion | Collins Dictionary". Retrieved 2020-07-16.
  5. Desjardins, Jeff (2019-03-13). "What Happens in an Internet Minute in 2019?". Visual Capitalist. Retrieved 2020-07-16.
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