Inclusive Christianity

Inclusive Christianity, also called "Inclusive Theology",[1][2] is an interpretation of the Bible provide by Mohandas Gandhi that one can be simultaneously a Christian, a Muslim, and a Hindu. This has been further elaborated by many authors. Inclusive Christianity[3][4] maintains that God desires and has the power to save individuals irrespective of the tradition in which they are born. Some Christians who hold to Inclusive Theology make a distinction between Christians and believers. These Christians maintain that all Christians are believers, however, not all believers are Christians. In this line of thought, Christians are a believer in Jesus Christ, but not all believers trust in Christ. Inclusive Theology is rooted in a larger growing movement called Interfaith[5] which aims to create unity among various religions.

One should keep in mind that the inclusive interpretation is a minority view. Most Christian priests from the leading denominations like Catholicism, Evangelism, and Protestantism do not subscribe to this inclusive view.

Alternative uses

An alternative use for the term Inclusive Theology[6] has to do with a movement called Feminist Theology which aims to include more women into religious clergy roles that has been historically unavailable to women.

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gollark: I mean, not necessarily.
gollark: Amazing, right?

See also


  1. "What Is Inclusive Christianity and Interfaith Ministry?". Auburn University. Retrieved 28 February 2019.
  2. Dr. Chuck Queen. "The Need for an Inclusive Faith". Retrieved 28 February 2019.
  3. Paula Coppel. "Inclusive Christianity". Retrieved 28 February 2019.
  4. FATHER THOMAS D. WILLIAMS, LC. "Inclusive Christianity". Retrieved 28 February 2019.
  5. "Interfaith". Retrieved 28 February 2019.
  6. Randy L. Maddox. "Toward an Inclusive Theology: The Systematic Implications of the Feminist Critique". Retrieved 28 February 2019.

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