
Humf is a British animated children's television program featuring a "furry thing" called Humf. The show centres on the title character and his daily life with his friends and family. The show, each episode of which is about 7 minutes long, is produced by King Rollo Films and Rubber Duck.[1] It is narrated by Caroline Quentin and it is broadcast on Nick Jr. and Nick Jr. 2 in the UK and Ireland, ABC in Australia, RTÉ in Ireland, TVB in Hong Kong, Knowledge Network and BBC Kids in Canada, Okto in Singapore, Four in New Zealand and CBeebies in some international countries.[2]

GenreChildren's television series
Country of originUnited Kingdom
Running time7 minutes
Production company(s)King Rollo Films
Rubber Duck Entertainment
DistributorEntertainment One
Original networkNick Jr.
Original releaseOctober 3, 2007 (2007-10-03) 
May 20, 2010 (2010-05-20)

Main characters

  • Humf is a purple furry thing and the monster mate of Wallace and Loon. Humf lives in the middle flat with Wallace at the top of him and Loon at the bottom of him.
  • Loon is a pink feathery thing who lives in the flat below Humf. She loves to go out to the park and the supermarket, most of the time with her friends Humf and Wallace, along with her mum. She is the only one of the three friends who doesn't have a dad.
  • Wallace is a green hairy thing who runs around a lot and lives on the very top floor of the 3 story building.


The characters homes

Most episodes will spend some time in one or another of the main characters flats.

The park

Often, episodes will spend some time in a local park which is within walking distance of the flats and involves crossing a road to get there. The park has play equipment as well as a sand pit and green open spaces to run around in.

Typical plot

In general, plots are centred on Humf and his exploration of the world. An example would be when Humf and his friends go to the park and see litter on the floor. They discuss it and then start to pick it up and put it in the bin with increasing vigour. Humf's mum interrupts when he goes to pick up a banana skin and explains that to be safe they should not attempt to pick up all litter as some is yucky.

Other details

The series is aimed at pre-school children and was created by Andrew Brenner, directed by Neil Fitzgibben and produced by Alexi Wheeler.

Episode list

Season 1

  1. Humf's Shadow
  2. Humf Hangs Up The Laundry
  3. Humf Is Hiding
  4. Humf And The Ants
  5. Humf's Friends
  6. Humf Is A Furry Thing
  7. Humf And The Scary Thing
  8. Humf's Special Stick
  9. Humf And The Hole In The Park
  10. Humf And The Balloons
  11. Humf's Special Cup
  12. Humf's Ball
  13. Humf's Favourite Book
  14. Humf Wakes Up Early
  15. Humf's Picnic
  16. Humf And The Tickle Monster
  17. Humf And The Moon
  18. Humf And All The Stars
  19. Uncle Hairy's Band
  20. Humf Goes Fast
  21. Humf's New Word
  22. Humf Gets Lost
  23. Humf Bakes Biscuits
  24. Humf In The Fog
  25. Slow Down Wallace
  26. Humf And The Big Boots
  27. Wallace's Bath
  28. Humf's Painting
  29. Loon's New Handbag
  30. Wallace Pretends Too Much
  31. Loon's Pushchair
  32. Humf Goes Very High
  33. Wallace's Quiet Game
  34. Humf's Red Mittens
  35. Humf Climbs A Mountain
  36. Uncle Hairy's Restaurant
  37. Uncle Hairy's Cinema
  38. Humf And The Fluffy Thing
  39. Mum And Dad's Party
  40. Loon's Ballet Lesson
  41. Humf's Surprise
  42. Humf And The Bed Bugs
  43. Humf And Wallace Fall Down
  44. Humf Changes His Mind
  45. Dad Goes On An Aeroplane
  46. Humf Puts It In The Bin
  47. Humf's Dog
  48. Humf And Loon's Special Treat
  49. Wallace's Favourite Toy
  50. Wallace's Tie
  51. Uncle Hairy's Keys
  52. Sitting Next To Uncle Hairy
  53. Mum's Flower
  54. Fireman Wallace
  55. Loon's Treasure
  56. Loon's Jack In The Box
  57. Humf's Splinter
  58. Wallace Won't Come Home
  59. Wallace's Bubbles
  60. Uncle Hairy's Takeaway
  61. Loon's paddling Pool
  62. Loon's Best Friend
  63. Humf Goes Swimming
  64. Humf's New Name
  65. Humf's Busy Family
  66. Loon's Blackboard
  67. Crispy Cakehead Is Sad
  68. Loon's House
  69. Humf And The Wind
  70. Humf is Very Big
  71. Humf's Mum's Phone
  72. Everybody Copies Uncle Hairy
  73. Humf's Dad Stays in Bed
  74. Flora Comes to Babysit
  75. Loon Goes Far Away
  76. Loon Gets Stuck
  77. Uncle Hairy's Magic
  78. Wallace Gets Very Cross
gollark: Kristupidmail!
gollark: Turns out that it is actually possible to vertically align stuff with CSS, with just *ten minutes* of frustration!
gollark: Impossible.
gollark: It's part of a conspiracy by the lizards to make us think that the dolphins are in charge of the icy parts of the earth.
gollark: Canada is indeed fake.


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