
Hierophylakes, also known as hierodidaskaloi, hieronomoi, or hierophantai,[1] were priests for the Eumolpidae[2] involved in performing acts of sacrifice.[3]

Pausanias stated that new hierophantai were elected every quadrennial, and so individuals did not maintain an existence within this role for their life-time. He also stated that they might marry if they wished to do so known as, lambanein gynaika.[2]

See also


  1. Dionysius of Halicarnassus (translated by Earnest Cary) – The Roman Antiquities Aeterna Press 30 May 2015 [Retrieved 2015-07-13]
  2. W.S. Bubelis ( edited by R. Laurence, A. Stromberg) (2012). Inheritance, Priesthoods, and Succession in Classical Athens:the Hierophantai of the Eumolpidai (in) Families in the Greco-Roman World. A&C Black. ISBN 1-4411-3927-3. Retrieved 2015-07-13.
  3. Stéphanie Paul (edited by Marietta Horster, Anja Klöckner) – Cities and Priests: Cult Personnel in Asia Minor and the Aegean Islands from the Hellenistic to the Imperial Period Volume 64 of Religionsgeschichtliche Versuche und Vorarbeiten, Walter de Gruyter 1 Jan 2014, 380 pages, ISBN 3-11-031848-2 [Retrieved 2015-07-13]

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