Harald Holz

Harald Holz (born 14 May 1930, in Freiburg im Breisgau) is a German philosopher, logician, mathematician (autodidact), poet and novelist.


Holz studied philosophy from 1953 to 1957 in Pullach im Isartal/Germany (lic. phil. schol.) and from 1959 until 1961 Catholic Theology at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt/Germany (bac. theol.). He continued his study of philosophy at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms University Bonn/Germany. There he received his research doctorate in 1964 with Gottfried Martin with the thesis Transcendental philosophy and metaphysics.[1]

Since 1964 he was Assistant Professor at the Institute of Philosophy at Ruhr University Bochum/Germany. In 1969 he published his Second Book with the university entitled Speculation and Facticity. On middle-aged and late Schelling's concept of freedom.[2] Since 1971 he was Research Associate and Professor with Ruhr University Bochum. Since 1976 he was Chair Professor and Director of the Institute of Fundamental Philosophical-Theological Questions at the Westfalian Wilhelm University Münster/Germany. In 1979 and in 1983 he was visiting scholar at George Washington University in Washington D.C. Further he was director, together with E. Wolf-Gazo, implementing the first Inter-national Congress on the Philosophy of A. North Whitehead 1981 at the University of Bonn,[3] then director of the congress: ‘Kant in the Hispanidad’, together with J. E. Dotti and H. Radermacher 1983 at the university of Cologne,[4] and further director, together with H. Radermacher and A. Engstler, of the congress: ‘The liberation of Hispano-America, Philosophical contexts’ 1984 at the university at Münster/Westfalia.[5]


As a systematic basic concept he replaces substance metaphysics totally by relation subsistence: Relationality is no longer an addition to existing concepts, but its reasoning and in the first place constitutes terminativity.[6]

gollark: i.e. imagine you have some documents which say "bee" lots, and some which say "apio" lots, and you want to look up ones with "apio" and "bee", *without* just retrieving all the documents for each and computing the intersection.
gollark: So I know approximately how inverted index things work, but HOW the APIO FORM do you efficiently do intersectiony queries on them?
gollark: Does anyone know how I can efficiently search engine?
gollark: HTML rendering.
gollark: I don't believe any existing ones do it.


  1. Harald Holz, Transcendental philosophy and metaphysics, Mainz: Grünewald Press.
  2. Harald Holz, Speculation and Facticity. On middle-aged and late Schelling's concept of freedom, Bonn: Bouvier Press.
  3. Cf. 'information philosophie' (2010)1:45–51.
  4. Cf. e.g. M. Caimi, in: Kantstudien 82 (1991) 224 – 227.
  5. Information: Fritz Thyssen Stiftung, Cologne/Germany.
  6. Harald Holz, Metaphysische Untersuchungen, Bern, Frankfurt et al., Peter Lang, 187.

Further reading

  • A. Engstler, H.-D. Klein (Hg.), Perspektiven und Probleme systematischer Philosophie. Harald Holz zum 65. Geburtstag, Fft/M u.ö. (P. Lang) 1996.
  • Porträt: Harald Holz wird 70, in: Wiener Jahrbuch für Philosophie XXXII (1999), 285-292.
  • Xavier Tilliette, Rezension: Spekulation und Faktizität, Zum Freiheitsbegriff des mittleren und späten Schelling, Bonn (Bouvier) 1970, in: Archives de Philosophie 34 (1971) 314 – 316.
  • Fernando Inciarte, Rezension: Thomas von Aquin und die Philosophie, Ihr Verhältnis zur thomasischen Theologie in kritischer Sicht, Paderborn/München (Schöningh) 1975, in: Theologische Revue 74 (2/1978). 3 pp.
  • Friedrich Wallner, Rezension: System der Transzendentalphilosophie im Grundriß, 2 Bde. Freiburg/München (Alber) 1977, in: Philos. Literaturanzeiger 34 (1/1983) 72 -80, bes.: 78 – 80.
  • Hans-Dieter Klein, Rezension: System der Transzendentalphilosophie im Grundriß, 2 Bde. Freiburg/München (Alber) 1977, in: Wiener Jahrb. f. Philosophie XIII (1985) 218 – 221.
  • Hans-Dieter Klein, Rezension: Metaphysische Untersuchungen, Meditationen zu einer Realphilosophie, Bern u. a. (Lang) 1997, in: Wiener Jahrb. f. Philosophie XXI (1998) 204 – 206.
  • Thomas Weiß, Rezension: Geist in Geschichte, Idealismus-Studien, Würzburg (Königshausen & Neumann) 2 Halb-Bde., in: prima philosophia 8 (1995) 448 – 450.
  • Heinrich Euler, Rezension: Der zerrissene Adler, Eine deutsche Geschichtsphilosophie, Münster (Lit) 1995, in: Mitteilungen der Humboldt-Gesellschaft (Mannheim), 34 (Oktober/1999) 168 – 171.
  • Gregor Paul, Rezension: Ost und West als Frage strukturologischer Hermeneutik: Zur Frage einer 'Brücke' zwischen abendländisch-europäischer und chinesischer Philosophie; East and West as Theme of a Structurological Hermeneutics: The Question of a 'Bridge' between Occidental-European and Chinese Philosophy, Essen (Die Blaue Eule), 1998, in: Deutsche China-Gesellschaft – Mitteilungsblatt 42 (2/1999) 58 – 60.
  • Wolfram Schommers, Rezension: Kosmische Polarität und Transformation. Traktat über kosmologische Logik und Erkenntnistheorie nebst kritisch-alternativen Reflexionen zur sog. 'Supergravitation', Münster (Lit) 2001, in: Mens agitat molem, Mitteilungen der Humboldt-Gesellschaft (Mannheim), hrsg. v. D. Haberland, 36 (2003) 190 – 191.
  • Karen Gloy, Die Kosmologie von Harald Holz, in: Wiener Jahrb. f. Philosophie XXXVII (2006), 293 – 305.
  • Alexander Ph. Grundorath, Transzendentale Kosmologie – Harald Holz’ Beiträge zum Entwurf einer alternativen Idee von Humanexistenz, Universität Wien 2010, 244 pp. (doctoral thesis).
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