Hans Müller-Einigen

Hans Müller(-Einigen) (born 25 October 1882 in Brünn, Austria-Hungary; died 8 March 1950 in Einigen) was a German language writer, author of screenplays and director. As his proper name, Hans Müller, was quite common, he added the name of the Swiss village of Einigen to it.

He is known for The White Horse Inn (Im weißen Rößl, 1930), written together with Robert Gilbert and Erik Charell, set to music by Ralph Benatzky. Earlier works were the librettos for Erich Wolfgang Korngold operas Violanta (1916) and Das Wunder der Heliane (1927).

Müller-Einigen went to Hollywood in the 1920s where several films were made from his scripts. Since 1930 he lived in Einigen.

His brother was the author and critic Ernst Lothar (real name: Ernst Lothar Müller).

Hans Müller was attacked in Karl Kraus' play The Last Days of Mankind and in his journal Die Fackel (de) (The Torch).




  • Die lockende Geige, 1904
  • Der Garten des Lebens, 1904
  • Die Rosenlaute, 1909


  • Das Wunder des Beatus, 1910
  • Die Sterne, 1919 – made into the Ernst Lubitsch 1923 silent film Die Flamme
  • Der Vampir oder die Gejagten, 1923
  • Der Helfer Gottes, 1947


Screen plays


  • Geliebte Erde, 1938
  • Jugend in Wien, 1945
gollark: They seem to have introduced a lot of code for this extremely insane use case.
gollark: I suppose it's probably just good practice generally.
gollark: They're *fixing* this? *Why* are they fixing this?
gollark: ```bashVID="$1"FILENAME="$(basename "$VID")"TITLE="${FILENAME%.*}"VIDCONF="-vf scale=320:-1 -r 12"VP9X="-c:v libvpx-vp9 -b:v 76k"ffmpeg -i "$VID" $VIDCONF $VP9X -pass 1 -an -f webm -y /dev/null && \ffmpeg -i "$VID" $VIDCONF $VP9X -pass 2 -ac 1 -c:a libopus -b:a 18k -cpu-used 1 -metadata title="$TITLE" -y output.webm```THIS is how you should encode your entire video library.
gollark: Specifically ones I can actually obtain in the UK.

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