Publishing houses in the Soviet Union

Publishing houses in the Soviet Union, were a series of publishing enterprises which existed in the Soviet Union.


On August 8, 1930 the Sovnarkom of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR) established the state publishing monopoly, OGIZ (ОГИЗ, Объединение государственных книжно-журнальных издательств, Union of the State Book and Magazine Publishers), subordinated to Sovnarkom. At its core was the former Gosizdat. Other union republics followed the same pattern.

During the era of centralization the names of the most publishers contained the acronym "гиз" ("giz") standing for "государственное издательство" (gosudarstvennoye izdatelstvo, i.e., "State Publisher", S.P.).


Early publishers

As of January 1, 1930 there were 995 publishers in the RSFSR alone.[1]

  • «Новая Москва» (New Moscow)
  • «Долой неграмотность» (Down with illiteracy)
  • «Прибой»

Period of centralization

  • Gosizdat (Госиздат) (State Publisher)
  • «Земля и фабрика» (Land and Factory)
  • «Московский рабочий» (The Moscow Worker)
  • «Молодая гвардия» (The Young Guard)
  • «Советская энциклопедия» (Great Soviet Encyclopedia)
  • «Работник просвещения» (The Worker for Enlightenment)
  • Госмедиздат
  • Госюриздат
  • Госсельхозиздат (State Agriculture Publishing House)
  • Госхимиздат
  • «Безбожник» (The Atheist)
  • «Academia»
  • «Федерация» (Federation)
  • «Недра» (Nedra)
  • Центроиздат,
  • Издательство АН СССР (Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR)
  • Издательство Коммунистической академии (Publishing House of the Communist Academy)
  • Издательство НКВД (Publishing House of the NKVD)
  • Издательство Осоавиахима
  • OGIZ
    • Detgiz (Детгиз) - stands for "State Publishing House for children's literature"
    • Sotsekgiz (Соцэкгиз, Изд-во социально-экономической литературы, Publisher for Social-Economic Literature) -
      • Renamed as Государственное издательство экономической литературы, S.P. for Economic Literature
    • Uchpedgiz (Учпедгиз) - stands for "S.P. for student's and pedagogical literature"
    • Масспартгиз
    • Gostekhizdat Гостехиздат
    • Сельколхозгиз
    • Медиздат
    • Государственное издательство художественной литературы - ГИХЛ (State Publishing House for literary works)
    • Юндетиздат
    • Военгиз
    • Музгиз
    • Юриздат
    • Изогиз
    • Словарно-энциклопедическое издательство (Lexicographic-Encyclopedic Publishing House)
    • Гострансиздат
    • Снабкоопгиз
    • Физкультура и туризм (Physical Culture and Tourism)
  • Издательство партийной литературы (Партиздат) (Publishing House for Party Literature)
    • Renamed into Госполитиздат
  • Nauka (Наука) - for science
  • RIA Novosti (РИА Новости) - for news
  • Mir Publishers (Издательство "Мир") - for textbooks
  • Progress Publishers (Издательство "Прогресс")
  • Spin-offs of Gostekhizdat
    • Государственное научно-техническое издательство Наркомтяжпрома (ГНТИ НКТП), later decentralized into the Объединение научно-технических издательств ONTI (ОНТИ) that included:
    • Гизлегпром
    • Гослестехиздат

Perestroika publishers

  • Книжная возврата (RKP)

List of printing houses

  • «Полиграфкнига»
  • «Полиграф»
gollark: You should probably just do more practice of it.
gollark: `pacman` can also search repos just fine.
gollark: I did actually run LDAP (well, openLDAP slapd) for a bit for single sign-on purposes, but dropped it because the only web-based software for managing it was written in PHP, and it was old and weirdly designed.
gollark: Yes, LDAP is pretty much the standard for user database things.
gollark: That's probably fine maybe. You should try to have a reset option if it makes sense.


  1. Creation of the Centralized System of Book Printing in the USSR Archived 2013-04-17 at, from "The History of the Book, a Textbook for Higher Educational Institutions" ("История книги: Учебник для вузов" / Под ред. Говорова А.А., Куприяновой Т.Г.), Moscow, Svetoton (Светотон), 2001, ISBN 5-7419-0040-2 (in Russian)

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