Genplan Institute of Moscow

The Moscow General Planning Research and Project Institute, State Unitary Enterprise (Genplan Institute of Moscow) includes about 30 scientific, research, engineering and administrative divisions. The Institute has five branch divisions: social and economic, ecological, architectural and planning, methodology of urban planning engineering, division of transport infrastructure, information system and automatization.

Genplan Institute of Moscow
Native name
альтернативное1: Moscow General Planning Research and Project Institute, State Unitary Enterprise
Founded13 June 1951 
Key people
Nigmatulina Karima


In 1918, several architectural workshops led by known architects A V. Shchusev and I.V. Zholtovsky were created under the Moscow Council. In 1932, the Architectural and planning committee (Arch-plan) has been created under Presidium of the Executive Committee of the City and Moscow Council. Afterwards, the Planning Department of Moscow Council was formed in 1933, as well as of 11 planning workshops.

In 1941, the Architectural and planning Department of Moscow Council (AGTU) has been formed. Ten years later, the Decree of Council of Ministers of the USSR “on enlargement of town-planning organizations and liquidation of small design offices” has been adopted on April 6, 1951. Similar documents were prepared by Moscow City Executive Committee on May 10, 1951, as well as the Department for Architecture affairs – on May 17, 1951.

As a result in June, 1951 the Research and Project Institute of General Planning for the city of Moscow (Genplan Institute of Moscow) was created. The ten year reconstruction plan of Moscow serve as the basis for working out the various variants of siting, carrying out their comparative technical and economic analysis.

On February 1, 1952 the Government of the USSR approved the 1951-1960 Master plan. In the town-planning relation the plan assumed to develop the planning structure of the city, mapped out by the 1935 Master plan adjusted for actuals of the city development. Its design proposals considered the prepared designs of layout of certain areas and results of Moscow reconstruction works. The 1952 Master plan, as well as the previous one, pointed out the necessity to form a protective green zone near the borders of the capital. The idea of construction of a high-class encircling highway along the periphery of the city became absolutely new.

Main activities

- Execution of preliminary designs, design, research works, and works connected with preparation of bills, regulations and standards;

- Creation of databases and information systems;

- Publishing activity;

- Performance of functions of the territorial design organization in the field of town-planning of Moscow city according to “Model regulations for a base territorial design organization in the field of construction, architecture and town-planning of a member of the Russian Federation” (Decision of the Board of State Construction Committee of Russia of December 24, 1997),

- Performance of function of the territorial design organization in the field of town-planning in the territories of administrative districts of Moscow Region having the common border with Moscow city;

- Principal documentation to be developed documents of territorial planning and materials for their substantiation, including Moscow City Master Plan, schemes of territorial planning of the Russian Federation, members of the Russian Federation, municipal districts, master plans of the town districts, settlements, as well as the urban agglomerations;

- projects of rules of land use and development;

- territorial schemes;

- territory layout and land surveying designs;

- site plans;

- information systems of documentary data on town-planning activity, providing their functioning and proper maintenance;

- monitoring system of realization of Moscow City Master Plan and performance of measures of the Plan of realization of Moscow City Master Plan;

- proposals for functional and urban, architectural- spatial, and landscape structure of the city;

- target programs and branch-wise schemes of development and placement of social infrastructure facilities (education, public health, culture, social protection, physical culture and sport, consumer market and services, wholesale trade, tourism, hotel economy and ritual services, leisure centres for family and youth, etc.) of Moscow city and members of the Russian Federation;

- branch-wise schemes of transport and engineering development of territories: complex transport schemes of cities; schemes of development of high-speed off-street transport (including underground); surface passenger transport; network of streets; schemes of development of units of water and fuel-energy complexes;

- projects of transport service and projects of separate transport facilities, including: projects of organization of traffic for the period of commissioning of project and for construction period; projects of streets, roads, traffic interchanges and other structures;

- ecological support of all kinds of design documentation, dendrological survey of the territory;

- working out of the section “Environmental protection” for the project of organization of building site;

- projects of environmental impact assessment and working out of measures for design documentation;

- projects of beautification, landscape design and ecological rehabilitation for all categories of green areas;

- designs of compensatory gardening;

- schemes of development and preservation of especially protected natural areas;

- designs of layout of especially protected natural areas and green areas;

- drafts of standard legal acts of the Russian Federation, Moscow city, members of the Russian Federation, municipalities in the field of town-planning and adjacent activities;

- historical-architectural and historical-town-planning research, visual landscape analysis, research and design works for preservation and development of historical and town-planning environment, detection of cultural heritage objects;

- research works on problems of spatial development of Moscow in reconciliation with Moscow Region, drafts of normative and methodological documents in the field of town-planning activity for their subsequent approval; documentation on strategic planning of social and economic development of Moscow, social and economic preconditions of development of territories, economic substantiations and assessment of efficiency of designs;

- forecasts of social and economic development of the city, including social demographic development, forecasts of population settlement and jobs placement;

- proposals under federal, inter-regional, city programs for development of industry, science and other activities, including preparation of business plans and assessment of pulling power of projects and programs;

- projects of documents establishing modes of protection of especially protected areas, modes of use of territories in areas with special conditions, including: especially protected natural areas; territories of cultural heritage objects and zones of their protection; sanitary-protective zones, water security zones;

- the marking-out drawings-certificates of building lines, borders of technical zones of engineering communications, borders of right of way for railways, borders of territories and zones of protection of cultural heritage objects, borders of natural and green territories, borders of especially protected natural territories, water protection and coastal zones, coastal strips of water bodies, borders of sanitary-protective zones, zones of protection of sources of drinking water supply, etc. in scales 1:2000, 1:500 in Moscow system of coordinates;

- preliminary proposals on layout and development of territories, complex evaluation of proposals on construction (reconstruction, upkeep of facilities), preparation of town-planning requirements and restrictions of use of territory;

- architectural and town-planning support of designing, including performance of measures influencing the safety of construction process and a life of residents;

- design estimates for objects of capital construction and reconstruction;

- designs of buildings and structures of I and II levels of responsibility according to State standard;

- sections concerning technical measures of civil defense and emergency situation;

- full package of measures for the customer: from conceptual developments and design engineering to approval and support of design documentation and public hearings under the project.

State Unitary Enterprise “Research and Project Institute of Moscow City Master Plan” can perform functions of customer-developer, organizations of general designer and contractor, carry out geodesic and cartographic activity, render services in the field of protection of State secret, expert and consulting services for individuals and legal entities in respect of all kinds of town-planning and design activity.


  • Ustinov Alexander (1951-1953)
  • Evstratov Nikolay (1953-1967)
  • Misharin Sergey (1967-1983)
  • Ivanov Valentin (1983-1988)
  • Gorbanev Rostislav (1988-1998)
  • Korotaev Vladimir (1998-2004)
  • Tkachenko Sergey (2004-2011)
  • Mavlyutov Ernst (2011-2013)
  • Nigmatulina Karima (2013-)
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