Genmou (Chinese 根牟) was a vassal state during the Zhou Dynasty in China. It was created by the Eastern Barbarians; its capital was south of Mousing, Qishui. (沂水县南之牟乡) In 600 BC, it was conquered by Lu.
- Chunqiu-Duke Xuan-Year Nine 取根牟;Chunqiu-Duke Xuan-Year Nine
- Zuo zhuan-Duke Zhao-Year Eight 大搜于红,自根牟到圩卫,革车千乘
- Duzhu 根牟,东夷国也,今琅邪阳都县有牟乡
- Lushi:“根牟,曹姓,子爵。鲁宣公取之。杜预谓琅邪阳都东南之牟乡城。”
- Sui Book 安丘下云,“开皇十六年置,曰牟山。大业初,改名。”
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