Gedolim pictures

Gedolim pictures are photos or sketches of (or attributed to) famous rabbis, known as gedolim (Hebrew for "great people")[1], who are revered and admired by Jews.

It is a cultural phenomenon found largely in the Orthodox and Haredi Jewish communities. Gedolim pictures are pictures of famous rabbis and other prominent Jews which are circulated amongst the Jewish communities. Quite frequently, these pictures are posted on the walls of offices, businesses, houses, and schools where Jews are present.

Collecting Gedolim pictures has developed into a hobby for many Jewish children around the world; it is similar to collecting sports cards.[2]

Tsemach Glenn and Mattis Goldberg are renowned in the Jewish community for their photography of Gedolim.[3][4] Elazar Kalman Tiefenbrun (aka E.K. Tiefenbrun), a Chabad painter, is renowned for his numerous paintings of Gedolim, specifically, but not exclusively, of Lubavitcher Rebbes.[5]

Examples of Gedolim pictures

Many of these pictures are the most commonly used pictures of the rabbis in them.

gollark: Ah yes, "free" money which is just your taxes.
gollark: There are some being tested, at least, but the results have not been very good.
gollark: Governments do tend to put pressure on companies to do this sort of thing.
gollark: Because the WHO is always right about things!
gollark: Iceland seems pretty neat as a country.

See also

  • Category:Images of Haredi rabbis
  • Category:Images of Hasidic rebbes


  1. "גדולים - Translation into English - examples Hebrew". Retrieved August 3, 2020. אנשים גדולים
  2. "Rebbe Mitzvah Cards 5 Pack". Each pack contains 5 assorted rebbe mitzvah cards. Each card depicts a. ... Collect all 80 in the set, trade them with your friends.
  3. "We Still Have Gedolim…Even Malachim".
  4. "Goldberg, Mattis - Jewish Books - Feldheim Publishers". Retrieved August 3, 2020.
  5. "Elazar Kalman Tiefenbrun, 88, Chassidic Artist".
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