Ganjigatte is a village in Holalkere tehsil, Chitradurga district of the Indian state of Karnataka.
Ganjigatte |
It is one of 202 villages in Holalkere Block. Nearby villages are Udogere to east, Garahalli in the west, Muthugadur in the south and Ganjigatte Lambani Hatte in north west. The nearest railway station is Sasalu, 2.5 km away. Bus service is available 1-2 km from village,
According to Census 2011 the population is about 1245 persons living in around 250 households.
The coeducational village school enrolls primary and upper primary students. It opened in 1952. The Head Master Kuberappa. Instruction is in Kannada and English.
gollark: Notably, English words do not actually mean the same thing as the roots might imply, in cases where there even are obvious ones.
gollark: Just because your language theoretically has words composed of subwords doesn't mean you can ignore the various problems I mentioned (except possibly the grammar one). And "convert the words to semantic expressions" hides a lot of the complexity this would involve.
gollark: I'm pretty sure I've seen diagrams of pronounceable things of some kind, but they're more complex than just permutations of "high tone, low tone" and do not conveniently map to concepts.
gollark: What do you mean "all of the possible forms of a square diagram with two or more sides"? There are infinitely many of those. And how do I just pronounce a diagram without a predetermined mapping?
gollark: Also, I have no idea what an "objective → semantic buffer" is and I think you're underestimating the difficulty of implementing whatever it is.
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