Folk dances of Jharkhand

Folk dances of Jharkhand represent its vibrant culture and tradition. There are various folk dance in the state of Jharkhand which are performed during harvest season, festival and social gatherings. Some folk and tribal dances in Jharkhand are Jhumair, Mardana Jhumair, Janani Jhumair, Domkach, Lahasua, Jhumta, Fagua, Paika, Chhau, and Santali.[1][2] Folk dance of Jharkhand can divided into two categories i.e Sadani and tribal folk dance.[3]

Sadani folk dance

Folk dance performed by various community of Sadan in harvest season, marriage and festival.


Jhumair is popular folk dance of Jharkhand. It performed by Sadan during harvest season and festivals. Musical Instruments used are Mandar, Dhol, Nagara, Dhak, Bansi Shehnai.

Mardani Jhumair

Mardani Jhumair is Nagpuri folk dance performed by men. Men wear ghungroo, hold sword and dance in the circle. Musical instruments used are Nagara, dhak and Shehnai.

Janani Jhumair

Janani Jhumair is Nagpuri folk dance performed by women.


Domkach is a folk dance performed in family of bridegroom during marriage. The lyrics of the song are satirical.


Lahasua is a Nagpuri folk dance performed by both men and women The musical instruments used are Mandar, Dhol and Bansi.


Fagua is a folk dance performed by both men and women during festival of Fagua . The musical instruments used are Mandar, Dhol and Bansi.


Painki or Paika is Nagpuri ceremonial martial dance. It is performed by men. Men wear ghungroo, dance holding sword and shield. Music instruments used are Nagara, Dhak, and Shehnai.

Chhau dance

Chhau dance is a semi-classical Indian dance with martial, tribal and folk tradition. Seraikella Chhau is found in Seraikella district of Jharkhand.

Tribal folk dance

Tribal folk dance performed by a particular tribe which has its own song and rhythm.

Mundari dance

Munda tribe have its own dance which performed during harvest season and festival accompanied by musical Instrument Madal, Nagara and Bansi. Mundari folk dance are Jadur and Jena.[4]

Santali dance

Santal tribe have its own unique dance. They performed it during harvest season and festival accompanied by instruments such as Madal and Nagara.

Kurukh dance

Folk dance of Kurukh tribe are khaddi and dudhiya.[5]


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