Evolution (radio show)
Evolution is a weekly radio show hosted by Markus Schulz on the Sirius XM Radio network. The show began in June 2008 and features two 1 hour continuous mixes. Evolution originally aired exclusively on Sirius Satellite Radio channel Area 38. However, since the merger between Sirius and XM Satellite Radio was finalised, listeners can also find Evolution on XM channel 80.
Evolution is broadcast each Thursday at 8pm Eastern, on Area.
Area is available on Sirus channel 38 and XM channel 80.
gollark: Probably too expensive to buy since nukes are hard.
gollark: Surely it can't be that hard to find a few bears.
gollark: And yet the government ignored me when I asked for the bear arms I am owed by the constitution.
gollark: Insect meat is apparently a thing™ now.
gollark: I'm vegetarian anyway (don't like meat's taste) personally.
External links
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