Esteve Foundation

The Esteve Foundation is a non-profit, internationally focused institution with the primary goal of fostering progress in pharmacotherapy by ways of scientific communication and discussion. The Foundation organizes international symposiums, roundtables, and discussion groups. It also helps disseminate quality scientific research by awarding a prize every two years for the best scientific article published by authors from Spain.[1]


It was endowed in 1983 by the children of Dr. Antoni Esteve to honor their father, a renowned pharmacist, researcher, and entrepreneur, and to promulgate his love and respect for science.[2][3] From the very beginning, the foundation is reaching a growing number of activities: in 2016 a total of 121 activities, including face to face activities and publications.[4]


The Foundation fosters communication among professionals by organizing international symposiums, roundtables, and discussion groups. It also promotes scientific communication in the broadest sense by publishing monographs[1] summarizing the contents of the roundtables, books covering the contributions to the symposia,[5] notebooks [6] focusing on the world of science, and articles in scientific journals,[7][8] reporting agreements reached by the international discussion groups and similar topics. Another special contribution that the Foundation makes to the sharing of scientific knowledge is the book collection “Pharmacotherapy Revisited”.[9] Each of these books recompiles in facsimile thirty-odd articles selected by prestigious scientists to show key developments in different branches of pharmacotherapy.

The Foundation organizes seminars with the aim of strengthening competencies that are often inadequately covered in degree programs at institutions of higher learning.[10][11][12] Thus, these seminars cover topics such as how to elaborate and deliver scientific presentations, whether in Catalan, Spanish, or English; how to structure a research project; how to get started in problem-based learning; how to write a scientific article; or how to prepare a very concise video to promote a scientific project or educational activity. These seminars are mainly held in Spain, but have also been done in other countries in Europe and America. Another activity, which lies halfway between teaching and scientific communication, consists of meetings in which a small group of Spanish researchers are invited to discuss key issues in their field with a renowned international expert.[13]

Last but not least, the Foundation is involved in many collaborative projects with universities, scientific societies, research institutions, or bodies that provide support to research.[14][15][16][17] These collaborations often give rise to scientific publications, and these are reproduced on the Foundation’s website, where it is also possible to consult and download the vast majority of the publications mentioned in this summary and sign up for the various seminars and other activities.

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  1. Reidenberg MM, Erill S. Preface. In: Drug-protein binding. New York: Praeger, 1986; p. 11.
  2. Corbella i Corbella J. Antoni Esteve i Subirana, semblança biogràfica.1ª ed. Barcelona: Institut d’Estudis Catalans. Secció de Ciències; 2006
  3. Esteve i Subirana A. Memòria autobiogràfica; 1973.
  4. Fundació Dr. Antoni Esteve. Anuario 2016. Barcelona: Fundació Dr. Antoni Esteve; 2017.
  5. Plaa GL, du Souich, Erill S. About the Esteve Foundation. In: Interactions between drugs and chemicals in industrial societies. Amsterdam: Excerpta Medica, 1987; p. 5.
  6. Bruguera M. Pròleg. In: Eponímia Mèdica Catalana (II). Guardiola E, Baños J E. Quaderns de la Fundació Dr. Antoni Esteve. Nº 22. Barcelona: Prous Science, 2004; p. 11-3.
  7. Marcovitch H, Barbour V, Borrell C, et al. Conflict of Interest in Science Communication: More than a Financial Issue: Report from Esteve Foundation Discussion Group, April 2009. Croatian Medical Journal, 2010; 51(1):7-15. doi:10.3325/cmj.2010.51.7.
  8. Marusic A, Malicki M, von Elm E et al. Editorial research and the publication process in biomedicine and health: Report from the Esteve Foundation Discussion Group, December 2012. Biochemia Medica, 2014; 24(2):211-6.
  9. Reidenberg MM. The origins and shaping of modern anti-infective therapy. Pharmacotherapy Revisited, Nº 8. Barcelona: Fundació Dr. Antoni Esteve, 2013.
  10. Rosich L, Bosch F, Baños J E. Del escritorio a la tarima: una experiencia de formación en competencias transversales dentro de la licenciatura en biología. Barcelona: Educación Médica, 2008; 11(1):37-41. ISSN 1575-1813 doi:10.4321/s1575-18132008000100007
  11. García-Martín L, Serés E, Torrens RM, Branda LA, Bosch F. Evaluación de un curso itinerante sobre Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas a través de dos encuestas. Barcelona: Educación Médica, 2014; 17(3):151-60.
  12. "Morales P, García L, Bosch F. Dos décadas de actividades puente entre la farmacología, la epidemiología y la salud pública en España. Gac Sanit. 2015;29(3):224-7". Archived from the original on 2018-01-01. Retrieved 2017-06-23.
  13. Baños JE and Meet the expert group, Esteve Foundation 2016. At the crossroads: teaching pharmacology in Spain. Act Farmacol Terapeut. 2017; 15(1):50-2.
  14. Reidenberg MM. Essential drugs and the WHO Model List: Addressing new issues. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 1996; 58:251-257..
  15. Davó MC, Vives-Cases C, García-Benavides F, Álvarez-Dardet C, Segura-Benedicto A, Icart T, Astasio P, Gil A, Ortiz MR, García A, Ronda E, Bosch F. Competencias y contenidos comunes de salud pública en los programas universitarios de grado. Gaceta Sanitaria, 2011; 25(6):525-34.
  16. TERMCAT i Fundació Dr. Antoni Esteve. Diccionari de recerca clínica de medicaments. Diccionari en línia. Barcelona: TERMCAT, Centre de Terminologia, 2012.
  17. Serés E, Bosch F. Cómo empezó Los Misterios del Sistema Inmunitario y hasta donde hemos llegado. Inmunología, 2015; 34(2):40-2.
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