Esakia space

In mathematics, Esakia spaces are special ordered topological spaces introduced and studied by Leo Esakia in 1974.[1] Esakia spaces play a fundamental role in the study of Heyting algebras, primarily by virtue of the Esakia duality—the dual equivalence between the category of Heyting algebras and the category of Esakia spaces.


For a partially ordered set (X,) and for x X, let x = {y X : y x} and let x = {y X : x y} . Also, for A X, let A = {y X : y x for some x A} and A = {y X : y x for some x A} .

An Esakia space is a Priestley space (X,τ,) such that for each clopen subset C of the topological space (X,τ), the set C is also clopen.

Equivalent definitions

There are several equivalent ways to define Esakia spaces.

Theorem:[2] Given that (X,τ) is a Stone space, the following conditions are equivalent:

(i) (X,τ,) is an Esakia space.
(ii) x is closed for each x X and C is clopen for each clopen C X.
(iii) x is closed for each x X and cl(A) = cl(A) for each A X (where cl denotes the closure in X).
(iv) x is closed for each x X, the least closed set containing an up-set is an up-set, and the least up-set containing a closed set is closed.

Esakia morphisms

Let (X,) and (Y,) be partially ordered sets and let f : X Y be an order-preserving map. The map f is a bounded morphism (also known as p-morphism) if for each x X and y Y, if f(x) y, then there exists z X such that x z and f(z) = y.

Theorem:[3] The following conditions are equivalent:

(1) f is a bounded morphism.
(2) f(x) = f(x) for each x X.
(3) f1(y) = f1(y) for each y Y.

Let (X, τ, ) and (Y, τ, ) be Esakia spaces and let f : X Y be a map. The map f is called an Esakia morphism if f is a continuous bounded morphism.


  1. Esakia (1974)
  2. Esakia (1974), Esakia (1985).
  3. Esakia (1974), Esakia (1985).
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gollark: Also, give me admin powers or else.
gollark: Of course not.
gollark: SomemetrostationbeginningwithC.
gollark: *yay*


  • Esakia, L. (1974). Topological Kripke models. Soviet Math. Dokl., 15 147–151.
  • Esakia, L. (1985). Heyting Algebras I. Duality Theory (Russian). Metsniereba, Tbilisi.
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